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The Darkness Ahead: Where The Ukraine War Is Headed
  • Look at the effects of cutting off oil from Germany after the US blew up Nordstrom 2. Material conditions, everything impacted due to huge energy cost increase as they import LNG from the US

    Things have a tendency to feed back, impacts cause further impacts and I think Marx would say this is a dialectical materialism function of history.

    What's great about it is we have a chance to win. Organize Unionize Strike and Fight.

  • The Darkness Ahead: Where The Ukraine War Is Headed
  • I agree. the de-dollarization process is going to take years though is what Ben Norton is speculating. At any rate the implosion is happening realtime around us every day. Capitalism has an expiration date that we seem to be rapidly approaching and the violence will most certainly intensify...

  • so Trump is saying ban communists socialist from entering and we need to do something about the ones already here

    This isn't just the new McCarthyism this is what Nazis did to the communists in Germany. Hope everyone understands what this means cause shit is gonna get real wild

    the rightwing attack on social security and libraries

    Just had an epiphany about why the right hates social security (and libraries as well). It's basic Marxist materialism.

    Capitalism needs to expand. So if there is any market they will fill it, and even if there isn't a market they will invent it. The problem is when you have state run services that aren't profit driven, then capitalists can't compete. They can't even enter that market space. For every one dollar in Social Security the administration overhead is 1 cent. Imagine if Amazon had a 1cent on the dollar overhead and margin, everything would be insanely cheap. And no billionaire owners.

    Capitalists cant compete with state run social services so they are hell bent on destroying them. It's so obvious and points out the inherent inefficiency of capitalism!

    Reddit users having a meltdown over discovering the creators of are comrades
  • Western propaganda is really well funded. Unfortunately lots of well meant left leaning folks are caught up in it and are never exposed to facts that don't fit the narrative.

    During the first gulf war where the US blew the shit out of retreating Iraqi forces, only 1 in 20 Americans opposed the war. I was against it and protested, did civil disobedience etc, and got a ton of hate from my fellow 'patriotic' Americans.

    Same during gulf war two. I knew there were no WMDs because of independent media interviews with Hanz von Sponich (sp?) who was a weapons inspector there etc. Everyone called me a traitor and Saddam apologist for opposing that war. 20 years later are there any mea culpas? Anybody apologize to the antiwar left?

    It's the same thing with Ukraine. And China. And the war machine rolls on...

  • Should We Make Mosquitoes Extinct?
  • I live in a place where the mosquitoes are so bad I can't go outside at night. Have a mosquito net over the bed. Hate them so much that yeah I would snap fingers and delete that genetic code from the pool in an instant..

  • posting 'tankie' is the new 'woke' slur on a lemmy instance..
  • At least nobody is actually deleting your comments. When I posted the original thing to about how the word 'tankie' is used to stop all discourse, and then responded with many points, they deleted everything. As in poof no dialogue at all. At least we are all reading your words and responding. The downvotes don't mean anything other than there is disagreement with the conclusions of the argument is all. I say keep talking! I will upvote all your stuff. It is all about dialogue.

  • posting 'tankie' is the new 'woke' slur on a lemmy instance..
  • There's a really great graphic novel called 'Berlin' that goes into how the Nazis came to be, how the communists were the ones that organized worker strikes to stop railroads to death camps etc. I don't think our meme warfare on the net will change anything but if your looking for a fun read checkit. Is there anything you would recommend for me? I probably I'll read it. I'm a reader.

  • posting 'tankie' is the new 'woke' slur on a lemmy instance..
  • Fantastic diatribe. Instructive and not condescending at all. If those people who insist on calling us 'tankies' for understanding this and calling for actual global socialist revolution would take the time to understand why we are where we are politically maybe they would join us.

  • posting 'tankie' is the new 'woke' slur on a lemmy instance..

    On I posted a comment on how liberals use 'tankie' as an invective to shut down dialogue and received tons of hateful replies. I tried to respond in a rational way to each. Someone's said 'get educated' I responded 'Im reading Norman Finkelstein's I'll burn that bridge when I get there' and tried to keep it civil.

    They deleted every comment I made and banned me. Proving my point, they just want to shut down dialogue. Freedom of speech doesn't existing in those 'totalitarian' countries right? But in our 'enlightened' western countries we just delete you.

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