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If USA wants a deal with Russia, I only wonder what can they offer that Europe cannot. They have bigger energy market that's one thing. But USA has it's own resources, will they want to buy oil and gas from Russia in big quantities? They also can't make Russia too strong if they for example want to give them some high tech. Cause Russia will always (?) have better relationship with China than with US (will they?) and if there is 3WW, in current world I think we all agree on the fact that Russia pairs with China against NATO. What else can they offer? I guess keeping supplying Ukraine with military equipment is also some kind of lever. US could just hide this fact from the public. There is also a matter of sanctions but how big of an impact do they have on Russia in reality?
And how does China fits in this?
If USA wants a deal with Russia, I only wonder what can they offer that Europe cannot. They have bigger energy market that's one thing. But USA has it's own resources, will they want to buy oil and gas from Russia in big quantities? They also can't make Russia too strong if they for example want to give them some high tech. Cause Russia will always(?) have better relationship with China than with US (will they?) and fighting with both would be difficult. What else can they offer? I guess keeping supplying Ukraine with military equipment is also some kind of lever. US could just hide this fact from the public.
And how does China fits in this?
If USA wants a deal with Russia, I only wonder what can they offer that Europe cannot. They have bigger energy market that's one thing. But USA has it's own resources, will they want to buy oil and gas from Russia in big quantities? They also can't make Russia too strong if they for example want to give them some high tech and chips. Cause Russia will always(?) have better relationship with China than with US (will they?) and fighting with both would be difficult. What else can they offer? I guess keeping supplying Ukraine with military equipment is also some kind of lever. US could just hide this fact from the public.
And how does China fits in this?
Whats the problem with creating one message and using the APIs for posting it on all social medai? With optional formatting per platform?
Strange that Spain and Norway don't have its own instance. Big countries
I mean yeah, doesnt matter. The point is people shared alternatives to big tech just like folks who are not in the power right now. Cause apparently x is musk's and it looks like the consensus is that rest of big tech is siding with Trump for profit
It's crazy how the wind changed. Does anyone remeber the almost exact same thing 4 years ago, when people on the right side of political spectrum shared alternatives to big tech from their point ov view? GAB.COM, PARLER, BRAVE, DUCKDUCKGO etc
That's a lot of money.
Yeah, I edited the answer forgot about case when user wants to vote on many comments, check it out now and see if your questions still hold.
It was probably suggested before, but the topic is not raised too often so here goes the solution:
- We introduce two types of threads - normal and "controversial/heated/political" (probably there is a better name)
Normal type is for "technical" discussions, where the best answer is accepted as best by some very large percentage of people, lest say 90-99%. The treshold could be a matter of discussion, but you get the idea. So that would be questions like "How to fix dead radiator in PC", "Whats best way to do this or that"
Controversial is for discussion where there is potentially lot of disagreement, but also where there could be just some disagreement, but we want to hear other points of view. So all of the political things, questions about genders, etc, everythign that creates heated conversation. Probably could also be used for humourous topics.
The thread type is set while opening a thread, but it can be changed any time during the discussion by forum moderator
- We leave normal type discussion as they are on reddit/lemmy whatever. For controversial first when user enters the thread, all of the comments are sorted in random order. All of the comments vote scores are hidden. Now user casts votes in "one go". Only until they finish casting votes, other votes are visible for them. Changing already casted votes on these threads is NOT POSSIBLE. They unfortunately cant vote on new comments which were added after they voted. THey are only allowed to vote once. TBH users dont usually come back to threads after they visited them once so its not like we make some common behaviour impossible
This way we eliminate sheep behaviour and demand making their own decision by user. And we force user to be responsible for making a decision. Someone might argue that we sometimes change mind, but it doesnt matter, cause the number of times we change minds is really tiny and the gained changed behaviour is far more valuable. After everything is visible for user they can now sort by most popular comments which is now available.
That should be it. We also might introduce thread freezing if necessary.
What do you think? And also, since lemmy is open source, do you think there is a change that some bigger instance migght create a fork that introduces some of these changes as an experiment?
TLDR from AI Chat about whats this all about:
This guy is deep in thought about existence, change, and the nature of reality. He reflects on how everything is in constant motion—our bodies, emotions, even the universe itself. He’s exploring mindfulness, non-attachment, and going with the flow instead of resisting life’s natural rhythms. He sees time as an illusion, emotions as energy, and life as an interconnected dance. Ultimately, he’s embracing presence, letting go of control, and finding beauty in the ever-changing now.
Yeah I saw that chart, but this data comes from reddit itself, which tells me to be sceptic about it. They are public company now and they have to look good to investors.
yup its what I was thinking as well. Reddit might deliberately run ai bots to fake traffic.
Damn you sound like bot you know that? No typos, perfect answer. Seriously. Can you prove you're a human? xd
Well maybe. Apparntly some folks are already doing that but its not done yet. Let's wait for the results. If everything is legit we should have not one but plenty of similar and better models in near future. If Chinese did this with 100 chips imagine what can be done with 100000 chips that nvidia can sell to a us company This is what I watched. I base my opinion on this. Im not saying this is true. It just sounded legit enough and I didnt have time to research more. I will gladly follow some links that lead me to content that destroys this guys arguments
WTF dude. You mentioned Asia. I love Asians. Asia is vast. There are many countries, not just China bro. I think you need to do these reflections. Im talking about very specific case of Chinese Deepseek devs potentiall lying about the chips. The assumptions and generalizations you are thinking of are crazy.
Did they? According to their repo its still WIP
well if they really are and methodology can be replicated, we are surely about to see some crazy number of deepseek comptention, cause imagine how many us companies in ai and finance sector exist out there that are in posession of even larger number of chips than chinese clamied to have trained their model on.
Although the question rises - if the methodology is so novel why would these folks make it opensource? Why would they share results of years of their work to the public losing their edge over competition? I dont understand.
Can somebody who actually knows how to read machine learning codebase tell us something about deepseek after reading their code?
Its just my opnion based on few sources I saw on the web. Should I attach them as links to the comment? I guess I could. But thats extra time which Im not sure I want to spend. Imagine the discussion where both sides provide links and sources to everything they say. Would be great? I guess? But at the same time would be very diffcult on both sides and time consuming. Nobody doest that in todays internet. Nobody ever did that in causal conversations. Not just internet acutally, in both real life and internet. Providing evidence is generally for court talk.
You are right. We are all on our own in pursue of truth. And with rise of AI and fake reality things are going to be crazier and crazier each year. Pair that also with the fact that our brains have limited storage capacity for information and knowledge and it doesnt look bright for humans. I stay optimistic though despite that.
Interacting on instances which are not yet discoverd and connected to instance where we are registered is pain in the ass. Copying URL into search bar? That is really repelling. I'm sure it was discussed before but I can't find this discussion. How to make it easier? Do devs need to make changes to protocol or it's enough and it can be done within the apps themselves? How close are we to the solution?
My lemmy users per capita guess: 1. Russia 2. Finland. I can understand Russia cause developers are from there but why Finland?