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Daily Discussion Thread: 🦟 Friday, June 28, 2024
  • @TinyBreak @Seagoon_ try Temu? I have been surprised to find replacements for some things I didn't expect, and I now look there first for all sorts of stuff.

  • Daily discussion thread: 🐻 Sunday, May 26, 2024
  • @wscholermann @SituationCake battery technology is improving constantly. I have a 10yo ev, bought secondhand and got the battery upgraded, the new battery is double the range than the old one was when new, and the old battery was still very serviceable and can be used for an off grid home battery system, but new batteries if the size of the old one are getting so cheap now it's probably cheaper to connect a new battery to an off grid pv system.

  • Daily discussion thread: 🐻 Sunday, May 26, 2024
  • @SituationCake @wscholermann I'm a single parent who lives rurally but comes into Melbourne roughly every second week for work. While I usually charge at home I'm minding a friend's house this month and they have street parking only. I'm heading up to Kyneton today. No dramas, my EV only has 30kwh battery but there are these things called fast chargers, they are a bit like petrol stations, you have to wait slightly longer, but 8 only have to use them when travelling long distances. While in the city I'll largely charge at work. At home I largely charged from solar, especially in summer. Having a family is no barrier and I don't have a second car. It's these kinds of myths about EVs that keep people from considering them in the first place. I pay less overall and the extra cost of the battery is paid off within 5 years of fuel at its current cost: who knows where petrol cost might be in 2 years let alone 5.

  • Daily discussion thread: 🍩 Friday, May 17, 2024
  • @Baku yeah it is a bit weird and disjointed but I just like the fact that I *can* do it, even if it is sub-optimal.

  • Daily discussion thread: 🍩 Friday, May 17, 2024
  • @Baku @dumblederp

    Replying from Mastodon here. Sorry to be annoying, I like Federation 😊

  • Daily discussion thread: 🎖️ Thursday, April 25, 2024
  • @ajsadauskas @wscholermann @Seagoon_ I think it's a combination of different things, pollen, dust, weather, pollution: all of which may be somewhat more localised?

  • Daily discussion thread: 🎖️ Thursday, April 25, 2024
  • @wscholermann @Seagoon_ my sinuses cleared up when I stopped living in Melbourne most of the time - I still visit very regularly, but I live rurally and the difference has been dramatic. Not tropical, far from it - but I'm originally from Perth, and I developed a few different health issues when I moved to Melbourne. I think it's unfortunately got pretty poor air quality generally compared to many other places in Australia.

  • Daily Discussion Thread:🍄Wed 10 Apr 2024
  • @Baku comments/replies just come through like regular posts in my feed, so yeah it's a bit janky but I like not having to look at different places, and if stuff comes up that I can comment on, it's quite easy to do =) I love social network interoperability, even if it is imperfect!

  • Daily Discussion Thread:🍄Wed 10 Apr 2024
  • @danwritesbooks @CEOofmyhouse56 my tip is: clothes dryer lint! Save it and you guarantee a fast start.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦍 Mon 1 Apr 2024
  • @Mittens_meow @Aradina correct, current radar shows more incoming shortly

  • Daily Discussion Thread:🐢 Fri 1 Mar 2024
  • @Nath @CEOofmyhouse56 tempted to change mine to that, would be quite fun watching ppls reactions.

    I've had the same ring tone for a very, very long time, for there has never been a better one created:

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🦋 Thu 22 Feb 2024
  • @TinyBreak @Taleya I live half an hour from Moe up in the BawBaw Ranges and it's lovely. Don't have a battery sorted yet, but it is also on the list, as we get regular shortish outages.

  • Daily Discussion Thread:🌞 Sun 18 Feb 2024
  • @Reonn @CEOofmyhouse56 crap, what area are you in? I checked the outages list and it was still huge yesterday. I'm in a rural area that gets regular outages, but they are usually resolved within about 12 hours. But the amount of trees down, damaged or basically exploded on the drive out from the city today was... exceptional. I'm not surprised it's taking them quite a while to rectify all the issues.

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🐱 Sun 4 February 2024
  • @PeelerSheila thankyou! Sorry to hear your partner has ongoing issues - I'm truly not looking forward to the potential of this to keep reoccurring now its happened twice in a row with little time in between. But it has given me the kick up the arse to lose weight and despite the ongoing poor sleep and pain not yet resolved, daytimes are pretty good now, I am getting at least 5 hrs sleep (up from 2-3 hrs a couple weeks ago) and can function even though mornings take a while to warm up. My surfaces! I can almost see theeemmmmm!

  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🐱 Sun 4 February 2024
  • @Thornburywitch @wscholermann there are several other GLP-1 agonists available. They are just as effective for weight loss and actually work better for some people. Chemists are generally only filling ozempic scripts if they are not being prescribed off-label, at least until the shortage eases. There are also compounding pharmacies that can create bioidentical product during the shortage, but Novo don't like them.

    The GLP-1 agonists are also proving very effective at helping people quit smoking, alcohol, and a whole range of addictions. They are truly an amazing class of drug and generics will be available in upcoming years, which will make them much more affordable.


  • Daily Discussion Thread: 🐱 Sun 4 February 2024
  • @PeelerSheila @melbaboutown oh this is me too, I have the excuse of only just finishing renovations when I got an excruciating herniated disc, which took about 3 months to almost heal... and then promptly another disc popped. Am only now starting to feel like the surfaces might get cleared again as the post-reno reorganising is only just in the last week really starting to resolve.

  • kudra Kudra :maybe_verified:

    I like beets.

    \#UBI techno-#Georgist #4dayworkweek #ev #ebikes #parent #embryoadoption #auspol #health

    Allergic to Friendface. Hoping fellow allergy holders & #Twatters decamp here (I was here in 2018! see: @kudra 😅)

    Let's decouple our ideas of innate human value from jobs, mmk?

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