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Fuck up a book for me please
  • All fair points, my issue is mostly with how this is advertised and that I would not want to learn anything from an inherently untrustworthy LLM. Would have liked to use something with quick access to both human-made explanations and a built-in dictionary/thesaurus when I was learning English myself.

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • The way the ad is presented makes it look like there's something wrong with the original (❌) and that the mangled version is better (✅), as if it was actually improved.

    The tool removed all the subtext from the original by using this very neutral, matter-of-fact language. There is actual information lost there, not just rigmarole. And that's the example they chose to put into the ad.

    LLMs will also make shit up or completely misinterpret what's being written, I wouldn't trust it to get through an entire book without grossly misleading the reader or flipping out. They can't parse that much text at once right now so all interpretation of a chunk of text will have only a very broad, short and possibly wrong/irrelevant summary of what came before for context.

    I don't even want to know what this would do to something like a Pratchett novel or a textbook.

    As far as accessibility tools using machine learning go, wouldn't a text-to-speech reader app be better for dyslexics anyway?

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • Okay, now do Nietzsche!

  • Stop use docker
  • For real though, containerization isn't the only way to separate applications from each other but totally fine, it's the "It works on my machine, so here's my machine" mentality that doesn't fill me with confidence. I've seen too much barely-working jank in containers that probably only get updated when a new version of the containerized application itself is released.

  • Stick your dick in it
  • If only Mythbusters was still on air...

  • I feel betrayed...
  • So it's like RMS and PMP for speakers. 600 W¹

    ¹ Briefly, before it blows up

  • Someone escaped the Matrix
  • It's never too late, especially if you can combine the two!

  • Please submit within three business days
  • Not quite, but in "Author, Author" a bunch of repurposed EMH Mark 1 are seen mining dilithium back home while obviously not being very happy about it.

  • Please submit within three business days
  • Android slaves in Picard conflicts with TNG canon.

    I blame Voyager.

  • A cool guide Types of plugs in the world
  • a circular plug that has to be plugged in one direction

    Two directions since it's reversible, unlike Type G. Also the guides on the left and right help a lot with alignment. But none of these are perfect, really. If Type L was recessed and had shorter prongs then maybe...

    Or just standardize USB-AC.

  • Every day.
  • Don't forget to add a little bit of post-atomic horror!

  • Die AfD und die CDU sind Wahlsieger. Die Linke ist am Boden. Die Grünen haben massiv verloren. Die AfD ist die zweitstärkste Partei. Was jetzt?
  • Mehrheiten gewinnt man mit diesem Pamphlet aber nicht. “Links” scheint noch nicht verstanden zu haben, was hier gerade passiert. Hauptsache man steht seit gut im sonst Bubble dar.

    Siehe auch: "Wenn ihr dann noch wisst, dass das Gender ein soziales Konstrukt ist, fickt ihr sie richtig."

    Das ist einfach nicht wie so was laufen würde.

  • Die Prognosen zur Europawahl machen mir Angst
  • Wenn nur die SPD Harz4 einführen konnte dann kann nur die CDU die Klimawende herbeiführen, richtig?


  • A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back
  • Is it fair to say that any game that runs on the Steam runs on Steam Linux?

    No, it's not that far along. A lot works, but if there's invasive DRM or anticheat then it probably won't. If you have specific games you want to play in mind check out

    I know the variations have gotten better over the years but haven’t done too much research into it.

    If you're curious you can just create a live USB stick to test drive it. Won't work well for gaming though.

  • Neverminding the evidence to the contrary.
  • I definitely have.

  • Timmy the Pencil
  • Anthropomorphism is one hell of a drug

  • Mother Gaia and Humans
  • Papa Nurgle moment

  • I'm with McCoy here
  • I really liked that for how it allowed for interesting story telling. The clones can die without actually sacrificing the characters but there's still fairly high stakes because the originals won't know what happened while their opponents do.

    Really sucks that the show got cancelled, especially on that huge cliffhanger.

  • I'm with McCoy here
  • Good news: Transporters in Star Trek do transmit matter, not just data. There is no original that dies.

  • Jolla's Sailfish OS is moving to a subscription model, new phone (and a privacy-focused AI device) coming soon - Liliputing
  • I had a Jolla smart phone, it was pretty great but it also quickly became apparent that the company had no real intention to make Sailfish the Android-compatible, open and privacy-friendly OS I was hoping it'd be. Selling licenses to customers to put the OS on third party hardware really killed it for me.

    Kinda surprised they are still around, but I guess knowing the right magical words to whisper to investors is a good enough business strategy. They've done it with blockchain, now it's AI.

  • 50.000 Teilnehmende in Bremen laut Polizei, "plus weitere Menschen, die nicht bis zum Kundgebungsort gekommen sind" Ticker zum Nachlesen: Rund 50.000 Menschen demonstrieren gegen rechts

    Laut Polizei waren zeitweise mehr als 45.000 Menschen bei der Demo gegen rechts. Eigentlich sollte die Kundgebung nur auf dem Domshof stattfinden, der ist aber zu klein für die Menge.

    Ticker zum Nachlesen: Rund 50.000 Menschen demonstrieren gegen rechts
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