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Trump threatens to blow apart entire G7 to protect Putin
  • Precisely this. Once this trust has been lost and the 'G6' face a world where they cannot count on the US, geopolicies will change and the US will not be perceived trustworthy anytime soon. As it stands, it will be considered yet another global power with anti-democratic tendencies, policies that endanger world piece and disrupt the common pursuit for prosperity and is considered best kept in check.

  • Dr. Phil wants to sell you mass deportations
  • This seems to be just a small footnote in the absurdity of modern day america, but it shows the self-indulgent ignorance of some americans in regards to what kind of country they are actually establishing. A ‘Dr. Phil’, barely relevant, becomes reporter on the pointless but exceedingly disruptive and cruel deportation policy for the one thing he really cares about: attention. Because attention is currency for a media personality and he cares for his currencies. Not for his society or country.

    THIS is the reality of the USA. Everybody feels entitled to pursue their riches without regard to their neighbour.

  • Kyiv’s White House wooing implodes as Zelenskyy tells the truth about Trump
  • Always keep in mind how the russian disinformation tries to paint Zelenskyy as a corrupt clown, installed to fleece the country in the name of the west.

    If clowning around and fleecing the country means having this much endurance to steer the country through an invasion by a bigger and better equipped adversary, then I cannot imagine what an actually determined Zelenskyy would look like.

    Fuck the russian disinformation and fuck Trump.

  • The Republican Party’s NPC Problem — and Ours | The Ezra Klein Show
  • I get what Ezra is saying but I am still not keen on calling anybody an ‘NPC’. Not even people on the side of what is clearly an autocratic coup. Because even if I despise these people, they are still people. Very much responsible for their own actions.

  • Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for iOS shuts down over "unfixable bug"
  • While that is a distinct possibility, SQUENIX is also not know for good code.

  • Many Trump Administration Personnel Actions Are Unlawful.
  • It’s even more important as during such a coup, the law gets instrumentalized as a tool of oppression. Owning the rule of law to defend democratic intent is necessary to prevent such instrumentalization as much as possible.

  • In Munich, Vance accuses European politicians of censoring free speech
  • He can go fuck his couch. How dare this opportunistic cretin to critizise europe for being very much aware of social engineering threats while he himself was profiteering of the hard to doubt interference of oligarchs and agent provocateurs to manufacture consent.

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. narrowly confirmed by Senate as Trump's health secretary - ABC News
  • Do we know if the worm is actually dead? Insiders insinuate it’s the worm actually calling the shots…

  • German far right wants to join forces with Orbán to dismantle EU from within
  • Steel and Coal Union

    Foster understanding through trade and industry

  • German far right wants to join forces with Orbán to dismantle EU from within
  • I would argue that the reason was to foster understanding and cooperation by dismantling national barriers for trade and industry between the early participating members but the outcome is of course the same.

  • Report: Israel planning to attack Iranian nuclear sites this year, seeking Trump's approval
  • In this timeline, madness is no dissuading argument.

  • krebssteven pathos
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