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They did the math.
  • Clearly they threw the bones up since they're not meant to eat them

  • NSFW
    Broke her rule
  • Glocks aren't made of metal.

  • Why do many search engines seem to ignore operators (e.g. exact phrases, term exclusions, OR, etc.)? Is there a good reason for having a dumb 1997-level search logic that I'm not seeing?
  • Duckduckgo is awful at searching for specific memes I need. Sometimes I only remember the text and a rough description of the image, but DDG seems only to consider images with Impact TOP TEXT BOTTOM TEXT captions to be memes. I switch to Google and I find the one I want instantly. If there was a way to have the image results of Google with the web results of DDG my life would be complete

  • Borzoi
  • Joe deez nuts lmao gottem

  • Physics
  • there is no friction fairy

  • Sovcit didn't like his mail.
  • No Libility

  • Cry me a river.
  • I prefer that hypothesis

  • Borzoi
  • Updog deez nuts

  • I can see your rule from space
  • Google earth is scary high detail in some places. Near my hometown there are fully rendered cranes where you can see the individual metal beams that make them up in 3D.

  • Measurements
  • "1900s"

  • Any women on this app?
  • Women aren't real silly

  • What are the major world news that you got from weird sources (and maybe wish you had heard first from legit news sources)?
  • I learned that justin timberlake got arrested from a steam notification that said "Justin Timberlake (DUI enjoyer) is now playing Team Fortress 2"

  • Why English language is sometimes "lazy", sometimes not
  • Most often the "fancier" words are loanwords from other language. Plaintiff/Defendant are from the French "pleintif/defendant", litigation is from Latin. Firefighter, firetruck, and other compound words were created relatively recently compared to the others. Firefighters, firetrucks and newspapers mostly didn't exist until after English mixed with other languages.

  • Neighborhood watch? Sign me updog
  • Nothing much whats up with you

  • Auto-translate?
  • You can select the languages you want to see posts in in the Lemmy settings.

  • Lil homie in Back
  • What a great way to have all the convenience of a fish in a portable package

  • why tf you lying rule
  • Chuck is short for Charles

  • It's not that serious.
  • I wanna fork on the table.

  • Why do Lemmy instances have such obscure TLDs?

    Whenever I come across a new lemmy instance, it most likely has some sort of obscure TLD (.world, .ml, .ee, .me, .social just to name a few). Why aren't there more with more common TLDs?

    konalt konalt

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    Comments 224