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Bookwyrm - A Goodreads alternative that is part of the fediverse
  • Ah, I see, I thought you were talking about technical difficulties or instances being hard to find, but you rather meant habits or mindsets making it hard. I really get that.
    But then it's cool that so many people still decided to join the fediverse, which is, after all, a way smaller network than the big corporate platforms. 😃 Maybe this habit of going for big numbers changes when people get used to the fediverse.

    I also get the FOMO due to defederation thing, it definitely makes sense. But imho spreading out over several more instances could even help here.
    Defederating will always exist, but if there are a lot of small instances and one of them decides to block another one, people on this instance would only lose contact to a fraction of the total content of the fediverse.
    However, if there are only a few big instances and one decides to block another, people would get seperated from a whole lot of content.

    I do see the issue, however, that if you are interested in some specific communities that are on a specific instance and yours, for whatever reason, decides to defederate just from this one, you would lose contact to exactly those communities you follow.
    At least I think that's the way it is. It could also be that you could still follow the communities from a blocked insance and still post and see the majority of posts in it, but you just don't see posts and comments from users of the blocked instance. I really don't know.
    Either way, Lemmy and kbin are both in early developement stage and if this issue exists there might be a solution for this in the future. 😃
    And let's say the problem does exist and you don't want to stay on an instance that's blocking your favourite community, I think emotionally it's easier to move from one small instance to another small one than it is to move from a big to a small one. 😊

  • Bookwyrm - A Goodreads alternative that is part of the fediverse
  • Genuine question, why is it hard?

  • Bookwyrm - A Goodreads alternative that is part of the fediverse
  • Here is a small list of instances if you two want to look into it some more. :) I wouldn't recommend joining though, as it's the biggest one and can be a bit slow sometimes. Also, it's more in the spirit of the fediverse to spread out over several smaller instances. :D

  • Bookwyrm - A Goodreads alternative that is part of the fediverse
  • She wouldn't need to host her own instance. Like for Lemmy, kbin or Mastodon there are plenty of Bokwyrm instances with open registrations for everyone.
    And they all federate with each other and the rest of the fediverse. Which is also good, because books have to be added to the instances manually, but thanks to federation there are already many books added that also federeate between instances (sometimes you just have to import the full book data from elsewhere with one click). Only if it's a very niche book you might have to add it completely, which is fun though imo, because it helps Bookwyrm grow.
    And there is the possibility to import your reading data from Goodreads. :)

  • What is the fediverse equivalent to TikTok?
  • There is Goldfish, which was started with beeing some sort of TikTok alternative in mind. But it's stuck in a very early stage and doesn't seem to be developed anymore. If I remember correctly the Admin started it as a practice for themself to get more into Activity Pub.
    They have a Mastodon account and a github page, maybe you can ask them there if they plan to develop it further. And since it is open source and can be forked by anyone and everyone can contribute to it, maybe someone will be found who is interested in continuing to work on the project.

    On Goldfish's github page I also found Vidzy by accident, where developement seems to be more active. However, I found no active instances so far where one could test it.

  • Pixelfed is adding a Sign In with Mastodon option
  • And this is where federation and interoperability becomes nice imo, because one doesn't have to use pixelfed and can still get content from Pixelfed in their Mastodon feed, if they want to.

    Say someone would like to see the content of just a few Pixelfed users, but doesn't want to create an own Pixelfed account just for that, one can just to follow those specific Pixelfed users with their Mastodon account to see the Pixelfed posts in their Mastodon home timeline.

  • Pixelfed is adding a Sign In with Mastodon option
  • I think it's also worth mentioning here that, since both pixelfed and mastodon belong to the fediverse, you can follow pixelfed users from mastodon and vice versa and see each others posts. :)
    That's why the whole carrying over the people you follow stuff is a thing.

  • Mit welchem Verkehrsmittel reist ihr am liebsten?
  • FĂźr kurze Strecken das Fahrrad, vor allem, wenn ich durch den Wald fahren kann.

    Fßr längere Strecken der Zug aus ähnlichen Grßnden, wie du es beschreibst. Ich liebe es einfach, mich dort zurßcklehnen zu kÜnnen und mich um nichts kßmmern zu mßssen. Die vorbeiziehende Landschaft zu beobachten, Podcasts oder Musik zu hÜren, zu lesen, die Augen zuzumachen... :)

  • Scheuer stimmt versehentlich fĂźr AfD-Antrag
  • Ich glaube leider, dass sogar kompetenteren Leuten als Scheuer die Unterscheidung da immer schwerer fällt.

  • Yet Another Post About Threads/Defederating and 'wait and see'
  • Yes that was the point I was trying to make. He is hoping for success and growth of his brand / software no matter at what costs this might come. Also I think it is very naive of him to believe that Mastodon would benefit of a cooperation with meta in the long run.
    And in his hope for fame for his brand and his own instance he doesn't seem to care for smaller instances or the fediverse in general and the other fediverse software.

  • Yet Another Post About Threads/Defederating and 'wait and see'
  • I think at least Gargron / Eugen Rochko is, for a start, happy enough with the big attention his brand is getting and with the growth of Mastodon he's hoping for. I have the feeling that he wants Mastodon to be recognized as one of the big players. We'll see what comes next.

  • ArenaNet officially moving away from Twitter as primary means of communication
  • I think they should at least move away from Twitter entirely.

    Guild Wars 2 was welcoming and including LGBTIAQ* folks from the start and has a huge and wonderful LGBTIAQ* community.
    And with staying on Twitter they support a platform and its owner who is purposefully supporting and even promoting right wing anti-queer and anti-trans politics (DeSantis) and is explicitly allowing hate against queer people, especially trans folks. And I don't think this is something ArenaNet wants or should be doing.

    Actually, I think this is something nobody should be wanting or doing.

  • Einzelhandel im Irrtum: Das Auto bringt nicht den Umsatz
  • Habe dieses Argument eh noch nie verstanden. So gut wie jede größere Stadt hat doch schon jetzt mindestens eine große Fußgänger*innen-Zone und offensichtlich sind die alle alles andere als ausgestorben, ganz im Gegenteil, die Geschäfte dort sind alle bestens besucht. Warum sollte das bei neuen Fußgänger*innen-Zonen daher anders sein?

  • Announcing Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure
  • I found out that none of the communities of this instance seems to federate with the kbin instance I am on. Since it doesn’t federate with as well, maybe this instance isn’t federating with kbin instances at all? Some instances defederate intentionally.

  • Announcing Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure
  • Yes, thank You, I’ve already subscribed to two of them. :)

  • Announcing Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure
  • This news make me excited for two reasons.

    First one is, because I heard about the new addon here in the fediverse first, before I even saw the announcement on the official website. Nice to see, that the fediverse, especially its content aggregators at the moment, is growing and some specific gaming content is arriving. :D

    And the second one is of course the announcement of the addon itself. Looks pretty nice. Looking forward to the new story and new maps and the skyscale improvements sound nice. And I'm happy to see that legendary armor will be accessible to non raiders. The changes in the weapon system sound interesting, too, but I hope they get the balancing right. I mean, there was a reason that you couldn't use every weapon of every elite specialization. On the other hand this could lead to some cool new synergies and builds. Not sure though which weapons I'm going to combine with my mesmer main. :D

  • kfynh kfynh

    Fynh on kbin = kfynh. 🤷‍♂️

    Just a fediverse enthusiast that wants to try out another cool fedi project. :)

    My main fediverse account: @fynhv

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