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Circuit board earrings
  • Ooh does it light up? What is that unpopulated spot for?

  • Predictive text rule
  • I'm a bit confused about it and I'm going up there to see you EVERYWHERE

  • What does Lemmy do better than Reddit?
  • I've yet to see artists migrate here. The artists started on DA, Newgrounds, YT, Tumblr, etc. The professionals moved to Twitter.

    Reddit started from geek & tech culture, not creatives. Its ability to foster discussion extended well to not just techies but to everyone. Most creatives I've seen shy away from Reddit.

  • You are loved rule
  • maybe next time i see this it'll feel genuine

  • Find the cat
  • /r/thereisnocat

  • Mad Scientist Ethics Board
  • Formerly Lehman Brothers

  • 0 Counting Thread
  • 15

  • Seven Corndogs
  • this reads somewhere between Neil Cicirega lyrics and Clerks dialogue

  • Google spent $26 billion to hide this phone setting from you
  • I seem to be in the minority, but I've never had issues with it resetting my default browser.

  • vast error rule 1
  • If you can't grow your own, store bought is fine.

  • The Chemical Brothers - Star Guitar [2002] Dir. Michel Gondry
  • I've always wished there was a higher quality version of this.

  • ruleless charging
  • MagSafe charges super fast

    Magsafe has a 15 watt limit. Compare this to the 12 Watts you could get from an old non-fast charger, and the 45-100 Watts you can get from a modern fast charger. Also factor in that Magsafe is inefficient and creates more waste heat and likely throttles charging as a result.

    Much better than using a port that can wear out over time

    Meanwhile you're killing the battery with the extra heat.

    Also the lighting port is pretty darn durable, and I've had no major issues with USB-C disability either.

  • No need for labels
  • Bojack seems really depressing from the clips I've seen

  • It was 15 euros earlier today, what happened?
  • I paid the $30 for Lifetime Ultra after 7 years of using Dev/Pro just to support. But this new pricing is simply insane. I get the feeling LJ quit his day job to rush Sync for Lemmy out or something, because historically he never seemed to do this kind of thing.

  • Apple already shipped attestation on the web, and we barely noticed
  • No, for the majority of people, you probably won't notice any differences on the surface (unless you use an adblocker). This is one of those things that will hurt you in more invisible and insidious ways.

    Also, read more closely? that section is literally dedicated to the bad stuff that might happen.

    If you must have a comparison to something car-related, it's closer to being forced to do a credit check before buying a car.

  • Apple already shipped attestation on the web, and we barely noticed
  • You know captchas? They're there because bot activity can be really hard to moderate. So those are there to test if there's an actual human talking to the website: They try to give a test that only a human can do. The problem is, now that machine learning models can actually do some of those things, like read handwritten words and identify cars vs bikes, we need a new test that only humans can pass. Also, these captchas are annoying to users, and if you're a website that runs off of clicks and ads, a captcha might piss off a user and they leave, and you get to show fewer ads.

    So, the people running a website have a need to stave off bot traffic, but also not piss off real, legitimate human traffic. One solution is "attestation", which basically means getting someone else to attest, or plead on your behalf, that you are running on an unmodified device. In a perfect world, Apple would like their phones to be so incredibly locked down that you can only do things that they allow. One of those things would be using an iPhone to do bot stuff. So, since Apple controls what software runs on your iPhone, they can (in theory) prevent you from running bot software. This means that iPhone users would be (in theory) guaranteed safe human traffic. But if you're a website owner, how do you know that the request is actually coming from an iPhone? Simple. Request the device ID from the iPhone, and ask a question that only an iPhone would know the answer to. This is essentially what web attestation is. From the article: "a way that web servers can demand your device prove it is a sufficiently 'legitimate' device before browsing the web" and "your treatment on the web depends on whether Apple says your device, OS & browser configuration are legitimate & acceptable."

    This has significant implications for the openness of the device you use, as well as the control that you as a user have over how you use the web. The primary example would be adblockers. Apple and Google get to say whether you're human or not, so if you have an adblocker, Google can just say "no, I won't attest that this user is human" and you'll get treated differently. It's not difficult to imagine a world in which Youtube would just refuse to serve users who aren't 100% trustworthy, given their recent adblocker experiment. And this is the case for every link in the chain, from the device, to the OS, to the browser (and other stuff you might have on your system), and browser extensions. There are concerns that this will hurt competition in all of these spaces. Built your own computer? Well now you might be considered non-legitimate. Developed your own browser? Haha, definitely can't get attested.

    tl;dr: Instead of captchas, ask the device if it's real and unmodified. See above for why this is bad.

    Also see #why-is-attestation-bad-generally from the article. In summary, be especially concerned if you:

    • Use an adblocker or extensions that Google or Apple might not like
    • Built, repaired, or modified your computer/laptop/phone/smart fridge
    • Use an older, less-supported computer/laptop/phone, or one from a smaller brand/manufacturer
    • Like open-source software
    • Like competition & free market for the hardware/software of computers and phones and browsers
    • Don't like the monopoly of Chrome
    • Don't like Cloudflare or similar services

    Worth noting that if all this comes to pass, these people aren't stupid. They will toe the line to make sure not too many people are pissed off. But if you are pissed off, better make noise now, as they almost certainly won't change their minds later.

  • How does everyone feel about Samsung phones?
  • Facebook does not come on their unlocked phones. I've set up my S8 and S23, as well as Note 9 and Note 22 for family and none of them came with bloatware aside from Samsung's apps. However I got a used Galaxy tablet on AT&T and it had so much crap on it. At least it's removable using ADB.

  • Which is the most satisfying IO connector system, in your opinion?
  • The few that I've used either require too much force to connect, or are just friction-fit only (like those Neutrik combo XLR + 1/4" receptacles you find on audio interfaces), but I'll take your word for it. XLR looks like it should feel solid.

  • New water heater got dinged during shipping/delivery. Is it usable?

    ! !

    Old one is leaking onto the floor, so I need to replace it fast. This is the new one and the delivery guy self-signed and left before I could talk to him.

    The product description says it has a glass-lined tank. Could the glass coating have been damaged?

    12 counting -

    Counting’s a good job mate. Challenging work. Click here for Newest comments [counting/data_type/Comment/sort/New/page/1] Etiquette: 1. No double-counting (don’t reply to yourself). 2. If the comment chain has split, continue the chain by replying to the earlier comment (go with whoever commented fi...

    Collaborative counting, just like /r/counting.

    In which you reply to someone's comment but add 1 to it.

    local link: /c/

    counting kenblu24
    0 Counting Thread

    Starting over again.

    Get is at 1,000
