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  • @Brussels5728 @analog No, thank you! makes me happy to see someone local enjoying them

  • Urbanity, NH [Yashica Mat LM | Portra 400]
  • @ianovic69 @analog

    Thanks!! I'm definitely no photographer, I just like learning about and using old cameras, and the process/magic of shooting film.

    Rollei 35 is probably my most interesting camera. I got it so that I could put it in my pocket while downhill skiing and take shots of the mountain/my friends.

    I've got a Yashica Mat LM that was my dad's, and his dad's before him, and that's been fun to mess around with. I've also got a Pentax K1000 that I started shooting film with!

  • Urbanity, NH [Yashica Mat LM | Portra 400]
  • @Brussels5728 @analog Hah! I'd say knowing it's Manchester is impressive in itself.

    This is a lot right off of Union Street just before the Boys and Girls Club going South, next to a nail salon and outreach center.

  • Urbanity, NH [Yashica Mat LM | Portra 400]
  • @ianovic69 @analog unfortunately I can't tell you much about the camera settings, as I didn't write them down when I took the photo. I used a light meter on my phone to get a proper exposure of the furniture. I develop at home in a Paterson tank and I DSLR scan with an Olympus em10 Mk4 with a 60mm macro. Then I convert to a positive with negative lab pro. I don't do much adjusting after that, as Im less concerned about how my scans look as opposed to prints.

  • Urbanity, NH [Yashica Mat LM | Portra 400]
  • @Brussels5728 Hah! I'd say knowing it's Manchester is impressive in itself.

    This is a lot right off of Union Street just before the Boys and Girls Club going South, next to a nail salon and outreach center.

  • jwiggler Jacob Blomquist


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