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Often we say infinite growth (capitalism) is not sustainable and reasonable. Can we also say infinite progressivism is also not sustainable and reasonable?
  • The theory is amazing, but the reality is completely different. As an example, let's look at the current gender perspective divide.

    One side (I guess most would call it "traditional") thinks there are only 2 genders, based on tradition, religion, their view of science (biology) and a slew of other factors.

    The other side (what is now commonly known as " woke") thinks there's a bunch of genders based on preference, emotiinal status, etc.

    Now, side 1, and you can by all means show me evidence to the contrary, speaks about how side 2 is wrong using their own consideration on what are the determining factors, and mostly leave it at that, whereas side 2, from what I can see, do the same, but seem to be constantly loud and super-expressive about the ideas.

    Look at the pride parades. If I know my train of thought is the right one (that's what we all think), why would I take one day, or month, to drop everything that has always been considered moral and correct (I'm talking about keeping things where they belong, such as sex belongs in private) and go show everything out, in broad daylight, balls out for all to see?

    What I mean is that you don't see side 1 doing anything remotely similar. It's the exact same thing as when you scream to try to win because your argument in a discussion did not have the outcome you wanted.

    This brings us to "let everyone choose for themselves", which just doesn't happen, unless what you choose agrees with the mindset of the other side.

    Just look at this post I made, wait for the ridiculous amount of downvotes because every single non-traditional person will hate what I chose. Look at all the downvotes for the OPs posts in this thread, what do you think that's about?

    Humanity has gotten to a place where fanaticism has overriden civil discussions, and it'll get way worse before it gets any better.

  • Why do so many people still hate GrapheneOS?
  • I welcome the challenge of meeting every kind of people. With you, honestly, it was fun, and from the get-go I was aware that we would just get along at some point.

    I'm very sorry to read about your injury man. I've been battling my own demons lately, with some very traumatic experiences I went through about 2 years ago. I forgave the people that caused the emotional and mental damage, but just this morning I woke up sweating and hyperventilating at 5am and could not go back to bed. Freaking nightmare of that crap had me relive the situation all over again.

    I guess that's what makes us human. And people here, open your mind to what could be. Yes, this guy comes across as an asshole at first, don't I know, but once you see beyond that defense wall, not only is he super cool, but a great conversation partner, specially when there are opposite views on each side. Pretty insightful that's been my experience with him. And yes, he is very passionate about his beliefs, and more people should be like that instead of just following the flow.

    I'm still around but, as long as my wife and kids allow me to 🤣

  • Android List Apps for a de-googled phone
  • What I do is get it from a brick and mortar store, like Best Buy, or even order from them. I'll avoid buying from Google directly like the plague. I am aware they share some information, but just not paying Google directly feels good to me.

    And about their customer service, honor where honor is due, they are awesome at that. When I was leaving Fi, not even a single attempt to keep me there, no questions, just a fully helpful individual helping me port out.

  • The Cloudflare Poison
  • I'm basically running all my self-hosted services over CF tunnels. Does anyone have a suggestion for an alternative to this? I'd like to remove CF from my life, but not at the expense of poking port holes in my FW.

  • Why do so many people still hate GrapheneOS?
  • Why are so many people so fast to downvote over a misconception? GOS does not include any Google anything, it does allow to install, but it is the most bare ROM out there in terms of pre-installed stuff, for sure.

    I am not defending "MacCock" and his goons in any way, shape or form, I believe they are all certifiable, but misconceptions don't help anyone either, which is why I chose to clarify this.

  • Why do so many people still hate GrapheneOS?
  • Hey man, nice to see you raising hell again. How've you been? Haven't seen you in a bit.

    BTW, I followed most of your guide, and my phone battery is lasting me upwards of 5 hours of screen on time since I applied your secret sauce. Never mind the ridiculously low data usage.

    And if anyone here is wondering, and I don't see eye to eye 100%, and we started our conversations sort of being pricks to one another, until we started to finally get along. He does have some very valid insights and knowledge for privacy and security on Android devices and most with solid evidence, which raises the bar on trust. Having said that, regardless of how you choose to take his posts, I do urge you to at least consider his points. I've found them invaluable.

  • Why do so many people still hate GrapheneOS?
  • Basically because Daniel "MacCock" behaves like a massive paranoid schizophrenic prick when he doesn't take very strong meds (that's my take on it anyway). And as others have mentioned, his claim to have stepped down is just that, "his claim". Everything points to him still very much being at the help of the project.

    I like the project, but any software I use being directed by someone like that guy is a huge red flag.

  • Most Efficient and Safe way to install Windows 10 on a old notebook at the moment?
  • Basically because Daniel "MacCock" behaves like a massive paranoid schizophrenic prick when he doesn't take very strong meds (that's my take on it anyway). And as others have mentioned, his claim to have stepped down is just that, "his claim". Everything points to him still very much being at the help of the project.

    I like the project, but any software I use being directed by someone like that guy is a huge red flag.

  • Android List Apps for a de-googled phone
  • About the warranty on your device, just wait for it to expire. After so much time using Google, keeping the account alive for whatever you need for a bit longer won't really make a difference.

    What I would do is just keep it and not use it for anything other than what I REALLY need it for.

  • Looking for a VOIP service to replace Google Fi

    This may end up being a bit convoluted, so I will do my best to keep it as short as possible and to the point.

    I have a US number with Google Fi, have had it for about 8 years.

    This is the only reason why I still maintain that one Google account. The benefit is that I only use it when I am in the United States, and when I'm not, I just pause the service and don't get charged.

    However, I feel the string need to completely eliminate Google from my life permanently.

    Does anyone know of a service similar to this one? It can be an MVNO or VOIP for my phone, and I would like to port my number as well. I found "phoner", but I can't pause the service, so I would be stuck paying a bill I don't use as much or loosing my number.

    If the service is private (not to be confused with anonymous, of course) even better.

    Move UnRaid from metal to Proxmox

    I have a trusty UnRaid server that has been running great for almost 3 years now, with some kinks and headaches here and there, but mostly very stable. Now I'm entertaining the idea of setting that box up with ProxMox, and running UnRaid virtualized. The reason being that I want to use UnRaid exclusively as a NAS and then run all dockers and VMs on ProxMox (at least that's how I'm picturing it). I would like to know your opinion on this idea. All I have is Nextcloud, Immich, Vaultwarden, Jellyfin, Calibre, Kavita and a Windows VM I use to update some hardware every now and then. I mainly want to do that for the backup capabilities in ProxMox for each instance. Storage is not a concern, and I have 64GB of ECC Ram running in that box. What are the Pros and Cons, or is it even worth it to move all this to ProxMox?

    System76 DKMS Drivers for Silverblue

    I need some help figuring out how to install all the DKMS drivers, and firmware manager, firmware daemon, etc on Silverblue.

    It's easy on Fedora but I haven't found a single instance explaining how to do it in a Fedora atomic distro.

    These are the instructions for Fedora.

    Voyager constantly crashing

    So, apparently for no reason, my Voyager app started crashing this morning whenever I touched any of the replies to my comments.

    I tried with and without VPN, custom DNS, automatic DNS, Rethink enabled and disabled, and it just keeps crashing.

    Yes, I cleared data, un-installed and reinstalled, and it is still happening.

    Anyone else having this issue? I thought I'd ask here first before opening a bug report on Github.

    Edit: Forgot to mention I'm on version 2.8.0 from Github.

    Edit 2: Available version from F-Droid, 2.6.0, does not preset this issue.

    Edit 3: Finally got to reporting it. Sorry for the delay.

    Dual monitor suspend, one monitor does not turn on when waking up.

    Finally got my wife away from Windows and on Fedora 40 (Gnome 46).

    Now, when her PC goes to suspend and when she wakes it up, one of her 2 monitors doesn't wake up.

    Both are connected to HDMI ports (no dedicated video card, just the integrated card in her Ryzen 9).

    Any ideas on what could be happening? I wouldn't want her to go back to Winblows over something so insignificant, but she would.

    Great FOSS Trailing service

    cross-posted from:

    > I made wanderer - a self-hosted trail and GPS track database > > Over the last two months, I developed wanderer. It is a self-hosted alternative to sites like or in other words a self-hosted trail database. It started out more as a small hobby project to teach myself some new technologies but in the end, I decided to develop it into a fully-fledged application. > > Core Features: > > - Manage your trails > - Extensive map integration and visualization > - Share trails with other people and explore theirs > - Advanced filter and search functionality > - Create custom lists to organize your trails further > - Chique design with a dark and light theme > - Fully mobile compatible > > wanderer is completely open-source. You can find the GitHub repo here: > > > wanderer is still under active development so if you encounter any bugs/errors or have suggestions please let me know here or open an issue on GitHub.

    In case you want something to send to your humans that say "I have nothing to hide" when you mention privacy.

    Not 100% in agreement with some of her videos, but I believe this one is spot on, and probably easier to understand by regular folk.

    Why you should #degoogle!

    I set up a Raspberry Pi 3 with AdguardHome for a friend of mine, and told him to disconnect everything at home and try to watch anything on his phone, being the only device using his home's internet.

    He just sent me this, and now he's ready to #degoogle 🤣🤣🤣

    He says there were hundreds in less than 5 minutes.

    Android Keyboard with keypad?

    I've looked under my bed, in our pantry,and even went under the deck, nothing. Please help me find a FOSS android keyboard in which I can have the numbers to the right of the keyboard, like a computer keyboard keypad, even better if it has gifs.. The only android keyboard I know about that has that option is Swiftkey. Being a Microsoft app, you can understand why I'm not willing to use it anymore. AnySoftKeyboard and Florisboard don't have the option,at least I could not find it.

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