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Reddit mods fear spam overload as BotDefense leaves “antagonistic” Reddit
  • Well said. It’s easy to say “let that shithole burn” for me, as a person who just used it for entertainment and mild education. But there are integral support communities that I hate seeing suffer.

  • Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Mandatory Water Breaks
  • I don’t think I’d be able to do my boring office job without regular water access. It’s purely madness to expect someone to do a physical job without as much water as one needs.

  • [Wristwatches] How a $260 plastic watch pissed off the entire watch community
  • They maybe wouldn’t sell as well if they were readily available, and OP did mention the sales of the pricier ones went up as well.

  • [Wristwatches] How a $260 plastic watch pissed off the entire watch community
  • Seconding this sentiment. HobbyDrama is one of the very few communities I missed from Reddit. I couldn’t start it myself because I’m not well versed in hobbies and they’re dramas myself, so I couldn’t have contributed. I’m so happy to have these to read again, and I’m ok with them being cross-posted from Reddit to get the ball rolling.

  • iOS status bar is near impossible to read in light mode
  • Honestly during the day I personally find light mode easier to read. I understand this seems uncommon but the contrast “feels” better. I use the “True Tone” on iPhone though which makes the whites not so stark and blinding.

  • Moving to new platforms/3rd party apps has made me realise everyone else has something against collapsing child comments.
  • I think that’s more an issue of design. Apollo made it pretty clear there were collapsed comments.

  • How do I get rid of the hard particulate matter embedded within my window screen
  • This is so niche I love it. Thank you for sharing this little fact.

    Edit: and there seems to be different colors on the screen, making me think your theory is quite possible.

  • Switch 2: Studio has supposedly received the development kit
  • A leap forward from the Switch, yes. I think they were saying the “Switch 2” will not be a leap forward in the general sense of what’s available.

  • 3rd party app for Reddit, Boost, is still functioning well after July 1st
  • Just an FYI, you don’t have to have Firefox on iOS to have the web app. It works with standard Safari as well.

  • Dang, that kinda sucks. If he was able to still have a going away message it could link to donations to help cover the refunds.

  • The Apollo inspired is the best Lemmy app/webapp right now, and its not even close.
  • That’s great to hear, thanks. I honestly didn’t know if it was just a thing for Apollo, did other apps have it as a feature? I went from AlienBlue to Apollo so haven’t experienced a lot of them.

  • Guilty
  • Unless something is brand new (which should get its own like-color wash to knock out any loose dyes), wash on cold water and you’ll be fine tbh. If your whites start to get a little dingy then you could do a separate whites bleach wash every once in a while. But honestly I don’t have enough clothes to be separating them, it would result in very small laundry loads which feel like a waste of time and resources (water, energy, etc).

  • The Apollo inspired is the best Lemmy app/webapp right now, and its not even close.
  • This question is more related to the overall Lemmy/kbin experience and not necessarily wefwef, but is there a potential function in the works to hide posts? That’s what I loved about Apollo, I could manually hide posts (I had it as a swipe feature) or have it auto hide read posts. It kept my feed looking much more fresh, and it’s honestly the biggest thing I’m missing in the transition.

  • Podcast app Stitcher is shutting down in August
  • That’s really scummy of Stitcher. Wow.

    And I totally get the anti IHR monopoly thing!

    Thank you for explaining your feelings. :)

  • Podcast app Stitcher is shutting down in August
  • May I ask why? I never used Stitcher but a few podcasts I listen to had premium on it. And why do you dislike IHR? Several podcasts I listen to are IHR productions. :(

  • If there's one thing I won't miss about reddit
  • I don’t think it’s all that egregious on joke communities, it was mostly really frustrating when comments—especially top level ones!!—were jokes/memes on serious discussion topics or something that just needed an answer.

  • Technology Connections talks about a red fridge from Walmart for an hour
  • The turn signal video is what got me too! After that one I’ve watched videos on so many things I didn’t think I’d care about at all. His chest freezer and heat pump ones have also directly influenced my life.

  • Technology Connections talks about a red fridge from Walmart for an hour
  • I watched that video (twice) before ever owning a dishwasher. I bought a house this year which has one, and if I hadn’t watched his video I would have continued hand washing, believing it to be better! I live by myself so it does feel silly having to wait days before I have enough of a load, but he’s right even that days-old stuff comes off fine.

  • I don't miss reddit, but this notification hit hard
  • Keep in mind too, that even with the paid API usage to the best of my knowledge the 3PA still will not have NSFW/porn content in the feed. How many people are going to be willing to spend $5-10/mo while also having reduced content?

  • Reddit traffic returning normal, sort of.
  • I’ve been using kbin as I prefer it aesthetically and functionally over Lemmy, and the mobile browser functions pretty well. But I do use Memmy and Mlem to check in on Lemmy stuff, and while they’re very bare bones I can see them becoming useful.

  • jiji jiji
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