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[Steam][EU] Kevin's Path to Wizdom - 7,49€ (50% off) Save 50% on Kevin's Path to Wizdom on Steam

You play as Kevin, the most handsome wizard in school — until your face gets stolen! Learn gesture-based spellcasting as you beat challenging enemies through mind-boggling mazes in this turn-based tactics game. Can you catch the thief and save face?

Save 50% on Kevin's Path to Wizdom on Steam
I built the first 100% private, on-device "For You" feed on the fediverse
  • Can you elaborate how and what actions will affect my feed? I don't quite understand how this works without any login as I can't vote or write comments. Also how do my subscriptions affect it if I'm logged in to an instance?

    I do like it and would wish something like that as an app.

  • What are y'all watching this season?
  • Haven't been following current anime. Started watching Dungeon Meshi because I like the idea and it looked fun. Absolutely in love with it.

    To scratch the fantasy anime itch between episodes I started watching Frieren: Beyond journey's end. Hooked me with the first episode and has only been getting better!

  • Need help with casual Kess, Dissident Mage Reanimator deck
  • I like Kess for her colors and the ability to recast the reanimator spells from the graveyard, but you're right she has no builtin reanimation and she has the same weakness as the reanimator strategy, which is graveyard hate. Still I think I want to keep her as the commander.

    Among my creatures I have some with immediate impact: Sphinx of Uthuun,Kederekt Leviathan, Sphinx of the Second Sun and arguably Brainstealer Dragon.

    I could add Diluvian Primordial and Sepulchral Primordial though they're only impactful later in the game. I was also thinking about Triplicate Titan and Ancient Stone Idol, because they are harder to remove. Also on the list is Nezahal, Primal Tide or Inkwell Leviathan.

    Any other suggestions?

  • Need help with casual Kess, Dissident Mage Reanimator deck
  • Sounds to me like a classic Reanimator strategy might just not be viable in a casual 4-player format. Maybe I need to lean more into the spellslinger side.

    Do you have more examples of the type of disruption you would run in something like that? I was thinking of Sire of Insanity, but that's almost a lock condition in a casual game and would probably upset a lot of players.

  • 🍿🍿🍿

    Edit: I'm not actually opposed to watching movies with directors cuts. Just realized I love watching ridiculously long video essays about movies, but almost never watch directors commentaries. Not sure why, probably availability.

    Also I heightened the phrasing for comedic purposes ;)

    Need help with casual Kess, Dissident Mage Reanimator deck
  • Yeah, I'm running all of the filter & loot I can, but that leaves little space for counter spells and other protection. I think squeezing in Swiftfoot Boots is a good idea because they stay on the board. Not sure about Whispersilk Cloak, because of the mana investment, but I guess I do save a lot of mana cheating the fatties in and unblockable is a neat addition.

  • Need help with casual Kess, Dissident Mage Reanimator deck

    I'm trying to build a fun, casual Reanimator deck using Kess, Dissident Mage, but I'm having a little trouble: Moxfield Decklist

    Basically the deck is pretty inconsistent and susceptible and also not very interactive. Meaning I might be lucky and reanimate a big threat turn 3-4, but it's a single threat that can be easily dealt with. And because it is a big threat, it usually is the immediate focus. While others build their board, I filter cards until I can reanimate another big threat, leaving my board pretty empty. This could be compensated with interactions, but because the deck needs enough big threats, filter/loot cards and reanimate spells, there is little space.

    I run a couple of tutors to help with the consistency, but they are kind of inappropriate for the power level of the deck. So sometimes I replace them with less good draws/threats/reanimates.

    I feel like my only course is to play even more impactful threats, which are expensive to get, but also increase the power level inconsistency, while making me the target, because there could be something very bad incoming at any time.

    So, is there a way to keep this a casual deck, but also make it more consistent and interactive? Maybe focusing a little more on spellslinging?

    Edit: In the end I came to turns with the fact that a reanimator strategy alone does not work in a 4-player game (except maybe with much stronger targets). So I build the deck a little more into the spellslinger direction, cut the Demonic Tutor and accepted that it will be a power level 6 like my other decks.

    Plastic tea bags
  • The first time I saw a bag like that, I was shocked as well. Seems like just the worst idea to use plastic to create tea bags. Turns out it is and they weren't made out of plastic. It's a starch based fiber that is biodegradable. I don't think you could have plastic tea bags here in the EU in any case. I'd wager yours isn't plastic either. Yeah, so you probably got mildly infuriated over nothing, just like I did the first time I saw one of these 🤷

  • wie gehe ich mit einem Rechten am Arbeitsplatz um, der immer tiradiert?
  • Ich denke das Beste wird sein ihn merken zu lassen, dass es dich nervt, weil du auf Arbeit nicht über Politik reden willst:

    • "Ja, lass gut sein"
    • "Ist klar, lass Mal lieber hierauf konzentrieren"
    • "Kannst du das Mal lassen, ständig über Politik zu faseln"
    • "Wenn du über Politik reden willst geh in den Bundestag"
    • "Lass mich bitte in Frieden mit deinem Politik Geschwätz "

    Wenn du das regelmäßig machst, wird er sich hoffentlich selber bewusst wie viel er das macht und lässt es bleiben. Solche Typen haben meist selber keinen Bock auf Politik.

    Und wenn du Mal gut drauf bist, kannst du ihn fragen warum er das glaubt, wenn er wieder sowas raus haut. Dann hörst du dir seine Erklärung an und zweifelst wieder an der usw. Das geht aber nur gut gelaunt und offen, statt konfrontativ. Es geht nicht darum ihn zu überzeugen, nur darum Zweifel zu sähen und ihm klar zu machen, das du das alles für unglaubwürdig hältst.

  • Nach langem Ringen: Bundestag verabschiedet Cannabis-Legalisierung
  • Ein erfahrener Grower, der weiß was er macht, kräftig düngt und die Pflanze draußen stehen hat oder einen riesigen Topf verwendet, kriegt sicher mehr als 50g aus einer. Aber als Laie, der nicht alles perfekt macht und mit einem kleineren Topf bekommt man aus einer Pflanze eher 20-40g hab ich gehört.

  • Straßennamen in Bayern: SA-Mann soll bleiben
  • Einen Straßennamen würde ich aber kaum als Würdigung bezeichnen.

    Als was würdest du das dann bezeichnen? Angenommen eine Stadt beschließt eine Straße nach dir zu benennen, das würdest du nicht als Würdigung bezeichnen? Ich glaub dir ja fast, dass du das nicht als Würdigung siehst. Ich fürchte nur, dass die meisten das anders sehen. Schau dir mal an nach wem Straßen in Deutschland (und anderen Ländern) benannt sind.

    Ich finde, da gehört eine Infotafel zur Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus in dem Ort dazu hingestellt, wo schon aufgeklärt wird was passiert ist und wie es sich damals so ergeben konnte. Dann kann, und gewissermaßen soll, man auch gerne Straßen nach Nationalsozialisten benennen.

    Verstehe ich das richtig, dass du für die Erinnerungskultur in Deutschland Straßen nach Nazis benennen und dann darunter Infotafeln aufstellen würdest? Mal abgesehen davon, dass wir uns vielleicht lieber an die Opfer als an die Täter erinnern sollten, meinst du nicht, dass das zumindest international und auf Karten nicht so gut wirkt? Und wo würdest du die Tafel denn hinstellen? So eine Straße ist ja meistens auch ein bisschen länger. Stell dir vor wir würden das wirklich machen und noch einen Schritt weiter gehen, zur Erinnerungskultur in Berlin eine Adolf-Hitler-Allee einführen. Denn wenn dann müssen wir uns doch an den Typen erinnern! Kriegt auch irgendwo eine Tafel die erklärt, dass das nicht als Würdigung gemeint ist, eher so als Ächtung und für die Erinnerung. Fühlt sich das wirklich für dich nicht unsinnig an? Stell dir vor jemand fragt dich wo du wohnst und du musst antworten: Adolf-Hitler-Allee 88...

    Ich glaub nicht, dass du das ganze hier so richtig durchdacht hast.

  • F-Zero X OST - Title Screen (1998) [Speed Metal]

    N64's F-Zero X had some bangers! 🤘

    What went wrong

    Just to be clear: I saw this meme over at Lemmy Shitpost and had to repost it here...

    Supertramp - The Logical Song (1979) [Progressive Rock]

    "The Logical Song" is a song by English rock group Supertramp that was released as the lead single from their album Breakfast in America in March 1979. It was written primarily by the band's Roger Hodgson, who based the lyrics on his experiences being sent away to boarding school for ten years. Wikipedia

    Yes - Roundabout (2008 Remaster) | Progressive Rock

    I don't know what it is about this song, but it always grabs me and transports me to a fantasy realm. It was a welcome surprise to see it used in the end credits of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.

    What are your favorite movies to watch stoned?

    Here is my list, depending on the mood:

    Stoner Comedy Classics:

    • Up in Smoke (Cheech & Chong)
    • Half Baked
    • How High
    • Harold & Kumar

    Stoner Classics:

    • Dazed and Confused
    • Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
    • The Big Lebowski
    • Human Traffic
    • (2001 - A Space Odyssey)

    Absurd Comedies:

    • Airplane
    • Napoleon Dynamite
    • Hod Rod
    • Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny
    • Anything by Monty Python for example Life of Brian
    • Barb and Star go to Vista Del Mar

    Visually Trippy Movies:

    • Beach Bum
    • A Scanner Darly
    • Waking Life
    • Glossary of Broken Dreams

    Trippy & Weird Movies:

    • Sorry to Bother You
    • Sans Soleil
    • The Holy Mountain
    • Bakara

    Drug Movies (trippy but not recommended if you are looking for a good time):

    • Enter the Void
    • Requiem for a Dream
    • Trainspotting
    • Spun (this one at least is still a comedy)

    Edit: Bonus mention Dark Side of The Rainbow, that is Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon synced to The Wizard of Oz

    graffiti janonymous
    Old Man | Found in Halle, Germany
    Nibana - Machine Men | Psychill
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