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'It’s very straightforward': Acer plans to raise the price of its PCs in the US by 10% in reaction to Trump's tech tariffs
  • Of course some could, but if everyone is impacted then why would they eat the cost? Also they can add a few percentages and blame it on tarrif.

    Like how the messaging from covid immediately shifted once the media started using the "i" word.

    "We understand the blocked canal, shuttered factories, and overall stagnant supply chain is a problem but we will work together in this crisis"


    "Sorry inflation. Record profits? No inflation"

  • For that one fraction of a second, you were open to options you had never considered... Charting the unknown possibilities of existence.
  • Hes probably like spok. Neutral enough to be the same on both sides. Mirror Voyager has gotta be wild tho

  • Valve releases full Team Fortress 2 game code to encourage new, free versions
  • I mean, it's not wrong. I expect quite a lot of lewd and rude content as well.

  • Valve releases full Team Fortress 2 game code to encourage new, free versions
  • Will be very neat to see the community reaction to this. To this day dooms open source engine is prolific. I imagine this will be amazing for fan and indie games

  • How do I break a fizzy drink addiction?
  • While we did dump most of our tea in boston harbor way back when, some did make it's way through our borders since then.

  • Reddit plans to lock some content behind a paywall this year, CEO says
  • Yeah at it's best reddit is an aggregate of content from around the web and a message board.

    The only thing I can think of that this makes sense for is to keep the onlyfans people who promote on reddit(or got started on gonewild) to stay on reddit. I feel like reddit is probably not trying to get more in bed with providing porn so Im curious exactly what the application could be otherwise.

  • Trump administration set to purchase $400 million worth of armored Teslas
  • Unfortunately Ive got family who's voted for him who at least buy into some of the BS. Ive heard the buyout as a good deal considering theyre going to fire you anyway and stuff like that.

    The right wing propoganda chain is strong. From the moment reagan deregulated the airwaves to now. Christian radio feeding into am talk, am talk stroking egos while painting narratives of victimhood and then social media and the death of local newspapers absolutely drove it all up to 11. It doesnt help that while this was happening the neolibs were disinvesting in the working class, and didnt have a proper counter to it. There were virtue signalling but still very wealthy hollywood elites kinda giving some crumbs of representation in films I guess and of course smarmy personalities like bill mahr. Which of course only helped serve to reinforce enough right wing talking points to help begin the radicalization process.

    It sucks because I think a lot of conservatives when you talk to them about what they actually believe you do get fairly leftest beliefs. Like I know when I talk to my dad he'll say things sometimes that are practically radically leftist, but then he'll twist his logic into knots to explain why thats why he voted the way he did.

    I feel like if the dems didnt abandon the working class the republicans would have less fuel to burn.

  • Trump administration set to purchase $400 million worth of armored Teslas
  • I understand that propaganda went unobstructed for decades in this country before finally transitioning to social media where it amped up. The death of local reporting and trusted newspapers also helped aid this nonsense.

    That said it is hard for me to comprehend how one can look at the richest man in the world being appointed in a position where he without transparency tears down government agencies(illegally I might add), and does not divest from his gigantic companies that are now being rewarded with a 400million dollar gift contract. Like how is buying 400million dollars in tesla trucks to do something that more conventional vehicles can do efficient? How is that not see immediately as blatantly corrupt?

  • Firefox Beta 136 enables hardware accelerated video decode for AMD on Linux
  • I could have sworn they did this already a while back.

  • Trump recommends ending FEMA ahead of California fire site visit
  • It sucks for the people that will suffer as a result of this.

  • The Stars of Star Trek: Section 31 Know Why You're Nervous About the Movie
  • I feel like the big issue is the difference in how it's portrayed. In DS9 and even enterprise section 31 are the bad guys. They are portrayed as a shadowy organization that thinks it's doing the right thing but when confronted gets in the way. In DS9 they even lose. Section 31 arent an example of the end justifying the means being a necessary evil, they are something from within for the idealistic federation to overcome and defeat.

    As a concept section 31 doesnt make a whole lot of sense lore wise because the federation is a paramilitary organization. Sure they are scientists, explorers, and philosophers at heart, but they are also very much a military Navy. We also see that starfleet does have a non section 31 intelligence complete with spies that go deep undercover get the trust of their enemies and sell them out. The federation knows the galaxy is a hostile place which is why they explore in heavily armed warships with a crew that follows a strict chain of command.

    I think part of the wish fulfillment and idealism of the federation lies in the implication that they are also very powerful and able and willing to defend themselves with great force. Even the cruise ship Enterprise D was able to take on multiple enemy warships at once and win.

    The major difference between section 31 and standard federation operating procedures seems to be their appetite for genocide and civilians.

    It is a thing that has made me nervous about this new project since it was announced. Section 31 appearing as a bump in the road for our idealistic federation members to deal with works and allows them to stay the badguy. Them as the protagonists of a show or movie puts us in a situation where we get told stories where the ends justifies the means. And they either do this by making the federation seem naive and incompetent(which they arent they have a prime directive where they sterilize all life on a planet) or it has them justifying some heinous crap.

  • New Cyberpunk Netflix animation confirmed as (Cyberpunk) 2077 (game) tops 30 million sales
  • Yeah if its trigger again then I'll be down but otherwise I'm out unless i hear some big buzz.

  • Tawny Newsome's Star Trek Sitcom Is Still Happening As Long as Paramount Doesn't Tell Her To "Shut Your Laptop and Throw It in the Sea"
  • The concept of a trek sitcom seems a little silly and much, but with lower decks eventually coming to an end it does leave an opening for more lighthearted comedy startrek. Still I feel animation allows for more and easier shenanigans.

  • TIL that recipes are not protected by copyright law in the USA (and likely Canada)
  • It's crazy when you consider how many things even back in the gilded age were legislated as common sense that in the modern era are tied up in lots of trademark and copyright red tape because unlike the old thing it involves computers or an app.

    Like libraries would not have become a thing if we tried to invent them in the modern era.

  • TIL that recipes are not protected by copyright law in the USA (and likely Canada)
  • but then the professor accidentally added another ingredient

    C H E M I C A L X

  • Link to Dan Da Dan Episode 5 Discussion
  • well their teeth collided but close enough

  • Reliving the war. A weekly youtube series comparing weekly episodes of Nitro vs Raw during the monday night wars.

    Anyone else watching this series? It's really well done and does a great job of going over matches as well as the two shoes during the 90s. The host has a knack for good commentary and a dash of humor mixed in for good measure.
