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Hexbear federation megathread
  • I'm also very interested in a more clear definition of what this instance considers "Kremlin propaganda"

    Is posting Russian music Kremlin Propaganda? Is linking an RT news article Kremlin propaganda? Is Al Jazeera Kremlin propaganda? Is there a list of allowed/non-Kremlin propaganda news sources we need to use?

    Is the Kremlin propaganda limited to the past 20 years or is posting old Soviet art and literature also considered Kremlin propaganda? Is posting articles from Seymour Hersch Kremlin propaganda? Is posting Blowback podcast episodes Kremlin propaganda?

    Can I share opinions on the works of Lenin and Marx or is socialist literature that came out of the Russian revolution also considered Kremlin propaganda?

    This term is incredibly broad and not very useful unless you're being explicitly anti-communist or are being xenophobic towards Russians.

    I understand the sentiment "no propaganda", but you also never clarified if posting Western propaganda is also taboo. Can I post NPR and Federalist articles? Can I share stuff from BBC and the Economist? Am I allowed to share an NBC story sponsored by Lockheed Martin about the new high tech MANPADS the US is sending to Ukraine?

    I just want some clear examples of what is considered propaganda and what the lines on this are.

  • Hexbear admin just sent me this.
  • more specifically I consider the USA (varying by state and location) to be pretty authoritarian in a lot of ways, though they have decent press freedom (even if there are pretty severe issues with copyright and larger media conglomerates being owned by investment corpos), which is kind of an anomaly given many other things like drug laws and police militarisation and such :/ (many other things too)

    Damn, you're like 90% of the way there, but you still only see the trees.

    US has no freedom of the press because all media is privately owned and even state media is privately financed. The entire 4th estate is literally just an appendage of the ruling class. Freedom of the press isn't private ownership of the press, it's independence and democratic oversight over the press, something that exists in no capacity in America.

    In the US you have freedom to purchase the press

  • Hexbear admin just sent me this.
  • Your distinction really has no meaning when there are places in China where people can be openly LGBTQ same as America with the US being more actively hostile to people in most places.

    I'm fine with the use of the term authoritarian if it has actual meaning, but the way it's used here it's totally context less unless you just assume whoever is saying it is saying it as a stand in for "not a Western liberal democracy".

    A thing which actually cheapens a term which was meant primarily to refer to fascist dictatorships and feudal dictatorships.

  • Another day of sobriety completed successfully, I'm fucking kicking this not drinking thing's ass 😎
  • It's terrible, I just lost my little brother because he kept refusing to understand that aspect of recovery. He just kept lying and lying to himself and everyone around him.

    One of the most important things is to have people around you who understand the difficulty of going through that recovery process or at least people that understand the danger of a relapse and are able to help you keep it at just a relapse and not your last relapse.

  • Hmm,
  • My issue isn't with the size, it's with the pointiness. Also the fact that they felt the need to slap a cheap bird beak style prosthetic on Bradley Cooper when Bradley Cooper still only slightly resembles him.

    I don't think it was necessarily intentional, but it's just a baffling decision.

  • Mariola Sirakova - New General Megathread for the 15th of August 2023
  • Can you have both? Like if you leave the cafeteria job will they hire you back in 3 months if the franchise restaurant sucks?

    Maybe ask around and see if that's an option because of you want the chef title, but like the cafeteria job maybe they'll allow you to leave for a bit while you learn?

  • Trump indicted in Georgia
  • thicc-trump

    An absolute disgrace can you believe it? They're coming for me because I'm the best they're scared of me. Who wouldn't be scared of me I'm a scary guy not as scary as those North Korean boarder guards but I'm a scary guy

  • What's the deal with Hexbear?
  • But reading through these I think that's because Ive always defined myself as a "liberal" but I think I just conflated that word with "left"

    Based off a lot of what I read here, I actually am considering joining the instance because I do agree with the sentiments and I do want to educate myself beyond what I've been taught in the very flawed US public school system and the headlines I'm fed daily.

    Lib successfully owned


    We say "own the libs" specifically for this reason. It's never alone, and always followed up by dozens and dozens of good faith posts and responses that attempt to peel back the "liberal" facade. Owning libs isn't owning people, it's getting people to abandon the fence and actually come to terms with or reveal their ideological positions.

    The two options are either "oh shit, you're making good points and I'm going to pay more attention" and "fuck you, we need more genocide". Without fail we either convert fence sitters or force fascists to reveal themselves.

    Hexbear is the Thing test for Lemmy instances. Which is why you should be weary of any instance that defederates us. Especially because the reasoning of "oh were niche" is bullshit seeing as how we have an active mycology comm and I've never brought up a topic there that didn't have people engage with me.

    The fact that we're so ideologically consistent and coherent and have diverse interest groups is what scares fash. Because we can come into your Warhammer miniature comm, talk circles around you in your own topic and also call out the fact that you painted a panzer division emblem on one of your Repulsor models and then drag you out of the community kicking and screaming.

  • The Ukrainian Counteroffensive Has Ended
  • Chile, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Cuba, Greece, Japan, Niger, Somalia, Australia (not military, but royal), Cambodia, Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Jakarta/Indonesia (this one ended in genocide), and thats still just scratching the surface.

  • art invalidusernamelol [he/him]
    Final version of my tea render from the other day