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Transgender athletes face growing hostility: four tell their stories in their own words
  • Right, but no women? Not one since the introduction of the rule? I've know many female athletes and all of them would and could handle the abuse if they wanted to compete with male athletes.

  • Poignant post on the state of things
  • The people who run this country don't want you to own anything at all. Owning things affords you some independence and cuts into profits.

  • Well I think I failed that test
  • I'm american, we would forget fraction entirety if we ever switched to the metric system.

  • Well I think I failed that test
  • I am fully awake now, and I can't believe I didn't think of cutting it not down the middle. Haha. There's a fairly easy way to calculate where to cut a sphere so that the sphere segment has a desired volume. Similar to the formula used in this video.

  • Well I think I failed that test
  • How do you do that in one slice?

  • Queen
  • Can't wait for Cthulhu's tragic origin story.

  • Frontiers | Learning to Let Go: A Cognitive-Behavioral Model of How Psychedelic Therapy Promotes Acceptance

    The efficacy of psychedelic-assisted therapies for mental disorders has been attributed to the lasting change from experiential avoidance to acceptance that ...

    Frontiers | Learning to Let Go: A Cognitive-Behavioral Model of How Psychedelic Therapy Promotes Acceptance
    Rampant extortion reveals 'corrosive' hole in Mexico security strategy
  • "Corrosive hole" is your mom's nickname.

  • Awkward Trek moments #274
  • Can somebody explain this to a non-trekkie.

  • The Great British Scone Map
  • Well now I need to try me a scone.

  • The Great British Scone Map
  • That is absolutely not an English muffin. I'm simply stating that we call that a biscuit in America.

  • The Great British Scone Map
  • The biscuits you had were fluffier. I promise we have biscuits that are 'scone-like'.

  • The Great British Scone Map
  • That's a mf biscuit

  • “Cannot Be Explained” – Scientists Unveil Revolutionary SS-H2 Steel
  • Why is the solution to our problems always to tap into yet another finite resource? Can we not just stop buying shit we don't need? Is it that hard to stop growing crops where they don't belong? How about we stop paving over all our watersheds? Why's the solution have to be "just start sucking it out of the ocean?"

  • “Cannot Be Explained” – Scientists Unveil Revolutionary SS-H2 Steel
  • Yay, now we can drain all the water from our overheated planet!

  • NSFW
    [NSFL] Fighters from the 25th Assault Battalion of the 47th Mechanized are terrorizing the Russian invaders.
  • I feel bad for anyone who goes to war. Wether it's by choice, propaganda, or coercion. All these people should be at home with their families. Pawns being played by the elite.

    We used to see videos of Russians surrendering, but that seems rare now. Why is that?

  • The latter
  • Yes

  • That's about right. ~5 times.
  • Oh my God, SO hungry.

  • That's about right. ~5 times.
  • Excuse me but have you seen how cute some caterpillars are?

  • Psychedelic Mushroom Use Linked to Lower Psychological Distress in Those with Adverse Childhood Experiences Psychedelic mushroom use linked to lower psychological distress in those with adverse childhood experiences

    A new study has found a link between psilocybin use and lowered psychological distress, particularly in individuals with adverse childhood experiences, highlighting the possible therapeutic applications of psychedelics.

    Psychedelic mushroom use linked to lower psychological distress in those with adverse childhood experiences

    I am not a doctor but found that this was an interesting read.

    /c/Shrooms Community Rules [Important update!]

    An LW admin has confirmed that grow topics including photos and discussion are allowed so long as they can reasonably construed as educational. So don't encourage people to grow and don't get too specific when discussing your methods (sourcing, trading, sales). However, I expect hunting and identifying to fall under educational content.

    Our community rules are:

    1. Follow the Lemmy World Terms of Service.
    2. Be helpful.
    3. No trading of anything here.
    4. Do not post about vendors.
    5. No Irrelevant Content.
    6. No grow guides and don't encourage others to grow.

    I was specifically told by LW admins that we should model our rules after /c/trees and that the applicable jurisdiction is the Netherlands. So if anyone can cite some sources on what the actual laws are there, it will help me be as lenient as possible when enforcing rules here.

    [UPDATE] /c/Shrooms Community Rules

    [UPDATE 11/16/2023]: LW admin AvaddonFC has confirmed that photos of your grows are allowed.

    Hello everyone, I just wanted to take a moment to make sure we are all up to speed on this community's rules. /c/Shrooms was reopened on the condition that we enforce LW's TOS. Feel free to post your questions here or shoot me a PM.

    Our community rules as they currently stand:\ 1. Follow the Lemmy World Terms of Service.\ 2. Be helpful.\ 3. No trading of anything here. (See rule 1.)\ 4. Do not post about vendors. (See rule 1.)\ 5. No Irrelevant Content.\ 6. No instructions on how to grow or where to source materials.

    I know that rule 6 is a bit broad and potentially vague. I have messaged an admin for clarification and will update this post when I receive a response. For now, I believe it's best to air on the side of caution and remove all posts about growing.

    Dr. says I must completely quit marijuana?

    I realize that this turned into a wall of text. See TLDR.

    I made the decision to seek psychiatric care for what I believe to be ADHD. At my new patient appointment, after being drug tested at the door, we discussed my occasional use of marijuana. They made me agree to completely stop consuming weed and in no certain terms said they would drug test me in a month's time to make sure I actually quit.

    I understand that there is some concern that marijuana can worsen ADHD. I am not in a position to challenge my care provider on the science of the matter. What I don't understand is why they are taking such overbearing measures to make sure I abstain from marijuana.

    For example, when I had a colonoscopy performed a couple of years ago, I was advised by my doctor not to consume any food or liquids within a certain window before the procedure. I simply agreed to fast during that period and that was it. They trusted me to be an adult and follow their instructions. They didn't check for food in my stomach when I arrived at the hospital.

    I should note that this practice primarily practices substance abuse treatment. Could this be a side effect of some zero-tolerance policy? Or do they really believe that smoking marijuana is that detrimental to my well-being?

    TLDR; Dr asked me to quit smoking weed in order to get access to treatment. And said they would drug test me.

    1. Did your Dr also mention marijuana?
    2. Did they drug test you?
    ilovesatan DudeBoy
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