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What YouTubers did you used to watch back then but not anymore?
  • Love Day9, have been following him since the dailies, with Monday as highlight of the week. Stuck around for Mostly Walking, which he still does. Also, at least once a year I rewatch the three VODs of Day9 teaching itmeJP The Build, The Pause, and voidrays… gets me everytime.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • But the list goes on: and you can probably do many of those things, but the smoothness and how it all just “magically” works I’ve never experienced on other OSes. But then again, is it worth the premium price? Probably not for most people. Also, you can’t miss something you never had. But if you ever experienced it, you will feel you are stepping down if you leave the ecosystem.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Oh no I get that, it’s definitely a nice-to-have not a must-have. And it’s those little things I personally am willing to pay a premium price for. It just negates the argument of “doesn’t work with windows, I don’t like apple”. No it doesn’t but then again android doesn’t do this either.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • See that’s not what we’re talking about here. what’s cool in the apple ecosystem is I can copy something on my iPhone to the clipboard and then press cmd-v on my Mac to paste it (Or visa versa). It’s these little continuity things in the ecosystem apple haters don’t even know about I think. Another example, if I place my iPad next to my Mac I can push my mouse cursor of the screen onto the iPad, grab a file, drag it back to my Mac. Wirelessly.

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • Leave the earth for whom then? No one? Everything else but humanity? It’s such a destructive and pessimistic take. And no, we are not gonna get along then. I have a bit more faith in humanity and our intuitive ability to adapt.

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • You need a lot of words to correct yourself, you may sound smart, to me you sound like a hypocrite. let me go ahead and try to summarize, what you actually try to say is: we should bear less children, instead of your first statement no children at all. On that we can agree.

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • So first you say: Don’t bear children. And now you’re trying to counteract my point by saying: think of the children… I’m positive you didn’t even read beyond my first sentence. Cause I’m literally saying we need to get our shit together.

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • Oh no, I’m saying on a scale big enough micro plastics don’t matter. But you are missing my point, we DO need to take care of microplastics, because we want to repopulate… the poster I’m replying to is trying to convince us not to bear children. Edgy, but also quite stupid.

  • Will microplastics in our testicles be an issue?
  • “Bad for the environment” means “Bad for us humans”, nature will take care of itself, just not in a human scale lifespan. So not populating because of the environment doesn’t make sense. Why have a better environment for humans if there are no humans? I’m not saying we don’t need to look after the environment, on the contrary, we need to better ourselves and the environment because otherwise we go extinct anyway.

  • [Opinion Piece] LLMs are not suitable for brainstorming
  • I agree, although the way I read it, I think the author of the article tries to let the LLM do all the brainstorming? Instead of a tool/extension for your own brain to spark ideas? I mean every input is good for brainstorming ideas, also bad input.

  • Steam link audio bug

    Was hoping to use Steam Link on my new AppleTV, but there is no audio when you use a Mac as host. It has been bugging people for years apparently. Any lemmings here that have hacked their way around it?

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