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What are the major world news that you got from weird sources (and maybe wish you had heard first from legit news sources)?
  • It wasn’t exactly unexpected, but I didn’t expect it, if that makes sense. I was working at the call center of an insurance company on election night in 2016, and my team was half people from Connecticut in office and half remote people from non-Chicagoland Illinois, politically divided exactly as you’d expect. My shift went 13-23:30 EST, and the team chat was trying to be somewhat non political, but it was tough.

    When I went into work, it seemed like Hillary would win, but throughout our shift, my coworkers and I kept getting chirps about new states being counted while the office slowly emptied (most people in office were on core hours, so by 19, we were the only ones left, including cleaning crews). When the first firm-ish numbers came in, one of our remote team members just spammed the chat with a bunch of terrible r/thedonald memes and there was an audible groan from the group.

    I didn’t like Clinton, but I was certain she’d win, because I was pretty sheltered in a New England state. Hearing that trump won felt like finding out your foundation is full of mold. I don’t know how else to describe it, except that I was certain we’d choose the “chicken that’ll do” (I know that was a spoof from the democratic debate, but it feels on brand for her whole deal).

  • Yes please
  • The best unexpected“perk” of a job I’ve ever had was at a restaurant where we served a beet salad. Twice a week, the kitchen would cook and mandoline the beets, then let them dry off a little on baking sheets. The chef was incredibly annoyed that I would regularly steal something that literally left me red-handed, but they were too good to resist.

  • Fuck up a book for me please
  • I’m an adult learner of a foreign language, and I wasn’t able to read for fun until I had finished three semesters of grad school in (and on) the language. Before that, my reading level was so low that kids books for that level weren’t interesting (I was actually really excited to try out the Percy Jackson series, because I missed it the first time in English, but it was way too complicated).

    It’s an edge case, I’ll grant you, but I would have loved something like this at that reading level. I would have preferred to pay a real person to do it so as not to lose out on important context and make sure the wording wasn’t weird, but I didn’t find anyone willing to do it

  • Is there any better example of a food that doesn't deserve to exist?
  • Okay, fuck that, but hear me out: it’s a good sports drink. Drinking a shot of pickle juice for every couple of water bottles on a day where you’re pouring sweat keeps you hydrated better than Gatorade (also good while drinking, and the sour and saltiness mixes well with tequila). There’s no reason to pay a premium for it instead of just skimming some from pickles you already have though.

  • A fragment of your imagination
  • This makes me realize that there’s actually been progress: I haven’t heard an acquaintance asking about a missing link to try and disprove evolution for at least a decade. That’s just my experience, but I used to hear it a lot.

  • das bagel
  • American living in Germany, working happily at a German bakery. Brötchen can be absolutely spectacular and I love German bread, but I still miss bagels. I’ve never had a good one here, but the ones you find in the grocery store are basically similar to grocery store bagels in the US(though sometimes they’re not boiled here, which explains why they might seem like Brötchen with a hole).

    It’s honestly similar to good Laugengebäck, just without the taste of lye (Lauge), which makes sense. If that’s not appealing to you, sure, but my homemade bagels (which are good but not spectacular, compared to some bagels I’ve had) have always been a hit among the Germans I’ve made them for.

  • Thickeners for cream pies
  • Yeah, otherwise I’d just make a key lime pie. I’m an experienced baker, but don’t have a big sweet tooth, so I haven’t done much non-bread baking lately and am pretty new to (and somewhat apprehensive of) vegan patisserie.

  • Thickeners for cream pies

    If anyone has a better idea for a title, this one’s a little iffy…

    I found a new yogurt flavor (alpro lemon-lime) that tastes just like key lime pie to me. I’d like to make it into an actual pie, but it’s a bit too runny.

    I’d prefer to avoid cooking the yogurt, so I figured corn starch, flour, and tapioca would all be out. I could do chia seeds, but I don’t necessarily want that texture.

    Any ideas?

    Wenn überhaupt, welche Ressourcen stellen Universitäten zur Verfügung?

    Hi, ich mache gerade mein Master in Deutschland, aber bin Ausländerin und kenne mich mit dem System nicht so gut aus. Ich weiß, dass es Ressourcen für manche Behinderungen gibt, zB für Menschen in Rollstühlen oder mit Sehbehinderungen. Gilt das auch für ADHS?

    Ich frage, weil ich gerade an Schwung verliere, aber ich glaube eine Verlängerung des Studiums noch schwieriger wäre. Wenn jmd. mit ein bisschen Macht bei der Uni (damit sie glauben, dass ich wirklich etwas mache) mir mit der Ordnung und Planung aushelfen könnte, wäre das ein Gamechanger.

    Are housecats aware of how much bigger people are?

    I’m wondering if cats think of us kind of like how a person thinks of a friendly bull: aware that they could easily kill us, but not necessarily afraid of them; or more like a large Dalmatian: they could fuck us up, but most of us don’t really think about that unless they’re being aggressive.

    I grew up with dogs and feel like I understand them a lot better than I do cats as a whole. I adopted my cat almost four years ago and I feel like I get her pretty well, but I don’t really have an idea of what she thinks about me. I also don’t really know any other cats, though I’ve gotten along with strays and friends’ cats a lot better since I got mine.

    Cat tax:

    [Answered]Is there a wood hard enough to regularly scrape aluminum?

    I’m sorry if this is not in the spirit of the community, but I figured my dad would know because of his experience woodworking, and I don’t want to ask him for obvious reasons. I’m happy to remove it if it doesn’t fit.

    I have an aluminum herb grinder, that regularly gets jammed up with resin. I tend to use a regular (probably pine) food skewer to clean it off, because I don’t want metal shards coming off of the aluminum from a metal scraper or plastic pieces from a plastic scraper. The pine works okay, but I have to replace it regularly and it can’t get everything.

    I know pine is probably one of the softest woods, but would a hard wood be significantly more durable if it were cut as thin as a skewer (4mm diameter round)? Would anything be both reasonably obtainable (I live in a place with frequently abandoned old furniture, if that would be a good source, or I can go to a lumber store) and more durable enough to be worth it?

    My fiancé made vegan beef stroganoff because of you people

    Mushrooms, onions, garlic, mustard, spinach, chili, vegan yogurt, vegan cevapcici , vegan beef broth, capers, and farfalle. It was incredible.

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