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The modern "bulb" in a 150-year-old lighthouse.
  • Looking at the datasheet and pictures I think the heatsink is just aluminum. Looks like an extrusion (which means it's the same shape over the full length) with a solid center that they machine down in the middle area to mount the LEDs. The large amount of material and good conduction of the aluminum will absorb and distribute the heat without needing water cooling or heat pipes.

    These LEDs use up to 200W and the heatsink on here probably weighs more than 10x as much as a heatsink on a 500+W graphics card. Watercooling and heat pipes are necessary when you need to get a lot of heat out with a minimum amount of material, such as for cars and home computers. Costs more than a big block of aluminum but the you don't need to move that much wieght around. For a light like this, the extra weight and space it takes up doesn't matter.

  • Sync Bug? Most posts are not marking as read

    Recently I started noticing that a lot of posts will mark as read for a second then go back to unread when viewing just the image or article. It's not all posts though and I haven't determined a pattern yet, but opening the comments seems to mark as read on refresh even though the post looks unread before refreshing.

    I'm on version 122 of Sync on Android.

    Employees Who Stay In Companies Longer Than Two Years Get Paid 50% Less
  • Clickbait.

    Article is nearly 10 years old.

    Article contains no studies or surveys showing this result.

    The 50% figure is calculated by assuming a paltry annual raise and consistent large pay bumps by switching companies.

  • Average U.S. vehicle age hits record 12.6 years as high prices force people to keep them longer
  • Yes, but the difference in safety over 12 years from a 2000 -> 2012 is much bigger than 2012 -> 2024. There are a lot more features now to stop a crash from occurring, but in terms of crash safety which is what a lot of people consider in buying a car, the difference is much less.

  • Average U.S. vehicle age hits record 12.6 years as high prices force people to keep them longer
  • Right? They portray it as a problem rather than as a sign that cars have finally hit the point where they're not dramatically improving in reliability, safety, and efficiency nearly as quickly anymore. That is not a bad thing really.

    For capitalists, a healthy used market is a bad thing. Captial requires continuous production to make returns on itself.

    One of the few things anymore that has a really strong used market besides cars is housing, so the capitalists switched their investment from developing new housing to vacuuming up the existing stock to instead collect rent and increase the value of their portfolio.

  • Students’ Leaf Blower Suppressor To Hit Retail

    Give away free electric tools if they trade in their gas ones. It's so bad for health to be huffing 2 stroke fumes all day every day.

    Edit, I realize that this is meant for a electric leaf blower since it would do fuck all for a gas one. Doesn't change my opinion about landscaping tools tho

  • First meme (hopefully good)
  • Can't fix anything if we use all our resources preventing regression. Snooze implies we go back to sleep for 4 years.

    🟥 go back to sleep (bad dreams)

    🟦 get up (get to work)

    ⬜ sit there (along for the ride)

  • Indiana judge rules tacos, burritos are sandwiches
  • Would a tostada then be a floppy cracker fried crisp?

    No, crackers are a type of bread. Tostadas are cracker versions of tortillas. Corn tortillas are whole grain flat breads.

    Pupusas and tamales are like his pizza example where the masa dough is cooked with its fillings. But those are both types of dumplings, which would make pizza an open-faced dumpling 🤔

  • US airlines are suing the Biden administration over a new rule to make certain fees easier to spot
  • It's no frills but on the kind of flights I think most people use them for, who needs frills? If the flight is under 3 hours or so, a snack pouch and free soda is plenty nice. Plus you don't feel like you're second class having to walk by the nice seats on the way to the back.

    I took a United flight from California to Chicago (cause it happened to be cheaper and better timed than SW) and I couldn't tell you the difference from flying SW besides maybe I knew my seat before boarding?

  • 'We have no judge for you': Man's assault charges dropped weeks before trial due to lack of judges in Toronto
  • Risky strategy because it is probably either a luck of the draw scenario or the prosecutor (is that how they're called in Canada?) deciding which cases have the lowest chance of winning on trial.

    If Canada is anything like the US, most criminal cases never make it to trial and the judge is only involved to approve a plea deal. If every criminal case went to trial it would overwhelm the courts.

  • All read posts being hidden forever

    *** Solved: it was pointed out there is a Lemmy setting that enables showing read posts, rather than a Sync setting.

    At some point I think I enabled a setting to hide read posts automatically, but now I can't seem to find a way to stop this behavior. There is also no method to unhide posts. So now once I've read a post, after I refresh it is gone forever in the app.

    Tried resetting all settings back to default and erased user data in android but it seems stuck, maybe to my user account?

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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