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Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is dead
  • Considering this person thinks being trans means you are whatever gender you look like I think you can guess they're a TERF.

  • Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is dead
  • You didn't answer my question-What was your argument if not that women would be uncomfortable because he looked like a man? That's some weird TERF shit.

  • Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is dead
  • What fucking business is it of yours?

    It's as much my fucking business as it is the author's, yours, OP's, or any of the fucking people commenting here.

    You wanna do dick checks of everyone using a public bathroom? Go the fuck ahead, I dare you.

    That's fucking disgusting and fucking inappropriate, why the fuck would I do ever fucking do that?

  • Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is dead
  • No it wasn't. At all.

    Holy backpedal Batman. You posted a photo of a man and then asked:

    Do you think women would feel comfortable or safe with him in there?

    What was your argument if not that women would be uncomfortable because he looked like a man?

    is being gay a choice?

    No. But people don't go around pretending to be gay to take advantage of women.

  • Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is dead
  • so it's okay for trans people to use the bathroom of their gender as long as they don't look like they're trans.

    LOOOOLOLOL That was your argument, not mine.

    I don't care what bathroom you use, just dont go around pretending like bathroom rules got this kid killed.

  • Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is dead
  • They aren't using whatever bathrooms they want. They are using the bathroom that people of their gender are supposed to use.

    And their "gender" is whatever they want it to be so, yes they are.

    But do explain to us why you want this man to be in a women's bathroom.

    I mean this is an anecdote. And an exceptional one at that. I can show you a dozen women who look like men. Women like the one in the OP who was beaten to death in a women's bathroom.

  • Signal Blog: Keep your phone number private with Signal usernames
  • You're referring to anonymity, not privacy.

    Matrix/Element is slower than shit. I don't understand why anyone recommends this.

    Session is also slow but that's not even a problem because I don't know anyone who's even heard of it, much less used it, and that's mostly because it doesn't have phone numbers.

    At least some people I know are on Signal and I can easily discover them by phone #. Or at least I used to.

  • Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is dead
  • Weird cuz there's an entire sentence in the headline of this article that mentions banning bathrooms. What do you think they were implying by that?

  • Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is dead
  • It could definitely remove one of the most notorious and dangerous places kids get bullied.

    Really? Please explain how that wouldn't make them 10x more likely to be bullied. I'll wait.

    Just because you want to be a peeping Tom

    Ah yeah, prove your point with personal insults, that's convincing.

  • Oklahoma banned trans students from bathrooms. Now a bullied student is dead
  • And I suppose allowing people to you use whatever bathrooms they want would end bullying?

  • Measles erupts in Florida school where 11% of kids are unvaccinated
  • This shit goes back way further than podcasts. I think Jenny McCarthy popularized in the early 00s.

  • Proton giving more to the free plans
  • Ban public financing.

  • Valve gives kudos to “amazing” Steam Deck competitors
  • It's not better though. As we've seen several times, the community can be as much of a hindrance as support.

    An official image would give manufacturers the promise of long-term support.

  • The necessary technologies
  • No it's not lmao

  • The necessary technologies
  • Wrong again. They stock more product than they think they will sell in case they underestimate demand.

  • The necessary technologies
  • Of course it is. Corporations don't throw money away producing things they know people won't buy.

  • AI hiring tools may be filtering out the best job applicants
  • Because these are cost-saving tools for multi-nationals with enormous capital footprints.

    Hiring shitty employees is not a cost-saving measure.

    McDonalds isn't going anywhere

    Something tells me McDonald's hiring process is not too important.

  • I am genuinely horrified to see how much data google collected from me
  • The difference is in what type of data is made available. They can't suck up your IP address through ActivityPub.

  • I am genuinely horrified to see how much data google collected from me
  • Why bicker about which is worst when they all are varying degrees of terrible?

    Because using none of them is unrealistic.

  • Adding instances to your services?

    Hi friends, I managed to get a few services running (Mobilizon, Mastodon, PeerTube etc.), and I'm just now realizing that by default none of these federated networks are subscribed to anything?

    I'm going to be the only one using these services so I don't care about moderation or defederation. Is there no "subscribe all" button?

    And if not, are there comprehensive lists somewhere I can download and import?

    Thanks in advance.

    Help with NGINX? so close...

    Hi friends. I'm new to the whole homeserver. I managed to make a ton of progress very quickly using CasaOS but I've been hung up on this for a couple of days now.

    I have Jellyfin set up and working properly, locally. I configured Namecheap to forward requests from [subdomain] to [WAN]. I have my router set up to port forward requests from [WAN] 80 and 443 to NGINX on [LAN] port 81. I created a proxy host in NGINX to forward requests from [subdomain] to [LAN Server] on [LAN] port 8097 (Jellyfin container).

    Problem is when I type in [subdomain] into the browser, it takes me to the NGINX login page instead of the Jellyfin it's not forwarding the request? Not really sure what I'm doing wrong here. Any help is appreciated.

    Potential issue I see is that Jellyfin by default fires up on port 8097 but in the settings defaults HTTP to 8096 and...I'm not really sure why. Going to 8096 returns a "site can't be reached" error.

    How to prevent link hijacking on sites like Facebook, Reddit and Twitter?

    Lately I've noticed some mainstream sites injection tracking links into literally every link on their site.

    When I hover over it, it shows the correct link at the bottom of my browser, but if I click it or copy it, it takes me to a hijacked tracker link.

    Then I can't even get the original link without having my activity tracked.

    How do I get the original link that appears at the bottom of my browser?

    How are you all playing these insanely complex games?

    Just some off the top of my head: Destiny, Deep Rock Galactic, Overwatch, and most recently Baldur's Gate.

    I received BG3 as a gift. I installed and loaded up the game and the first thing I was prompted to do is to create a character. There are like 12 different classes with 14 different abilities and 10 ability classes. The game does not explain any of this. I went to watch a tutorial online to try and wrap my head around all of this. The first tutorial just assumed you knew a bunch of stuff already. The second one I found was great but it was 1.5 hours long. There is no in-game tutorial I could find.

    I just get very bored very quickly of analyzing character traits and I absolutely loathe inventory management (looking at you Borderlands). Often times my inventory fills up and then I end up just selling stuff that I have no idea what it does and later realizing it's an incredibly valuable item/resource and now I have to find more.

    So my question is this: Do you guys really spend hours of your day just researching on the internet how to play these games? Or do you just jump in and wing it? Or does each game just build on top of working knowledge of previous similar games?

    E: General consensus seems to be all of the above. Good to know!

    Rant: Valve's new Steam Deck screws speak volumes about their ethos.

    In case you're out of the loop, the old Steam Deck had Philips screws that screwed into self-tapping plastic holes. This lead to occasional stripped threads and often stripped screwheads.

    Valve absolutely did not have to change their screws, and its probably actually against their best interests. While other companies around the world are constantly in search of new ways to screw their own consumers, Valve goes out of their way to update their screws to make them easier to install/remove by changing to torx screws and added metal threads in the backplate. Those who know anything about mechanical engineering know this is not an insignificant amount of effort they put into it.

    This is a small change that makes a huge impact, and speaks volumes about the ethos of the company. It says:

    1. We want to make our devices last longer, and be easier to repair.

    2. If you want to buy the cheaper tier and save yourself a few bucks by installing whatever SSD you want, go right ahead.

    3. We trust you to make decisions for yourself.

    4. Most importantly, we respect you, the consumer, and want you to fully own and control the devices we sell.

    Valve is by no means perfect, and there's plenty more they could be doing, but they've earned my respect and my patronage and I won't buy games from anywhere else. I will buy whatever future products they sell, even if I don't think I'll use them regularly.

    anyone willing to walk a noob through getting some services running?

    I've tried to figure some of this stuff out but I really don't know what I'm doing. Most documentation is written with a vocabulary I don't understand. Tutorials assume a high-level understanding of coding, software, CLI and a bunch of other stuff.

    So far I've got an old gaming PC with a R7 2700x + 2060 Super and I think maybe it's overkill. I've got TrueNAS running on it but that's about as far as I got...

    Thinking maybe we can have an open Jitsi meeting and just anyone who needs help can get it (myself included 🙂)?

    Would anyone be interested in something like that?


    E: some people have imagined up some things that I said so let me be clear about what I did not say:

    At no time did I insist, beg, or demand that anyone help me.

    I did NOT ask anyone to help with a specific issue, nor should I be required to.

    I asked if anyone would be willing to help myself and possibly others to get some services running, and I asked to do it in a videoconference setting where we can have a discussion and where you can see what I'm doing as I'm doing it, out of respect for both of our time.

    If you are not interested, you do not need to come in here and announce it, and you sure as shit do not need to speak for anyone else on whether they will want to. Just keep scrolling.

    E2: special thanks to those who actually reached out and offered to help!

    why cant Steam Deck detect display resolution?

    Every PC I've ever used automatically detects and adjusts resolution to the display you connect to it. Even Nintendo Switch will detect when it's docked and automatically adjust the display resolution. But on Steam Deck you literally have to adjust the display resolution for every game, every time you switch displays.

    Since getting the SD I have shoved my PC into another room to displace the heat (until I get a mini-split) and I just stream from it to the Deck, whether docked at my desk or on the couch or on the big screen. But this really complicates that process unnecessarily.

    This has also not been fixed in Nobara or Chimera.

    What's the limitation there?

    helenslunch helenslunch
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