My power company found a new and infuriating way to fuck with me. They send every e-bill with a required payment of $0 and then the regular balance but my bank auto-pay only reads it as $0 due today and ignores it.
So the bank says it's the power company's fault, the power company claims to have no control over it. Oh and they don't send paper bills any more (although they send me a paper report every month shaming me for stressing the grid by charging my electric car) So you have to remember to go online and look up the bill and pay it on their awful $5 transaction bill pay instead.
I was reminded after watching Never After that the Brothers Grimm claimed to be working down old folk tales but they are also the only known version of many of the tales, so it can be assumed they made up at least a few of them.
This right here.
I played 6 at launch and it was a huge downgrade from 5 but now it's been updated so much it's now unrecognizable from what was released as 6.
Every patch, update, and DLC will change it incrementally back into a similar experience as the others. They like to try to get real wild with the initial release but it tends to get back to the same sort of things eventually.
Thank you! I didn't want to have to dig up the episode by hand. The YT short missed the excellent stinger that seals this joke.
Both are recoverable but the astrology daughter is much cheaper to handle. Tarot, crystals, and star charts don't eat retirement funds.
Daughter with a Psychic, much tougher call.
I hate this, but I use it because "I'm from a neurodivergent family" sounds worse to my ears that "My whole family is some flavor of neurospicy."
We have 2 ADHD+anxiety, 1 dual ADHD+Au, and 1 dual ADHD+NVLD.
Freel better yet?
Let people enjoy things. Shitting in people like this makes you an asshole.
it's got 8 years of updates right? You think it'll last until Google comes back into a pro hardware phase?
Doesn't putting the $$ anywhere that's not retrievable miss the point of having an emergency fund? It's supposed to be liquid assets you can spend if you had to. Putting it anywhere with good returns would keep it from being available at 11:45pm on a Saturday night when the ER is demanding payment now or they won't treat you.
Not 7.5 times higher though. No other factor is as big a predictor as gendered violence. Men commit violence against women and other men much, much more often than women do.
And if you are a man, you should be just as mad because the chances that you are a victim of a violent act by another man is much higher too.
Not all men are violent, but men and women are both victims of the anger of this small-subset of men that we have been unable to identify what else they have in common beyond gender.
He was educated in Catholic schools and was going to be a Priest. Thomas has done nothing but uphold the white Christian man's power and privilege his entire life.
Had to sit through someone's gushing fanboy talk about this last year and I nearly threw up. He's a gross misogynist and fucking smug about it too.
They been a disaster for the elder and homeless community. Many of them have no cell phone and only login once a week and 2fa makes it pretty much impossible for them.
As another librarian, it's fucking terrifying work these days. We are beloved by the people but a giant target for this administration. I loved this work for decades but I'm about to flee for industry because I'm exhausted. We're also not super portable, library jobs are hard to come by and those outside the US are hot right now.
So just like therapists, I would have to find, select and hire a matchmaker FIRST and then have them send me on potential dates?
That's just adding more steps to a bad system.
People like dating apps for the convenience and lack of commitment and this plan would be worse on both fronts. People can't even be honest when the get a bad haircut, trying to get them to give honest date feedback to the matchmaker would be a nightmare.
I've had people jealous of me. People who tried to steal my spouse or thought they would be so happy living my life.
It didn't make me one bit happier. Sometimes it made me suffer, that they didn't see that things were really difficult for me in ways that were invisible.
That feeling that I thought was wanting a perfect life was really needing anxiety meds I am way happier with well-adjusted meds.
They've always been refillable with an adapter from the hardware store but it's an enormous pain, so few people bother. I've always hoped Coleman would start an exchange program at REI or somewhere similar.
If I recall, the adapter hooked to a grill tank but to fill the green cans you had to have the larger tank above the smaller one and it's impractical for most people.
Wales gets it it's own Island? Fuck yes! I vote for this map.
I've never bothered to watch The Room and this is a really pleasant way to do so.
When was a kid in the 90s, tip was 10% of the $20 bill. By the time I was eating out a lot in my 20s we left 15% on the $35 because we liked the servers. Now the check is $50 and the "recommended" is creeping past 30%.
I'm upset about this but I'm way more upset to be finding out about it from Lemmy instead of from my school district or PowerSchool directly. My Pennsylvnaia school district hasn't said anything about this.
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I'm reading Organizing Solutions for People with ADHD by Susan Pinksky and it is full of helpful advice and useful tips. But I don't like to hear the truth sometimes.
The actual quote from the book is "If you are purchasing items for a project, pause to put the date you will DO the project on your calendar (preferably within the week). If the project doesn't get done, reschedule it so those supplies stay on your radar.... We should only buy items for which we have an imminent plan or need."