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what's your experience with paperless?
  • Sounds like maybe you ran it as a container and didn't mount the document archive externally then updated the container. That would have likely blown away the actual ingested documents but left the Metadata (including the OCR data) where it was, assuming the database was either its own container or mounted externally

  • Sudo is coming to windows
  • runas is trash, to be honest. I've been waiting 30 years for an OS-native tool that allows me to delegate specific commands for specific users to run with specific parameters as admin. Something I can do with sudo (well, sudoers) in 5 minutes is outright impossible on Windows. I'd like to believe that Microsoft will implement this part of sudo, but I'm not gonna hold my breath

  • Book title on the tip of my tongue

    Hopefully someone here knows what I'm talking about and I didn't just make the whole thing up as part of a fever dream.

    I recall reading a book several years ago where one of the main plot points was that there was some kind of AI watching and recording humanity across the galaxy, but had been doing it for so much longer than designed that it was starting to break down or run out of storage space or something of that nature. It influenced some guy to head out and start looking for it to help or fix it. I don't remember much else, and all of the search engines just spam me with garbage sponsored AI bait, so I'm hoping someone here might recognize the broad strokes and be able to point me in the right direction.

    Has anyone scaled back from 5gals to 3gals or 1gal?
  • I've had decent success scaling down recipes, but what I've found is that I make more consistent beers when I use a recipe designer instead of just taking 20% of the 5 gallon recipe. I'm just a beginner though. Someone more experienced could probably just eyeball it.

  • I found it! The manual! I'm not sure it's helping me though...
  • I know this is a meme /c, but for real, I bought this exact same product a while back. If this is your photo, just be careful about what you put on it. Mine lasted 2 months with a grape vine on it before it collapsed.

    Source: Arch user

  • My first attempt in building an itx pc 5600g+16GBs :)
  • The Chopin Pro is such a great mITX case. I used one for the exact same build for my wife's pc. It's great for office apps and even for light gaming. It won't win any competitions, but it runs what she plays just fine and is smaller than some textbooks I had in college

  • Unhopped ale
  • This is an amazing bit of advice that every home brewer needs to understand. IBU only tells part of the story, and you have to understand that there are other factors that go into perceived bitterness. Many of your darker beers have higher IBU values, but the non-fermentable sugar and the other roast flavors counter the hop bitterness. Adjuncts like lactose can also smooth out some of the sharper hop notes (again, non-fermentable sugars). I found a guide that shows ibu ranges for a bunch of styles and you can see that a lot of heavier beers are rather high in IBU even though you'd never call the style "bitter" or "hoppy"

  • What are your favorite single player games to go back to?
  • It's definitely the clunkiest of the 3. I almost gave up on it but if you stick with it you'll figure it out and maybe even learn to like it. RotTR and SotTR are both much better from a control perspective. FTL is great for when you just want a chill game. It's hard but not sweaty. I really wish they had it for Android...

  • What are your favorite single player games to go back to?
  • I generally go back to the nostalgia-filled retro titles from the nes-psx eras or for a more modern experience I'll lean into Mark of the Ninja, Guacamelee, or FTL. I've also put an embarrassing number of hours into the new Tomb Raider trilogy and Breath of the Wild. BotW counts as vintage these days, right?

  • Software management for Windows Server
  • Creating an AD domain carries a substantial amount of extra overhead that they might not want to deal with. The basics of setting one up are simple enough but actually building out/maintaining the infrastructure the correct way can be a lot of extra work (2 DCs for redundancy, sites configuration, users, groups, initial GPOs). There are also licensing and CAL considerations (bare metal and hypervisor, both different), domain and forest options that can paint you into a nasty corner of you're not careful, and a whole host of other things to think about and plan around. I'm not arguing that a domain is bad, on the whole I agree 100%. I just like to set the record straight that building a new production domain isn't as simple as a lot of people would have you believe, and OP might not have the time to go through all that.

  • Priorities!
  • I feel like this is legitimately more true than a lot of people think. Say what you want about the average end user, but UX is a HUGE driver with regard to adoption and user uptake. You can have the best of everything else in your application, but if the UX sucks, folks just aren't going to use it

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I kinda disagree with the context comment though. That era of computing was inherently wild - nobody had figured anything out yet beyond the most basic and general strokes, and security analysts (such as they were) had what would be considered a childish understanding of IT security by modern standards. Heck, Windows95 didn't even have the TCP stack enabled by default, so when these features were being designed, planned, and coded at Microsoft, there was no context for security on that kind of feature. Wikipedia says that Win95 was in the planning stage in 1992 - I take that with a grain of salt, but the concept is valid. Microsoft was writing the core features of Windows 95 before WAN was even really a thing. Like I said, I don't disagree with the idea that AutoRun was a terrible thing among many terrible things Microsoft is responsible for, but given the era in which AutoRun came out, it was a reasonable trade-off between security and functionality for the lowest common denominator of user. The whole thing should have been disabled (on 95 and 98) when Windows 98 came out since they should have known better at that point.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I don't disagree with this statement in general. That days, I don't know how old you are and whether or not you were really around the home PC space when the auto run feature first came to be. I can sort of understand what Microsoft was trying to accomplish with it... the mid-90's were a wild, lawless time with regard to personal computing. There was a lot of heartburn on the end user side because things were changing so rapidly. Getting them to understand that what a "drive letter" was, how to get there, and how to run an application from it (let alone what an application even was) proved challenging even under the best circumstances. The ability to insert a CD into the drive tray and have it "just work" (also a big theme in Win 95/98) was a godsend for a lot of publishers.

    Of course, in today's world, we look at that kind of feature and rightly say "yo, that's fucking crazy, why would you do that?", but in the old days it really did help. At the end of the day, it was a useful feature that, like a lot of windows legacy crap, was left in the OS after its usefulness had gone and just became another attack vector.

  • Pipes knocking around 120bpm

    I have a very odd issue that I can't solve, perhaps someone here could help. The pipe attached to my main shutoff valve is emitting a soft knocking sound at around 120 beats per minute. The sound persists as long as there is any amount of pressure, and I can feel it in the pipe nearby as well as in the valve handle itself. The weird part is that if I turn on any hot water tap, the noise vanishes. I'm a new homeowner so I don't have much experience, so any help would be appreciated. What I've checked so far:

    Drained the system completely and refilled

    Turned the water off overnight and checked toilets for leaks

    I don't feel the pulse at the water meter line

    Turning hot water on anywhere in the house stops the noise.

    Thanks in advance!

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