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It's important to get a good interest rate
  • $8 for a McFlurry sounds absurd

  • Is Neofetch abandoned?
  • There are some things that do change. In my case, it says my window manager is sway when it is actually river. So certain things will stop working as expected if it is not maintained. This is different from a game, because as systems change, it doesn't affect how the game works if the platform it runs on can be emulated. In a sense, the game is still being updated because the emulators required to use it are being updated.

  • When do you consider a system to be bloated?
  • I'm not against bloat, I just want it to be MY bloat

  • MineClone 2 will switch to a new name, VoxeLibre
  • Lee-bruh

    This is how I always sounded it in my head. Issue is, it sounds exactly like "libra"

  • Tree damaged by lightning
  • Now do another one and make them high-five

  • I feel so old.
  • At that point, we may as well just return to monke and speak in grunts and ooks.

  • NATO Proposes $100 Billion, Five-Year Fund to Aid Ukraine
  • Russia is the biggest reason the baltics joined.

    The Baltic states joined in 2004. Long before Putin was made into a pariah, and Russia was still seen as part of the West and publicly aspiring to join NATO

  • [Sway] Distrohopping go brrrr!
  • Ok, that's sort of what I figured. I'll probably do that going forward. Thanks

  • [Sway] Distrohopping go brrrr!
  • New to linux. I tried this same thing in a virtual machine. I got a lot of stuff to work, but it seems like any services and daemons have to be installed on xbps because the ones from nix can't be enabled for Runit, or at least require doing that in a different way. So I would install those services through XBPS and everything else with Nix-Env which was enough to get a WM up, but I kept running into issues installing other things.

    Now I'm running Void directly on my computer and I'm sticking to XBPS and so far it has gone a lot smoother, but I've heard about this Void + Nix thing a lot, but never really seen mentioned what the recommended approach to that is

  • Age of piss
  • I wish I could upvote something twice

  • oh, between 57th and 58th? thank you!!
  • 57th and 1/2th street

  • What is a gender neutral replacement for man, guys, buddy, etc?
  • But it excludes asexual people /s

  • Europe battles powder shortage to supply shells for Ukraine
  • This is making me reassess Russia's prospects in an all out war with NATO. If they can't supply Ukraine alone as it is, how will they supply a war machine for an entire continent when trade is even more limited?

  • What's your go-to lazy meal when you need to eat but don't feel up to cooking?
  • Walmart frozen burritos. They are incredibly cheap, by weight almost comparable to cheap staples like pasta or rice. I can toast them on the pan and add some fire hot sauce. Tastes good. Easy to make. Inexpensive. Only downside is that there's no way it's good for you.

  • My friends never got Vine but all love TikTok
  • What are the odds Elon would bring it back if pressed?

  • My go to when I want to impress a date
  • That is... Mind blowing

  • If Trump Wins... ?
  • How many boosters did you get?

  • Seriously, why is the USA supporting Israel?
  • Because history is never the result of good or bad intentions, as much as propaganda would try and convince you otherwise

  • What Items am I missing?

    I play as hardcore ironman, mostly on free to play. I want to collect as many rare and essential items as possible. I already have a skull sceptre, a shaman mask, and some rune gear.

    I will finish getting the Barronite mace soon, and then maybe I will work on the hill giant club from Obor, which might be difficult as hcim. I wonder outside of membership are there any other rare items like this I need to get?

    Youtube gun
    Can I rant about "YouTube Kids" for a second?

    What is with the "made for kids" bs? I know it's about COPPA compliance, but I also think YouTube bears some responsibility for how stupid they have made their system.

    Basically, any video that is "made for kids" lacks most basic features. You can't leave comments, you can't add the video to the playlist. You can't use the miniplayer in the app, which is a UI feature. Why? Because the people who wrote COPPA are a bunch of boomers who don't understand the internet.

    This would all be fine, because I don't tend to watch content that is actually for children. But as someone who has helped others upload video to YouTube, I know first hand how easy Google makes it for people to want to click the "made for kids" button even when their content is targeted to the general audience. Basically, people think "well, there's nothing in this video that is unsafe for children, so I must check the box then" which effectively handicaps anyone watching their video from using the most basic features.

    This shit makes me so fucking angry.

    My first impressions of Minetest

    Since Minecraft 1.19.1 with the new chat moderation system, I have vowed to avoid playing Minecraft. So I finally gave Minetest a shot a few months ago. I knew it was considered a game engine, so my impression was I would have to find and download standalone games. But when I learned about the Minetest launcher, I realized it was all there in one download. And if you join a server, it installs the necessary mods automatically. So this is a lot more like Roblox or Curseforge. I think calling Minetest just a game engine is kind of underselling it and maybe it should be branded differently.

    I also think it shouldn't be described as an alternative to Minecraft. Minecraft has been in development for 13 years, most of that time with hundreds of employees under Microsoft. With virtually no height limit, Minetest beats Minecraft technically in a lot of ways. But I still think Minecraft is a much more polished experience overall, and it can take a bit to get used to some of the differences.

    Instead, I think Minetest should be described as an alternative to modded Minecraft, because this is where it really shines. After all these years, Mojang has not added any modding support to Minecraft. So Minecraft mods can be clunky, buggy, and every Minecraft update breaks all the mods. Minetest, on the other hand, is built only for mods, so mods work really well.

    When you play a modpack, you are not playing for the vanilla features of the game. Some Minecraft mods even remove vanilla features for a brand new experience. So why put all that effort making a free to play mod for a pay to play game, when you can do it for a free to play game?

    If you are a mod creator, you will have an easier time modding on Minetest, anyone can play your mod for free instead of paying Microsoft $30, and players will have the same, nay, a better experience, because modded Minecraft can be incredibly buggy and prone to crashes. So Minetest beats modded Minecraft hands down and if I had known sooner I would have played it sooner.

    I'm really enjoying Minetest; it has a lot of potential.

    Rhino Iguana
    Minecraft Discussion / News gun
    Minecraft will ban you for profanity, alcohol etc in chat, coming with the next update

    cross-posted from:

    > First they force everyone on a microshit account, then ban you from your own server for drinking a beer... > > GODDAMNIT EVERYTHING MICROSOFT TOUCHES TURNS TO SHIT.

    blood moon
    Reg Keating - Turkish March
    The wokes have gone too far this time...

    I just heard KIDS are learning about PRONOUNS in school!!

    They teach defensive driving courses, why not offensive driving?

    How am I supposed to boost my k/d ratio if I don't know how to drive offensively?

    Is there a good way to play the original 1997 Age of Empires?

    I know there's the definitive editions, but I don't think it makes sense to pay $20 for a 25 year old game just for the better graphics when I prefer the simplicity of the old graphics.

    Any download I've found just doesn't work on newer graphics drivers. It's sad to think this game may just be dead and unplayable forever now, lost to time.

    Open source clones are appreciated too. I've heard of openage, but I don't think that one's finished yet, right?

    Video showing wholesome moment between Donetsk father and daughter is falsely labeled as a Ukrainian soldier off to war

    The video was originally posted by mayor of Gorlovka, Ivan Prikhodko on Feb 21 as DPR was evacuating children to Russia while Ukraine attacked. It was reposted and falsely captioned as "Ukrainian father saying goodbye to his daughter before he go to defend his country against the Russian invasion", with 15k likes and 3k retweets as of posting.

    I don't like that they are called toots in Mastodon

    This might just be a me problem, but I don't like that they use the word toot in Mastodon.

    When they chose that word, they probably were going for the sound an elephant makes with its trunk, because a mastodon is similar to an elephant. But I have always been aware that toot is another word for flatulence. So personally it makes me cringe.

    You can imagine what it's like for me if you replace "toot" with "fart" on mastodon. Now everyone is talking about liking the best farts, sharing someone's fart, etc. I'm not suggesting they change it on my account, I just wanted to share and see if anyone else had the same problem.

    Edit: Apparently they already did change the name

    Edit 2: Oh wow, apparently it was hbomberguys idea 6 years ago.

    (Meta) Rules updated, spam removed

    I have added some rules to the sidebar of this community. There weren't any rules before. Give me feedback on the new rules if you have any. Should any of them be removed or modified? Should any new rules be added? Let's discuss it. I considered adding a rule against memes and one against propaganda, but I have refrained from that for now.

    About past posts. I had decided to retroactively apply these new rules to some recent posts. Usually, I don't think that is fair, but in this case, I think it is necessary so that the last 10 posts of this community are not just leftypol meme spam, and people get a better idea of what kind of content belongs here. Otherwise, I am letting old rule-breaking content stay for posterity.

    I look forward to seeing more great pictures and more activity here.

    conspiracy gun
    The New Pearl Harbor (full Documentary)(9/11)
    Just installed Lemmur

    I got a new android phone today, so I can finally check this out. UI is great. Everything looks really impressive so far.

    I'm also making this post just to see how posting looked. I was going to complain about the lack of a preview button, but I see the toggle icon for it now. It's clever!

    share all kinds of videos, images, texts and more gun
    I'm back

    I'm back from my vacation

    Minecraft Discussion / News gun
    Randomly found a stronghold while caving

    I was doing some caving after 1.17 came out. How rare is it to just find one without an eye of ender? I was kind of surprised

    gun gun

    <center style="font-size:2000px">!</center>

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