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That's one smart serial killer
  • I’ve actually been to this place in Ireland.

    The owner is super nice and the lambs are cute. There’s also some ancient huts next door you can see, as well as petting collies.

  • Apple Patent Hints At Foldable iPhone With Self-healing Screen

    There was a 12 and a 13 mini.

  • (SOLVED) Stutters when moving mouse after 20-30 minutes of playing
  • Are you running TF2 through proton? TF2 has a native Linux build.

  • was this not allowed before?
  • iOS already has widgets?

  • Running a OPNsense firewall in a VM?
  • I’ve been doing it for years, no issues. It’s fairly common in the enterprise as well.

  • Running a OPNsense firewall in a VM?
  • If you have a managed switch you can also just do vlan tags for your wan and not have to pass any nics to the VM.

  • Headless VNC on Mint
  • Using a dummy plug is perfectly normal for a lot of use cases, even in the enterprise. Generally if you can’t do virtual rendering (like RDP) then using a dummy plug is totally fine

  • Update Your iPhone Now: iOS 17.4.1 Includes These Security Fixes
  • It would load a PDF in safari. Back in the good old days of

  • AMD HDMI2.1 proposal rejected by HDMI forum
  • You forget every desktop GPU having 3 DisplayPorts and only 1 HDMI, and USB C supporting DisplayPort?

  • How exactly does linux use prefix length assigned to network interface?

    In both ipv4 and ipv6 the CIDR designation of the subnet is called a “prefix”.

  • Google and Mozilla don’t like Apple’s new iOS browser rules
  • Sure, but the point was that google does not freely allow sideloading - they dislike it as well losing out on that 30%.

  • Google and Mozilla don’t like Apple’s new iOS browser rules
  • That’s not what the lawsuit is about. Google made backdoor deals to pay developers to release on the play store instead of their own 3rd party app store. They were found at fault for anti-competitive behavior.

  • Comcast reluctantly agrees to stop its misleading “10G Network” claims
  • See AT&T labeling HSPA as “4Ge” and enhanced LTE as “5Ge”.

    Neither of which is actually 4G or 5G.

  • Is Linux pretty much unusable with an Nvidia GPU?
  • and in a later speech Linus praises nvidia for their support.

  • What is with Steam's shading cache updates nowadays?
  • I get a few, but not every single game like my desktop does.

  • What is with Steam's shading cache updates nowadays?
  • Same issues here, opening steam each night greets me with every single game downloading 500 mb - 5 gb of shader updates. It’s insane. I don’t get why my steamdeck doesn’t do this but an Arch desktop does?

  • How bad is Idea of .Zip as password manager?
  • Or self host Bitwarden and you don’t have to bother with syncing the file around.

  • gray gray

    Linux & Azure cloud engineer. Sometimes a wolf, or a fuzzy dragon.

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