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Transformation of gun ownership in SU
  1. Farmer! Be red, hold a gun
  2. Give gun to red soldier, he'll protect you
  3. If you don't giveup your gun, you're a traitor
  4. Farmers, give bread to revolution!
  5. America [brings corn] to the starving of Russia
How to block another instance to curate your Lemmy experience
  • Oh no... I cannot block my own instance 😭

  • first line
  • lemmy updated comment

  • Russia Withdrawing Troops from Kherson (Ukraine)
  • And that's it? I've been waiting for so long for you to react to liberation of Kherson and that's the best you came up with?

    My Disappointment Is Immeasurable And My Day Is Ruined

  • Within the West, a common theme in sci-fi is that AI will take over and enslave humans. However, within the Chinese context, AI is portrayed as a companion.
  • you ok, mate? didn\t think it would trigger you that much. Sorry, bro, Let's all have a deep breath and take some break from this spicy convo

  • Within the West, a common theme in sci-fi is that AI will take over and enslave humans. However, within the Chinese context, AI is portrayed as a companion.
  • Dude, it was supposed to be quick and easy dunk on your xenophobia claim. Do you really want me to bring your attention to the well documented problem of antisemitism in USSR?

    If you wanna make your life more miserable just type "antisemitism in USSR" in wikipedia and go hate whoever you usually hate. I want no part in it

  • Within the West, a common theme in sci-fi is that AI will take over and enslave humans. However, within the Chinese context, AI is portrayed as a companion.
  • For real, man, it's not Stalin depicted 😐

    I mean I'm not gonna rub it all in as I don't really want to post tons of antisemitic propaganda and stories how Jewish people had to go into hiding from racial prosecution in USSR. If you wanna deny all that, let it be your own burden to carry, I'm done here

  • Within the West, a common theme in sci-fi is that AI will take over and enslave humans. However, within the Chinese context, AI is portrayed as a companion.
  • What? Stalin as the devil? It's posters from 1941-42 portraying Jewish as evil. Why do you see every mustache as Stalin's? Do you have some kinda kink on it or what?

  • America’s Chip War With China May Already Be Lost
  • Meanwhile major Chinese chip manufacturers are down 40% YoY and keep falling. But don't listen to market, your basics in economics and logistics certainly outsmart the whole financial industry 🤡

  • UK reintroduces draconian anti-protest bill
  • Well, in China and Russia similar bills passed just fine; but I couldn't find you, a prominent China researcher, post about that 🤔. A smidge of bias there or is it just me again?

  • There is no censorship in the west.
  • The description missed: desperate attempt of OP to paint Wikipedia (the open source successful project which democratized public knowledge) same colours as Facebook and Twitter.

    I wonder if there's some kinda agenda behind it

  • US has just 106 million barrels of diesel and heating oil in commercial stocks; the last time inventories were that low in mid-October was in 1951
  • The butterfly effect indeed affects everything but not your ability to pump propaganda, ain't it? I think it has to be studied! Maybe we could create new type of computers based on disentanglement, you could bring so much value to this world!

  • US has just 106 million barrels of diesel and heating oil in commercial stocks; the last time inventories were that low in mid-October was in 1951
  • This news is still not about Canada 😒.

    Can you help me, I thought OP really would like to criticize his country but all I see is news outside of it? Do I hold it wrong?

  • 1 year of service for Russian citizenship 'Sign a one-year contract with army, will give you citizenship': Russia tells foreigners

    Russia is currently facing significant battle reversals in Ukraine seven months into the war, prompting President Putin to take steps to increase military strength.

    'Sign a one-year contract with army, will give you citizenship': Russia tells foreigners

    For all my comrades out there, opportunity of the lifetime


    Is lemmy mostly for programmers?
  • if you wanna simply to hang out with people, consider joining some matrix chats. Real time communication is easier with instant notifications.

  • working class 💪
  • I drink coffee to stay employed, am I a working class?

  • A response to goosefetisch
  • So you admit you indent to break rule 2 in the future. Good job making mods look bad

  • A response to goosefetisch
  • Why (such a small) picture tho, why not posting link to the discussion so the viewer could grasp some context?

    Other than that, you totally got me saying word "bs". Wow, the audacity of me. This totally nullifies everything I can ever say.

  • A response to goosefetisch
  • I'm kinda surprised how much lemmygrad antagonizes themselves with their brothers on the left.

    C'mon, people, if there are your potential supporters, they are here. You don't gain followers with harassment. This toxicity is totally counter productive here even for your own cause.

    I understand the temptation to upvote funny hot take, but trolls in your own family are destroying reputation of your movement, be wary of joining them in their black parade.

  • graphito graphito
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    Comments 20