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Within the West, a common theme in sci-fi is that AI will take over and enslave humans. However, within the Chinese context, AI is portrayed as a companion. Confucius, cyberpunk and Mr. Science: comparing AI ethics principles between China and the EU | Montreal AI Ethics Institute

🔬 Research summary by Connor Wright, our Partnerships Manager. [Original paper by Pascale Fung and Hubert Etienne] Overview: The ethical approaches to AI adopted by China and Europe initially seem…


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  • IIRC this is similar to the portrayal of aliens in the US vs. Soviet media

    • Yup, US aliens are often a projection of xenophobia, and USSR generally portrayed aliens as being friendly and enlightened.

      • There was no xenophobia in USSR

        • Ah yes famous USSR propaganda depicting Stalin as the devil. You are very intelligent. 😂

          • What? Stalin as the devil? It's posters from 1941-42 portraying Jewish as evil. Why do you see every mustache as Stalin's? Do you have some kinda kink on it or what?

            • who's in the first picture dumdum?

              • A Jewish man?

                • Stalin wasn't Jewish last I checked. Oh, and remind me what Soviet symbol is it in that last pic while you're at it?

                  Pretty hilarious how you found a bunch of anti-soviet menshivik propaganda and didn't even realize it. Keep on digging there little buddy. 😂

                  • Dude, it was supposed to be quick and easy dunk on your xenophobia claim. Do you really want me to bring your attention to the well documented problem of antisemitism in USSR?

                    If you wanna make your life more miserable just type "antisemitism in USSR" in wikipedia and go hate whoever you usually hate. I want no part in it

                    • You "debunked" a straw man. I talked about xenophobia in US and simply said that USSR produced positive image for aliens in its shows. Dude. Meanwhile, your "debunking" exposed you for the ignoramus that you are. I can only assume those pics came from your personal spank bank.

                      • you ok, mate? didn\t think it would trigger you that much. Sorry, bro, Let's all have a deep breath and take some break from this spicy convo

                  • For real, man, it's not Stalin depicted 😐

                    I mean I'm not gonna rub it all in as I don't really want to post tons of antisemitic propaganda and stories how Jewish people had to go into hiding from racial prosecution in USSR. If you wanna deny all that, let it be your own burden to carry, I'm done here