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egg_irl [Transfem meme]
  • why would we want cooties?! so wrong!!

  • Like magic
  • That was my hope :D

  • Like magic
  • ;)

  • Like magic
  • Incredible!!!!

  • Like magic
  • What's this gift you speak of?

  • Like magic
  • He should be exactly as short as he was last time...

  • Like magic
  • It's an ironic meme.

  • Chance The Rapper is so BACK Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.


    Thoughts on his new stuff?

    Buried Alive, now Together.

    Both are pretty good, IMO. The pen is there, the beats are nice... It's getting me excited for his next project!

    [REVIEW] Toei Animation - Lovely★Complex
  • Kimi ni Todoke I haven't gotten to just yet... But Oregairu really is fantastic haha 100% agree

  • [Frieren] I'm going insane

  • [Frieren] I'm going insane
  • They have a pretty solid record thankfully 😁

  • [Frieren] I'm going insane
  • WOW REALLY?! I'll definitely read it then!

    So I should read The Apothecary Diaries too? It's on my list but I wasn't sure if I was actually going to get to it, since the premise doesn't seem that interesting.

  • [Frieren] I'm going insane
  • Ah I read a lot of Solo Leveling. Thought it was ok, lots of fun moments and great art! Maybe I'll check out the anime then~

  • [Frieren] I'm going insane
  • Come on, there will be a 2nd season. THERE MUST BE!!! Even if there won't, it's more convenient for me to believe there will.

    But thank you, I'm glad I can continue watching in peace ✌️

  • [Frieren] I'm going insane
  • This take has been expressed to me a few times now... I genuinely don't understand it, I think they're all cool and interesting ://

  • [Frieren] I'm going insane
  • IDK, I'm really enjoying the dungeon arc but you're not alone in what you're saying! I think Frieren being a Mary Sue affords a lot of freedom for the narrative to wander, since you know she always wins in the end. It's about appreciating the emotional development of the other characters and finding out about her past thru the flashbacks. I mean, that's what she's doing really hahaha

  • [Frieren] I'm going insane
  • I'm afraid it'd be a bit boring since I already know what happens for a while, since I've been watching the anime...

  • [Frieren] I'm going insane
  • :DDD I'm excited for the next Ep

  • [Frieren] I'm going insane
  • How good's the manga? Thank you :D excited

  • [Frieren] I'm going insane
  • Too boring whaaaaaaat~

    To each their own I suppose!

  • [Frieren] I'm going insane
  • I couldn't handle the pressure... Not for such popular shows :c

  • [Frieren] I'm going insane

    Anxiety is starting to take hold of me.

    If brain-in-a-jar theory is correct, I'm currently being absolutely DRENCHED in some sort of anxiety inducing chemical; my hands are clammy, sweaty, my knees are weak, and I can smell my mom cooking some spaghetti so I'm pretty sure we all know what's about to happen...

    I was waiting for Sousou no Frieren to finish airing to gauge people's reactions to the ending before I decide whether or not to watch it, but I caved.

    Everyone and their momma is talking about this show, FOMO got me

    But now what I feared most is coming true, and I can't help but tremble at the prospect of Frieren ending on a cliffhanger. There's 4 episodes left in this season. If Madhouse hits me over the head with a cliffhanger and I have to wait a year for season 2 they might as well cast Zoltraak directly into my heart.

    Has anyone read the manga? Am I going to suffer terribly for my rash decision?

    Also, this show is really good right?! Love it very much so far, no wonder it's topping MAL, I wonder if we really do have an all-timer on our hands.

    [REVIEW] Toei Animation - Lovely★Complex

    cross-posted from: *** Peak romance!

    I absolutely loved this show. I've been looking for some nice romance in the past few weeks, and this really hit the spot. It's a classic really, there's a reason this gets recommended every single time anyone asks for romance recs.

    The way Lovely Complex explores insecurity is simply beautiful, the constant hesitation, the fear that you might not be enough, and the certainty that begins to come over you as you fail over and over again at achieving your goals. Your fears manifest, a confirmation that your own body, that which you were born with and cannot change, is wrong. But through all that, the persistence of the characters, the way they persevere through these tribulations, is truly inspiring.

    The setting is very adolescent, and this is a love comedy so even the most emotional moments are somewhat light-hearted. I think that's good, actually, it keeps the story flowing; the show is incredibly well-paced. I said adolescent, because it is set in high school and that's what the characters life revolve around, but the themes are very mature. I mentioned the insecurity, which the main theme of the show, but many episodes also touch on what it means to be in love, to be in a committed relationship, and what sacrifices one must make to maintain healthy relationships with those they care for.

    It's beautiful.

    The production quality is top notch, though very much outdated. It's Toei, the animation and music are both great, and the voice acting is fantastic too. Especially Nobu-chan, Higashi Saori might just be the GOAT. I'm not even joking, this was an all time performance by her.

    What do you think? *** Rating: 5/5

    Watch on CrunchyRoll! Arr🏴‍☠️!!

    [REVIEW] Toei Animation - Lovely★Complex

    cross-posted from: *** Peak romance!

    I absolutely loved this show. I've been looking for some nice romance in the past few weeks, and this really hit the spot. It's a classic really, there's a reason this gets recommended every single time anyone asks for romance recs.

    The way Lovely Complex explores insecurity is simply beautiful, the constant hesitation, the fear that you might not be enough, and the certainty that begins to come over you as you fail over and over again at achieving your goals. Your fears manifest, a confirmation that your own body, that which you were born with and cannot change, is wrong. But through all that, the persistence of the characters, the way they persevere through these tribulations, is truly inspiring.

    The setting is very adolescent, and this is a love comedy so even the most emotional moments are somewhat light-hearted. I think that's good, actually, it keeps the story flowing; the show is incredibly well-paced. I said adolescent, because it is set in high school and that's what the characters life revolve around, but the themes are very mature. I mentioned the insecurity, which the main theme of the show, but many episodes also touch on what it means to be in love, to be in a committed relationship, and what sacrifices one must make to maintain healthy relationships with those they care for.

    It's beautiful.

    The production quality is top notch, though very much outdated. It's Toei, the animation and music are both great, and the voice acting is fantastic too. Especially Nobu-chan, Higashi Saori might just be the GOAT. I'm not even joking, this was an all time performance by her.

    What do you think? *** Rating: 5/5

    Watch on CrunchyRoll! Arr🏴‍☠️!!

    [REVIEW] Toei Animation - Lovely★Complex

    cross-posted from: *** Peak romance!

    I absolutely loved this show. I've been looking for some nice romance in the past few weeks, and this really hit the spot. It's a classic really, there's a reason this gets recommended every single time anyone asks for romance recs.

    The way Lovely Complex explores insecurity is simply beautiful, the constant hesitation, the fear that you might not be enough, and the certainty that begins to come over you as you fail over and over again at achieving your goals. Your fears manifest, a confirmation that your own body, that which you were born with and cannot change, is wrong. But through all that, the persistence of the characters, the way they persevere through these tribulations, is truly inspiring.

    The setting is very adolescent, and this is a love comedy so even the most emotional moments are somewhat light-hearted. I think that's good, actually, it keeps the story flowing; the show is incredibly well-paced. I said adolescent, because it is set in high school and that's what the characters life revolve around, but the themes are very mature. I mentioned the insecurity, which the main theme of the show, but many episodes also touch on what it means to be in love, to be in a committed relationship, and what sacrifices one must make to maintain healthy relationships with those they care for.

    It's beautiful.

    The production quality is top notch, though very much outdated. It's Toei, the animation and music are both great, and the voice acting is fantastic too. Especially Nobu-chan, Higashi Saori might just be the GOAT. I'm not even joking, this was an all time performance by her.

    What do you think? *** Rating: 5/5

    Watch on CrunchyRoll! Arr🏴‍☠️!!

    Toei Animation - Lovely★Complex

    Peak romance!

    I absolutely loved this show. I've been looking for some nice romance in the past few weeks, and this really hit the spot. It's a classic really, there's a reason this gets recommended every single time anyone asks for romance recs.

    The way Lovely Complex explores insecurity is simply beautiful, the constant hesitation, the fear that you might not be enough, and the certainty that begins to come over you as you fail over and over again at achieving your goals. Your fears manifest, a confirmation that your own body, that which you were born with and cannot change, is wrong. But through all that, the persistence of the characters, the way they persevere through these tribulations, is truly inspiring.

    The setting is very adolescent, and this is a love comedy so even the most emotional moments are somewhat light-hearted. I think that's good, actually, it keeps the story flowing; the show is incredibly well-paced. I said adolescent, because it is set in high school and that's what the characters life revolve around, but the themes are very mature. I mentioned the insecurity, which the main theme of the show, but many episodes also touch on what it means to be in love, to be in a committed relationship, and what sacrifices one must make to maintain healthy relationships with those they care for.

    It's beautiful.

    The production quality is top notch, though very much outdated. It's Toei, the animation and music are both great, and the voice acting is fantastic too. Especially Nobu-chan, Higashi Saori might just be the GOAT. I'm not even joking, this was an all time performance by her.

    What do you think? *** Rating: 5/5

    Watch on CrunchyRoll! Arr🏴‍☠️!!

    Thoughts on Nisekoi?

    Just watched FI,KM. and liked it. It's not really the kind of anime I usually like, and it definitely has its flaws, but it was very enjoyable. !FI,KM. The Nisekoi parallels are so obvious, the comparisons make themselves!

    I wanted to ask, anyone that has watched Nisekoi, if you thought it was good? I see the MAL score (~7.5) and it's similar to FI,KM. so that's inspiring, though it is a relatively low score.

    Also, if you've watched both, which one do you think is best, and which one did the "forced love" trope better?

    VTubers gon [he]
    Amiya Aranha

    I recently came across Amiya Aranha.

    She's an indie Retro VTuber, previously of Tsunderia's 3rd Gen. She's also an incredibly talented singer.

    Here's one of my favourite covers by her: If I Ain't Got You.

    She's super dorky, like SUPER dorky, and absolutely adorable. I guess she's relatively large for an indie at almost 20k subs on YT... But I still feel she's underrated lol.

    Check her out!!

    Movies and TV Shows gon [he]
    [REVIEW] Jeff Tomsic - Tag

    cross-posted from: *** Dumb fun!

    TikTok has been repeatedly and forcefully shoving GTA gameplay-attached clips of the movie Tag (2018), directed by Jeff Tomsic, down my throat. Perhaps my watching of this modern masterpiece is symptomatic of my as of now undiagnosed Stockholm syndrome, and a direct consequence of an easily influenceable mind. Regardless of my personal psychological shortcomings, this movie is surprisingly good.

    I came in with VERY LOW expectations, but turns out it's just dumb fun. Ed Helms, Jon Hamm, Jake Johnson, and Hannibal Buress (hunk alert, wee-oo) all delivered good performances if you close your eyes, plug your ears, and pretend you're watching another movie, that is. Jeremy Renner and Isla Fischer, however, did actually pull off some pretty nice scenes. They didn't overplay the slow-motion shots, and I think they were pretty humorous. The action was well-choreographed and creative.

    After the movie was over, I started immediately scouring the internet for self-hypnosis techniques in order to forget the incredibly odd Rashida Jones love-triangle arc. I was unsuccessful, but I believe I can keep on living through the sure-to-come recurring nightmares of bad, senseless plot lines.

    The main plot, on the other hand, was decent. Nothing too special, but it's a whimsical concept! Really, isn't that what movies are all about?! (No.) Regardless, knowing it was based on a true story made it way more fun for me than it otherwise would've been, and the constant suspicion of basically anything Jerry did was very funny, IMHO.

    At the end of the day, I think a relatively short movie that makes me laugh and occasionally flashes some cool visuals is worth watching.

    What do you think? *** Rating: 4/5

    [REVIEW] Jeff Tomsic - Tag

    cross-posted from: *** Dumb fun!

    TikTok has been repeatedly and forcefully shoving GTA gameplay-attached clips of the movie Tag (2018), directed by Jeff Tomsic, down my throat. Perhaps my watching of this modern masterpiece is symptomatic of my as of now undiagnosed Stockholm syndrome, and a direct consequence of an easily influenceable mind. Regardless of my personal psychological shortcomings, this movie is surprisingly good.

    I came in with VERY LOW expectations, but turns out it's just dumb fun. Ed Helms, Jon Hamm, Jake Johnson, and Hannibal Buress (hunk alert, wee-oo) all delivered good performances if you close your eyes, plug your ears, and pretend you're watching another movie, that is. Jeremy Renner and Isla Fischer, however, did actually pull off some pretty nice scenes. They didn't overplay the slow-motion shots, and I think they were pretty humorous. The action was well-choreographed and creative.

    After the movie was over, I started immediately scouring the internet for self-hypnosis techniques in order to forget the incredibly odd Rashida Jones love-triangle arc. I was unsuccessful, but I believe I can keep on living through the sure-to-come recurring nightmares of bad, senseless plot lines.

    The main plot, on the other hand, was decent. Nothing too special, but it's a whimsical concept! Really, isn't that what movies are all about?! (No.) Regardless, knowing it was based on a true story made it way more fun for me than it otherwise would've been, and the constant suspicion of basically anything Jerry did was very funny, IMHO.

    At the end of the day, I think a relatively short movie that makes me laugh and occasionally flashes some cool visuals is worth watching.

    What do you think? *** Rating: 4/5

    Are the Thunder for real?

    Teams with 9+ wins so far this season:

    !Teams with 9+ wins so far this season

    I mean, most of these are to be expected, right? Sixers, Celtics, Bucks, Nuggets... These were all favourites coming into the season, and they're all performing more or less as predicted (Sixers are over-performing and Bucks are under-performing based on my own personal expectations but still great overall).

    I can even get behind the Wolves. I didn't have them being this good, but the roster was promising. Ant is wreaking havoc on the league, KAT and Gobert are both doing well, and Jaden McDaniels is fine too. Then, they have some pretty good players rounding out the roster, such as Mike Conley, Naz Reid, and Kyle Anderson. They're elite defensively (5th), but only average offensively.

    And then... The Thunder? I mean, sure, SGA is still SGA, and we all expected Chet to be good (or at least OK to start). But good enough for 2nd in the West? The same West with Kevin Durant, Anthony Davis, LeBron James, Luka Doncic, Kyrie Irving, Nikola Jokic, De'Aaron Fox...? Not to mention other All NBA level talent and nigh-All Star players, and just other great teams (Cavs, anyone?).

    OKC isn't just doing OK, they're not just staying above water either, they're WINNING! Look at this: !Record as of 20/11/2023

    They beat the Suns (with KD and Beal), the Warriors (with Curry), and the Cavaliers (with Spida and Garland) twice!

    Sure, we can't ignore their losses. The Kings beat them without Fox, NOLA beat them with a relatively inefficient night from both Zion and Hawkins, and the Nuggets blew them out. (The Warriors loss was a close game on the back of some ridiculously efficient shooting).

    I mean, they're top 10 in both Offense and Defense right now, with their defense being the worse of the two. That's very impressive, IMO.

    Do you believe in this OKC team? Do you think this is a flash in the pan, or the result of an easier early schedule (they haven't played any of the other 9+ win teams, except for Denver, a game in which they got blown out), or maybe something else entirely?

    Are they contenders or pretenders?

    Dim Read Posts

    Regardless of whether the Dim Read Post option is turned on or off, Read Posts are being Dimmed for me.

    Has anyone else had this issue? I'd like to see if I'm the only one before I post an issue on GitHub.

    Thoughts on Marathon? Sorry, I know I'm late... Marathon | Verify Age

    From the creators of Halo and Destiny comes Marathon, Bungie's new sci-fi extraction shooter.

    Marathon | Verify Age

    cross-posted from:

    > I'm way late to the party, but just found out about Marathon, by Bungie. > > !Marathon, by Bungie > > I don't really play FPS games, but the trailer looks awesome! > # What do you guys think? > > *** > Also, do you reckon it'll be F2P? I saw a video on YT that suggested that. > > Much love, > gon

    Thoughts on Marathon? Sorry, I know I'm late... Marathon | Verify Age

    From the creators of Halo and Destiny comes Marathon, Bungie's new sci-fi extraction shooter.

    Marathon | Verify Age

    I'm way late to the party, but just found out about Marathon, by Bungie.

    !Marathon, by Bungie

    I don't really play FPS games, but the trailer looks awesome!

    What do you guys think?

    *** Also, do you reckon it'll be F2P? I saw a video on YT that suggested that.

    Much love, gon

    Perhaps, Yeat?

    cross-posted from: *** > I know Yeat is extremely popular, but I've always thought he was vaguely on the same level as some other artists such as Playboi Carti and Lil Uzi Vert, whom I tend to strongly dislike. > > !Perhaps, the GOAT? > > I'm a huge Kendrick Lamar and Tyler, The Creator fan. That's usually my vibe. > > TikTok has been shoving Yeat's music in my face for about 2 weeks now and I finally caved and decided to give his stuff a real chance. This guy is fucking amazing! I listened to Up 2 Më and really liked it, as well as some singles and remixes. > > I mean, this goes insanely hard!!! > > Do you guys like his stuff? What are your favourite tracks/projects? > > Also, what other artists do you recommend that are similar to Yeat?

    Perhaps, Yeat?

    I know Yeat is extremely popular, but I've always thought he was vaguely on the same level as some other artists such as Playboi Carti and Lil Uzi Vert, whom I tend to strongly dislike.

    !Perhaps, the GOAT?

    I'm a huge Kendrick Lamar and Tyler, The Creator fan. That's usually my vibe.

    TikTok has been shoving Yeat's music in my face for about 2 weeks now and I finally caved and decided to give his stuff a real chance. This guy is fucking amazing! I listened to Up 2 Më and really liked it, as well as some singles and remixes.

    I mean, this goes insanely hard!!!

    Do you guys like his stuff? What are your favourite tracks/projects?

    Also, what other artists do you recommend that are similar to Yeat?

    [REVIEW] ovrkast. - RESET!

    cross-posted from: *** Pretty good!

    Ovrkast. hits us with some nice delivery every time, it's clear this dude really knows his way around a beat. His voice is very interesting too, he puts tons of emotion in every word, and I love it!

    The lyrics are nice too, he talks about his insecurities as an artist, his confidence, his goals and ambitions, his life and his art. He's passionate about music, and he says it with his chest. It's inspiring really, it feels great.

    The beats are pretty good too, some nice samples... But they're a bit flat, and the drums are just fine. Nothing to write home about really, but they do their job I suppose. The focus is the vocals, so it's not a big issue.

    Overall, it's a nice EP. It doesn't have the depth I would like, it's rather short too, even for an EP, so it feels more like a sample of what ovrkast. could do than a full-fledged project. There's some really good stuff in here, but also some very mediocre stuff. Still, I'll be looking out for what he does next.

    What do you think? *** Best song: RESET! Worst song: SHUTUP! Rating: 3/5

    Listen on Soundcloud!

    [REVIEW] ovrkast. - RESET!

    cross-posted from: *** Pretty good!

    Ovrkast. hits us with some nice delivery every time, it's clear this dude really knows his way around a beat. His voice is very interesting too, he puts tons of emotion in every word, and I love it!

    The lyrics are nice too, he talks about his insecurities as an artist, his confidence, his goals and ambitions, his life and his art. He's passionate about music, and he says it with his chest. It's inspiring really, it feels great.

    The beats are pretty good too, some nice samples... But they're a bit flat, and the drums are just fine. Nothing to write home about really, but they do their job I suppose. The focus is the vocals, so it's not a big issue.

    Overall, it's a nice EP. It doesn't have the depth I would like, it's rather short too, even for an EP, so it feels more like a sample of what ovrkast. could do than a full-fledged project. There's some really good stuff in here, but also some very mediocre stuff. Still, I'll be looking out for what he does next.

    What do you think? *** Best song: RESET! Worst song: SHUTUP! Rating: 3/5

    Listen on Soundcloud!

    gon gon [he]
    Posts 30
    Comments 89