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  • That poor sucidal and very misguided person.

  • Did the largest Ukraine community & its instance got nuked?
  • Ah yes the good old: Good lunatic with nuclear arsenal :D

  • Definitely not a hoax. Trust us on that.
  • It's an early CPU and those are the pins. Three pins, clearly a very prototype Transistor :D

  • It's like the Bacon game, but funnier
  • Do you know what nemesis means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent, personified in this case by a 'orrible cunt, me. You piece of shit.

  • It's like the Bacon game, but funnier
  • You eat pieces of shit for breakfast, you piece of shit?

  • doot doot
  • thank mr skeltal

  • Help me out here
  • If i said you have a nice body would you take off your clothes and do a little dance?

  • uwu
  • ÀwÁ

  • Bankruptcy trustee discloses plan to shut down Alex Jones' Infowars and liquidate assets
  • His organs have some value too right? I mean not much I admit. But sell his kidneys and liver.

  • I was not playing with the beetles mother
  • I remember my body. Flabby, pasty skin, riddled with phlebitis. A good republican body.

  • Why do I puke more than once when I've been drunk?
  • Hm, I feel like most alcoholics don't puke until they have some other very likely related health issue.

  • Why should you never buy a light bulb from a RAM manufacturer?
  • I still have RAM from the EDO period.

  • Besties
  • Who doesn't want to be friends with a Cloud or Ron Perlman?

  • This timeline is wild...
  • I feel like I am missing A LOT of context.

  • Too powerful for their Euro arteries
  • European here. Can confirm. Got heartburn just by looking at this picture.

  • EM: Österreich unterliegt Frankreich 0:1
  • Wir haben doch eh eins gemacht! Das einzige noch dazu....

  • What was your worst work mishap, accident, or oopsie?
  • Oh I was totally on autopilot and selected "Maintenance (Software)" because that is what I did... and I discovered the brainfart two seconds too late.

  • Caveat Emptor
  • It's not. It's actually called Keepsakes.

  • [SOLVED] I have issues with asymmetric routing



    One is the route from my Proxmox (vimes) server to my NAS, (colon) going via my Router (pessimal) (as it should be) Second one is my NAS going to Proxmox directly. However I didn't set any static routes and this is causing issues as the Router Firewalls those Asymmetric Connections. This is happening since I upgraded Proxmox... I am not the best at network stuff, so if someone has some pointers I'd be most grateful.

    I'm a moron and had a wrong subnet mask.

    genuineparts genuineparts
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    Comments 66