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  • Not to weigh in on one side or the other but the Nazis claimed a lot of things.
    That they were socialists, that Poland had attacked Germany...
    I wouldn't rely on what they said.

  • EU rebukes France, Italy and others over excessive debt
  • austerity measure after austerity measure and somehow made our budgetal deficit worse

    Not surprising.
    Reducing government spending means reducing the money that is in economic circulation.
    Companies earn less, people earn less and ultimately taxes go down.

  • Softbank plans to cancel out angry customer voices using AI
  • Besides providing verbatim records of who said what, there is a second can of worms in forming any sort of binding agreement if the two sides of the agreement are having two different conversations.

    I think this is what the part about the missed nuance means.

  • Stop playing games with online security, Signal president warns EU lawmakers
  • Once this has been implemented, something worse can be implemented.

    I don't like these slippery slope arguments. You might as well reduce it to any legislation.
    Once people are allowed to make laws, bad people can make bad laws.
    Which is why we must continue to vote in the right people, not abandon the concept of laws.

    In this case, I don't doubt that copyright infringement and general censorship are on some people's agenda.
    But this current proposal is bad enough itself and should be opposed because of that and not because someone might make other, even worse proposals in the future.

  • Bundespolizei betreibt Pushbacks an Deutsch-Polnischer Grenze
  • Da eine Reaktion der polnischen Seite auch auf Nachfrage für mehrere Stunden ausblieb

    Ich frage mich halt auch, wie diese Nachfrage ausgesehen hat.
    Wenn man direkt anruft, kann eine Reaktion ja nicht komplett ausbleiben.
    Die Bundespolizei wird doch wohl die Nummer vom polnischen Grenzschutz haben.

  • Straßenverkehrsgesetz reformiert: Auto verliert Vorfahrt
  • Im November 2023 hatten die Bundesländer die Reform zunächst abgelehnt – vor allem die Länder, in denen die Union mitregiert. Sie kritisierten: Die Verkehrssicherheit werde in der Gesetzesänderung nicht genug betont.
    Deshalb steht in dem Entwurf, den der Vermittlungsausschuss abgesegnet hat, dass die Sicherheit des Verkehrs nicht beeinträchtigt werden dürfe.

    Puh, da hat uns die Union aber gerade noch so vor gemeingefährlichen Tempo 30 Zonen bewahrt.
    Nicht auszudenken was passiert wäre, wenn Kommunen die eingeführt hätten, ohne dass das extra mit im Gesetz steht.

  • 2024 European Parliament election in Germany
  • That's half the explanation.
    The economic and social decline makes people susceptible to populists.

    But the other half is this:
    They're not the only populists.
    To vote for outright, obvious Neo-Nazis you also have to ok with Neo-Nazis.

  • Where did AfD voters come from, and where did they go?
  • Inflation “going down” doesn’t mean there is no more inflation. It only means that there is less inflation than before

    Keep in mind that "inflation going down" is usually shorthand for the year-on-year inflation rate going down.
    If the yoy inflation rate goes down from one month to the next, then prices are still higher than previous year but may very well have fallen since last month.

  • Valve confirms your Steam account cannot be transferred to anyone after you die
  • That’s why the button says “purchase” instead of “buy”

    First off, they're synonyms

    Now, I'm certainly no expert on the US legal system. It certainly seems silly if you could circumvent entire laws just by using synonyms but what do I know.
    However I have been talking about other countries where that is not the case and where the language is not English.
    So It really doesn't matter whether it say "buy" or "purchase" in English when it's "kaufen" in German or "acheter" in French.

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