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7/21/23 LemmyNSFW Site Announcements Thread
  • It was. I had a conversation with the community moderator, and concerns were expressed due to the legal grey area it falls under. The mod was not punished nor was in any kind of trouble. The deletion was amicable. I gave the moderator a go ahead previously while it was discussed with the team and while we were figuring out how to best navigate our rules. After a bit more consideration and talk with the team and looking deeper into emerging AI laws, we felt it was too much of a grey area to leave up.

  • 7/21/23 LemmyNSFW Site Announcements Thread

    Hey yall and happy Friday! (Or Saturday... depending on where you are).

    I was just wanting to pop on here with a condensed list of some announcements of things we are working out, goings on within the community and the lemmyverse, and just generally have a place for any questions, bug reports, or chat within the instance. Unsure what the frequency of these announcements will be, but if I need to make more I will.

    How often do you want to see these kinds of threads? Also, I will be responding to this thread all weekend.

    Anyway, below is a list of announcements and shiz. Lets get into it!


    Addressing Bots

    Unfortunately, we had really not much of a choice but to enable application only registration currently. There was a large influx of spam bots, which does suck but we are approving them as fast as we can. It's likely this will stay, but we will reassess this as Lemmy improves. Currently the question is "why do you want to join this instance" which is a little vague, but unsure what else to change it. Any suggestions would be appreciated!

    With that being said, our backend team is working on adding a NSFW yes/no dialogue and allowing NSFW without having to sign up or login. No ETA on when that will happen, but it's a heavy consideration and was discussed prior to this decision.


    Federation Woes

    It goes without saying, Lemmy is a little more than barebones right now. Your patience really is appreciated. Our backend team is figuring shit out now to really dive into how to address our needs as an instance and troubleshoot with other instances stuff regarding federation and the current limitations of Lemmy right now. I and some other admins are actively in contact with some other large instances. Coordinating actively with other instance admins has helped quite a bit in making things run generally smoothly.

    Right now, we really need to make sure that we are tagging NSFW. People have mostly been good about it, but if you see anything untagged as NSFW please report it. There is question how well edited NSFW tags are being federated, so if you accidentally post something without an NSFW tag consider removing it and reposting it with a NSFW tag instead just out of courtesy for potential federation concerns.

    We suspect some apps aren't blurring NSFW posts properly either for those on other instances.


    Image Uploading

    It should be noted that it is preferable that those posting images into our community are doing so with a lemmynsfw account. It makes managing content easier and has the potential to save headache with other instances. There are quite a few instances who do federate with us but do not feel comfortable hosting NSFW images on their servers, and I ask you to please be mindful of that. That's not to say you have to be on lemmynsfw to participate here though! You can comment, upvote, etc etc. Just consider if you are posting images either using off site hosting or posting from our instance.

    This is not a steadfast rule currently, but that may change in the future and concerns as to when we are actively considering that will be made clear in advance.


    Open Collective

    Right now, we are still finding a potential fiscal host for open collective. We’ll update you all once we have more to share.


    Content Creators & Trolling

    Per this thread we have established our respect of content creators on our instance. Do not report content creators/onlyfans models as spam unless they are in a community that explicitly prohibits it or are truly posting spam. Also, don't harass content creators. Seriously, be nice.

    It goes without saying here though, if you see a comment or post harassing anyone please report it. If a moderator of a community is failing to address it, contact an admin directly. Right now, there is no way to directly report to site staff specifically, it goes into the mod queue and site staff see the entire mod queue.

    With that being said, if you are a moderator and are seeing harassing posts as well or feel they are breaking site wide rules, you can delete the reported post and simply not file it as resolved so admins can see it. It is preferable you do this and then/or message an admin.


    Community Stuff & (Potentially) Proposed Changes

    As of right now, there is quite a lot of communities that exist within a few varying categories with some overlapping. Some are empty inactive communities, communities without active mods that have any report sent to admins directly, and communities with mods that are active but are still having a large volume of reports, and generally redundant empty communities.

    We are discussing the potential of making communities by site staff approval preferably so that if a comm already exists people can be directed to it. We are curious about this as a potential, any thoughts?

    We will be purging empty comms, as well as allowing some to be "adopted", and discuss with mods of communities that are having a large report queue or just simply a large number of subscribers that they should get more mods on their team.

    If you are a community moderator, please ask to join our matrix mod coord chat.


    New Staff, maybe?

    We are still figuring out the potential of adding more members to our team. We do need more content admins, potentially in varying time zones. We are cautious due to the limits of Lemmy of adding new admins though. There are some people in consideration, so if you've discussed such with myself don't worry you'll be contacted in time about it even if you miss staff applications if there are any. If we do proceed with staff applications, an announcement will be made.

    Also, having potentially someone who is bit more familiar with rust might be helpful for our backend team as well.


    Updated Rules Are Live

    We updated our rules a few days or so ago after posting them and taking into account feedback. The sidebar serves as a condensed version of the rules, whereas will serve as a means of elaborating for those who want to know more in-depth details behind the "why and how" or are community moderators/site staff and want to know more about the basis of what our rule enforcement expectations actually are for the instance.

    Our docs page is under construction, so what you see beyond the FAQ is still being built. We will update when new pages are live though. As a reminder, these pages aren't rule changes but rather serve as an in-depth look beyond the condensed rules on the sidebar.

    What instances allow non con content?
  • So, it should be noted it will be consensual noncon with very specific strict modding communication and moderator community rules and procedures, not true "noncon."

    We won't be allowing real non consensual content, ever. Things like kink related consensual noncon is what is being referred to here. We will be extra strict in making sure it is actually consensual noncon and is verifiably only done in a kink context. But it will only be for those who search it out, will be closely moderated and will not federate into c/all.

    Consensual noncon even when verifiable as consensual is a tricky subject, as although for some it is a consensual kink, for others it can be a potential trigger due to trauma. We want to make it so people won't accidentally stumble upon that content unless they explicitly search for it.

    I hope that clarifies things. If you still don't want anything to do us with us, I understand but hopefully that makes it clear we aren't down with like.. creepshots and stuff.

  • NSFW
    What instances allow non con content?
  • Currently, none that are safely moderated. There is one that we have defederated from, but I would caution against going there.

    We will, hopefully soon. Our backend team is working right now to figure out the best way to do that.

  • NSFW
    A Hierarchical Categorization of NSFW Communities
  • Oh hey, I didn't see you deleted the post my bad. Lemme just copy what I was going to say if that's alright.

    So, we allow people to talk about and tell others to go to but we do so with an asterisk and when we see people post about it we really try to make an effort to warn others about what they might be getting into. We aren't deleting the posts talking about it, because overall if people want to go that their choice and thats the nature of the fediverse.

    The issue with burgitt isn't exclusively the loli/shotacon thing. Yeah, it's a big factor but there's a lot more to it for both our team and many other instances. They explicitly are trying to replicate reddits openness that led to the r/jailbait scandal, and there needs to be reasonable limits on social media sites for very clear legal reasons. Lemmy is limited in more ways than reddit is (and was even then) right now, and to host NSFW content of any kind you kind of need to jerry rig shit together to make it somewhat functioning and be able to address issues. There's limited confidence they will be able to properly report, address, and handle suspected illegal content on their servers due to their hands off management. Maybe they have procedure, I don't know and can't say. Another thing with that is that they explicitly ignore DMCA requests, which is also extremely legally problematic for federated content hosts.

    On top of all that, their site is hosted in the Netherlands. A place currently being circled by Interpol for hosting a large portion of CSAM online. The EU is specifically building ways to crack down on websites that host any legally problematic content in the Netherlands purely due to the sheer mass right now. Beyond that, they may not be American but their refusal to follow DMCA also presents a risk of being raided by Interpol as well. There's a legal misconception that the Netherlands is a safe offshore host for ignoring DMCAs, and that just isn't true. They are a part of the EU, and actively cooperate with American authorities because they legally are required to. Specific companies do not fuck around when it comes to DMCA.

    All of that leads to the Interpol risk, and what that means. If they seize the site, they would try to read the database and almost certainly attempt to scan thru it. And authorities seizing fediverse based websites isn't even a new thing either, there was a Mastodon instance that was raided a few months ago with the database being analyzed by authorities and it has been up without any info of that raid serving as a honeypot collecting user information. That's a risk you are putting yourself up to.

  • NSFW
    A Proper Attempt at Community Categorization
  • I love it! Please do try and make sure it follows lemmynsfw's basic rules though. Please, at least no loli/shota communities. I think they kind of gave up because exist, but this could still prove very helpful!

  • NSFW
    (f) Going in
  • Hey, I was just wanted to apologize as well. I would have removed but it was tagged as nsfw quickly before I would have had to. Lemmy is a limited software right now, hopefully in time we can force specific community posts to be auto tagged as nsfw so this doesn't happen even if someone forgets to tag as nsfw :/

    No hate to the OP though! Thank you tagging it and apologizing <3

  • Is anyone else more than a little disappointed that the rampant misogyny, objectification, and "whataboutmen-ism" seems to have followed the reddit migration here?
  • admin here for lemmynsfw, it's been annoying as hell having to weed thru the spam reports. we had to make a pinned announcement posting saying if people keep reporting content creators who post their links in the majority of communities that are fine with it, we are going to have to start taking action. it's just ridiculous.

  • New rules are now live on the sidebar as well as links to the FAQ

    The docs site is still under construction, so expect it to change and more pages to be added and it to improve progressively.

    The vulnerability seems to have been patched, federation is re-enabled and so is community creation.

    Thank you for your patience yall. It seems our mitigation efforts worked and we were likely never in danger. If you are concerned about other accounts on affected instances, it is unlikely your personal data was breached. Keep a look out for more info on those instances though as they will likely explain things more.

    A serious vulnerability just discovered in lemmy is causing instances to be compromised. Please join our matrix room or follow us on mastodon for updates if we take the site down temporarily.

    We have little information currently, but we may at least lock the site down for preemptive safety reasons. There seems to be a serious XSS vulnerability within lemmys code. We have disabled community creation temporarily and are contemplating taking the site down temporarily as well. Please find us below and stay safe, ya'll.

    EDIT: For the time being we have disabled federation, new user sign ups, and community creation.

    Temporarily defederated from (and as they seem to be compromised

    We quietly defederated temporarily earlier because seemed to be compromised earlier in some way, but then it was fixed. Now it's happened again. Unsure what is going on over there but there isn't much use speculating. They have been dealing with weird redirects to shock sites like lemonparty (throwback). Whoever has compromised them seems to have some early 2010s internet sense of humor I guess.

    Anyway, once they have things under control and an announcement is made we will refederate ASAP. For the time being, please avoid going to their homepage for the time being as we have no idea what the nature of the compromise of their site is and to what extent.

    EDIT: seems just was as well. :(

    Some transparency on the state of things.

    When this instance first started, I don't think it was fully anticipated how large it would get. The place where this instance was when I first stepped up as admin was wholly unsustainable long term. There was little direction as to what the instance's intentions as a website were, and the specific intentions it seemed to lean towards (being a sort of reddit 2.0) is not something we have the ability to handle. Neither monetarily nor legally.

    The expectations that this instance specifically would be replacing reddit nsfw content entirely is not realistic, and the expectations that have been had for what all of lemmy is capable of has been much higher than what the backend side of things is at right now. Rome was not built in a day, and the same is true for communities of this nature. We are utilizing a platform based on a philosophy that hasn't been widely used outside of email since the early Internet, while now having to work the laws and limitations that the current Internet now presents as well. It's an experiment, and just like all other communities we have made mistakes and are trying our best while figuring this out together. This is not a business, we are not shareholders, we are simply passionate volunteers.

    Right now, our team has been paying attention to concerns and feedback that have been raised. We are currently actively engaged in a discussion of what the next steps are from here. My hasty implementation of the current restrictive content policy was not something to do long term but an attempt to reign in a community with what felt to have little restrictions and many issues popping up. There is a lot that goes on behind the scenes of managing a community like this. The current policy as it stands right now, has been a band aid while we discuss further how to move forward. And we have been.

    And thankfully we have a much bigger back-end team than before. What has helped the most to provide insight is that we have a back-end team member who has active experience in hosting adult websites within the legal span of the law. We also have backend team members who are helping to build mod tools not just for lemmyNSFW but with active collaboration with others across instances as well.

    As we have discussed rule changes and throwing things at the wall, our biggest aspect has been determining if we are on the same page as a team. Unfortunately, a now previous back-end team member decided that he was not. And that's ok. However last night, instead of moving forward and deciding that our ethos as a team moving forward isn't for them there was a post that was made that compiled our original rough draft for new content guidelines and attempted to pass them off as that is going to be our full go to as a community. It isn't. We are discussing things and hashing things out as a team still but have made significant progress moving beyond what was discussed. When changes occur, we will make a post clarifying such changes. We ask for patience, please.

    Community Feedback Thread

    Any critiques, desire for clarity, outright hatred, whatever have you. I will respond the best I can.

    I know there's been some blowback on some of the policy updates but it's been difficult to really explain fully that the restrictive content policy is temporary, this community was very unmanaged for a time and it had to be reigned in somehow and with the limited tools at disposal the temporary policy changes were made.

    Here's a comment that also explains a little bit behind the decisions made recently as well.

    For community mods, we have a community mod coord matrix group chat now. Feel free to DM about it.

    Also, there's another ongoing discussion regarding SFW communities on lemmyNSFW here.

    EDIT: We are back, upgrade seems to have been successful.

    The downtime was brief like we hoped, everything seems to be working fine.

    >> just informed me of such, please be aware. If all goes it'll be around 5 minutes or so. We have a mastodon account as well to provide updates, so be sure to check here or visit our matrix room if things seem to be taking a bit longer than that.

    3rd party reddit apps are officially dead. Expect higher traffic. Also, new users from reddit come inside.

    It can't really be fully predicted how intense the migration, but we are expecting quite a bit.. if previous platforms (especially twitter) are any trend to look towards, expect traffic to intensify a bit. Probably even more than it already has.

    For those coming from reddit Please bear with us as well, as well as the rest of the lemmyverse. If you're new to lemmy and the fediverse as platform, you may be confused as how to best find communities right now. is a good start, make sure to tick the NSFW community display option. Welcome to the community, and bear with us due to the limitations lemmy currently has as a platform. Things are improving, but for the time being our current content policy is quite strict. It is temporary, and will be elaborated more so in the future as lemmys mod tools improve. There will be a link added to the sidebar that provides info as to why this is.

    Be mindful of making sure your NSFW posts are properly tagged as well.

    Defederated with and exploding-heads

    Both host content that are against our content policy and have had issues with users from those sites entering our community crossposting content that violates our content policy. We are discussing defederating other instances as well. There is discussion of being defederated because it pretty much exclusively scrapes reddit content and reposts it, and some content creators have expressed discomfort. If there's other instances that might be worth considering defederating from, just post and it'll be added to the current discussion.

    and before anyone brings it up, lemmygrad defederated with us.

    This isn't a dictatorship but I ask that you please behave in the comment section and at least try to understand why we are defederating.

    The state of things, federation, content policy situation, general community changes, oh my!

    Hey yall! It's gavi here! It's been quite a whirlwind over these past few weeks. Yesterday our lovely @yay made a post in regard to wanting to take a step away from lemmynsfw, and there was a lot of confusion from that post so I'm here now to talk about some of things that have occurred behind the scenes.

    Who is hosting now?

    Right now, our team is expanding and changing. @yay will still be doing primary hosting, but we now have more back-end admins and a more carefully coordinated backend team spread across time zones. We are discussing migrating the server, as well as other things. When any changes are expected to occur, an announcement will be made. This will not a profit-based project, so bear with us here.

    What about the content policy? Is scat banned, whats the deal?

    Right now, as lemmy expands, we will be having a temporary pause on specific niche content that may potentially risk our instance being defederated. This is not permanent, and we have no personal qualms with such content, but we need to make this choice until mod tools improve and make sure that we aren't flooding /all with stuff that might cause issues for other instances.

    The following content has a temporary pause and we will review such as lemmy evolves and improves. The removal of these communities are not permanent.

    > > Hot lunch, blood, scat

    The following content however will not be welcome on our instance, no matter if mod tools improve.

    > > noncon, depictions of underage content drawn or otherwise (Loli/Shota/Cub/Etc), deepfakes & revenge porn (elaboration will be expanded in upcoming content policy updates.), snuff, beastiality

    Furry content is not banned and furries are welcome here provided they follow the content policy as outlined above. That said, if you are posting furry content, consider posting it on a specifically furry instance as they more equipped to moderate that content than we are at this time.

    Generally, we are discussing improving our content policy, and will provide a thread elaborating further upon existing policies and allowing discussion and feedback in a separate thread in the near future. Keep a look out.

    Current staff situation

    I have been made the lead admin for the site. We are trying to figure out a feasible situation for staffing to prevent burn out and evenly distribute content administration across time zones. We will likely be having staff apps in the future, so if that is something you would be interested in keep an eye out for that. Right now, our biggest thing is working with the limited mod tools we have. It's really a matter of trial and error and having a more carefully coordinate staff leadership is something that would be beneficial for the site at large.

    Federated And Defederated Instances

    As some have already seen, some instances have defederated from us. That is fully their right to if they want to disengage from NSFW content entirely. However, if the defederation was due to a concern or issue outside of that within our instance, we would like to discuss the matter and at least make a fair attempt to address their concerns. Our desire moving forward is to establish communication with instance admins to address concerns that may be popping up, as well as just generally creating an open line of communication and encouraging feedback from them and their community at large. There will likely be a public matrix community created for the site as well that will foster technical discussions of the site only, such as sharing downtime, development, etc. I will personally be attempting to reach out to larger instance admins. With that being said, if there is any instance admin that see this and would be interested in reaching out please do not hesitate to. My matrix address is within my profile.

    We are currently discussing defederating instances that may put some of our communities at risk or violate our own content policies, and if that occurs that will be announced promptly.

    NSFW Tagging

    Right now, we are investigating some way to completely designate the entire instance with nsfw tags by default and ways to more properly blur community icons, but there are hurdles and limits to the current nsfw tagging system within lemmy. With that being said, admins and mods cannot tag nsfw content that isn't properly tagged, and some lemmy apps are particularly finnicky with nsfw tags. It's a pain in the ass, but we REALLY need to be making sure our content properly tagged so that it doesn't pop up in federated instances as untagged nsfw content. There will likely be a crackdown on said posts that are not tagged properly, so please be aware of this fact and triple check that your posts are properly tagged. I am sorry for the impending hardass attitude from myself on the matter, but this is really critical to maintaining good will with other instances that decide to federate NSFW content.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    a gay dude. feel free to message, i dont bite! unless you want me to ;)

    if im not online, im probably reading, knitting, masturbating, or crying. or all of the above at the same time. (my time zone is eastern standard time)

    if urgent please message via matrix, i will respond faster

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