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Chrome’s next weapon in the War on Ad Blockers: Slower extension updates
  • Bing nowdays result is better than Google,just DDG result still not 100% good as bing.. so.. I choose bing for now..

  • which distro and why do you prefer it over others?
  • Fedora over Ubuntu. Ubuntu nowdays seems lost it's soul...

    Fedora and Gnome workstation is the best ootb Distro I ever hold.

    Also Fedora Xfce spins ovrr Linuxmint or Xubuntu. They are first class, stable, and bleeding edge.

  • How was church?
  • What.. I'm not dead... how you can even felt something for someone that you never seen.. hmm..

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410
  • it's mem and other, I forgot, but it's normal I think.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • that's it my man! no extension!

  • How was church?
  • Thanks for reaching back man!

  • Indonesia SALT
    Mencari Titik Temu antara Iman dan Jiwa - Christian ways of portraying depression Mencari Titik Temu antara Iman dan Jiwa

    Oleh Tabita Davinia Utomo Pada tahun 2017, aku bertemu dengan seorang hamba Tuhan dalam salah satu ibadah yang diadakan di kota asalku. Kami pun berkenalan karena temanku—yang mengajakku—mengenal b…

    Mencari Titik Temu antara Iman dan Jiwa
    Linux way way slower than Windows?
  • Fedora KDE is also a great option. Bleeding edge but stable.

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410
  • Thinkpad still has it? T14?

    On dell I already check it, they don't have it sadly.

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410
  • All are good, still draining sadly :')

  • How Do You Combat Anti-Adware Blockers on Android?
  • Using UBO. ehehe... HEHEHE

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410
  • I'm not familiar with gnome, is there any option on gnome for it? I never seen it.

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410
  • It doesn't have any ability to change to S3. I already tried all on that page, include suspend freeze

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410
  • I check that C2 the only one has value when on battery.

    Others are zero. Hmmm...

  • How to disable S0ix and enable S3 Sleep on Ubuntu 22.04 on Dell Latitude 3410

    Hello. I just want to ask, I already tried search many resources, but I still can't find a way to reduce battery drain while sleep on Ubuntu on Dell laptop.

    I seen that it use S0ix, the new standard that many manufacturer use but when sleep it drains a lot battery, in just 6 hours the battery gone 0.

    Any help is appreciated. This is company laptop and it requires me use ubuntu (I don't like it but I don't have options to changes OS/distro).


    I had a dream about windows and have decided to setup Linux on my laptop. What distro should I use?
  • There are Fedora with KDE and it's much more bleeding edge than any other distro.

  • I had a dream about windows and have decided to setup Linux on my laptop. What distro should I use?
  • Fedora is great with gnome for beginer and don't get in way to much like Ubuntu when used daily

  • Most of us hate Microsoft, and yet many of us use VSCode
  • I'm developing Dotnet on Linux. 70-90% of corporate that I work with use C# on RHEL or Fedora.

    That's why I don't use VS on Windows. I do think about other like sharpdevelop but it's not for me thom😭

  • Celeste: GUI file synchronization client that can sync with any cloud provider
  • Huh? Rclone work with onedrive? Does this app don't suport it? I use rclone biSync daily with O365 and SharePoint at work.

  • Most of us hate Microsoft, and yet many of us use VSCode
  • But the debugger will work and show the break point and the code right like in vs code or normal vs?

  • Linux holds a market share of approximately 14% in India.
  • I think on my first statement made you conclude that seems I assume all country all same, and It's not what I'm intended, and sorry if it looks like that. I just want to make fun of some 3rd world country law, including my own country.

    In 3rd world country, as I seen (you can say this time I made a assumption), there are law, but weak enforcement, so that's why I joke about it. (In Indonesia it has been long time, after satya nadela took office in MS, ofc in US he took leadership, not it ID, and it lead to BSA in Indonesia become inactive, and irrelevant as I seen for past 10 years. Even there are desperate Dev that made ridiculous license that include joke not to pirate their app, and if there are pirated version of their software, they hope their family got curse, have no children, or their children become permanently ill, e tc etc)

    I don't encourage any piracy unless it's make customer hard to pay it or the pricing is ridiculous enough and there are no alternative, but better not to do so.

    I hope this clarify that it's just for fun proposes and I don't generalize for all country, thank you

  • Most of us hate Microsoft, and yet many of us use VSCode
  • Work on codium? I only know to reverse the dll using ilspy

  • Run Shell Script without sudo and with special bit permission using suid-wrapper

    We always remember chmod u+s or special permission bit on an executable means when we run the executable it will run as the owner of the executable (read this). There are a problem with it, it will…

    Run Shell Script without sudo and with special bit permission using suid-wrapper

    A tricks on how to run a script as root without sudo, in case someone needs this. I use this for toggle on and off camera without pkexec. It's useful imho


    Sadly source isn't from lemmy

    see more

    Is there any PHP Builder that target JS like Clojurescript? I think it will be game changer for PHP.

    As title state, seems clojure gain traction. I seen many US and EU Corporate project now days require this.

    Is there anyway in our way in PHP to implement PHP to JS?

    Seems will be interesting project.

    Another Demotivational Post

    Our comrade has fallen. Dunno if he moved to,, or others... ping

    The next major release after LibreOffice 7.6 will be LibreOffice 24.2 (February), which will be followed by LibreOffice 24.8 (August).

    This is cross posted from

    Sadly TDF seems active in Reddit more than in Lemmy

    Quo vadis with the Document Foundation?

    cross-posted from:

    > A discussion on how the Document Foundation (TDF), the NGO behind LibreOffice is supposed to work, what its core values are and how to improve transparency and alignment of both officers and staff of the foundation.

    ThinkPad SALT
    [Need Advice] Is it worth to buy 15 USD battery for X220 if it broke after 1.5 year (lost charge capacity about 30-40%), Monthly Wage about 150 USD per month

    I come from 3rd world country (hence small monthly wage), and any pricier battery sold here having the same quality as the 15 USD battery (there are no original or near original battery sold here, and last time I tried to soldered new battery cell, I failed, miserably).

    I need advice, because I don't plan buying new laptop, but need to be mobile (move around). X220 still fit my need and and I'm using up to date OS (Fedora 38 XFCE)

    Any suggestion is appreciated. Thank you!

    Firefox now has speed parity with Chrome on the Speedometer benchmark

    cross-posted from:

    > Thought I'd never see the day when Firefox would match Chrome on Speedometer. > > There's also a few other benchmarks got a sizable boost. >

    PHP delussions : How to treat PHP in right way

    This site is pretty useful, and seems curated by many expert, especially PHP veteran from freenode and libera... Just want to share, hope it's useful to anyone that never know this site.

    garam SALT


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