Es gibt Menschen, die objektiv nicht in der Lage sind rational gut begründete Entscheidungen zu treffen. Sei es wegen mangelnder Bildung oder eingeschränkter intellektueller Leistung. Du stellst Dich jetzt hin und lässt diese Menschen sozialdarwinistisch über die Klinge springen, weil Dein Freiheitsverständnis absolut und egoistisch ist.
One important thing is missing: SELinux. This should be included right from the start if you want maximum security.
Go ahead and show me where in Discovery Space Hitler asks for forgiveness or mourns about the billions of people she had killed. A redemption arc needs to ask for redemption as a first step.
Yes. Killing billions of people is nothing you just regret and go on with your life.
I don’t want to see Space Hitler again. This is against everything that Star Trek stands for.
Indeed. For many people it has become some kind of Broicism where alpha Incels talk to each other about how tough they have become and how they’re suppressing their emotions.
That’s of course not what I refer to. I actually read the ancient texts and The Inner Citade by Pierre Hadot. When I talk about stoicism I actually mean it in a way that Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, Rufus and Epictetus would agree on.
Stoicism. The philosophical ideas of how to live a purposeful and good life.
Wer in Hamburg lecker und schnell vegan essen will, dem kann ich Gustav Grün wärmstens empfehlen. Ich habe die durch Zufall beim Spaziergang in der Hafencity entdeckt und bin seitdem am Haken, wie der Angelsachse es gerne ausdrückt.
In der kühleren Jahreszeit aber lieber in der Location im Chilehaus.
The Chinese police in Hungary will take care about this.
No need for. Solar panels and batteries are at an historically low price and will even become more affordable. There’s simply no economical justification for nuclear energy.
No, there’s no method that eliminates all of the nuclear waste. I know that this myth is very much liked in the nuclear community.
Sure, and the next several thousands generations will also have a lot of fun with the waste we produced for just 2-3 generations.
Civil war, because Trump won’t accept the result and Musk will be fueling the hate.
There is no recycling of nuclear waste. Nowhere.
The Palestinian terrorists still have many hostages in their hands. Why should Israel stop what they’re doing?
Point is: Hamas and co. don’t want to release them. They want the war to continue. And that’s what they get.
40.000 is a number which is made up by Hamas and co. There are no reliable numbers.
Sure, let other people work for you at night for your convenience.
Well, maybe they should get rid of the terrorists then? The fact is, they happily support Hamas.
They voted Hamas into power.
Observations with the LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) radio telescope last year showed that first generation Starlink satellites emit unintended radio waves that can hinder astronomical observations.
> Observations with the LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) radio telescope last year showed that first generation Starlink satellites emit unintended radio waves that can hinder astronomical observations. New observations with the LOFAR radio telescope, the biggest radio telescope on Earth observing at low frequencies, have shown that the second generation ’V2-mini’ Starlink satellites emit up to 32 times brighter unintended radio waves than satellites from the previous generation, potentially blinding radio telescopes and crippling vital research of the Universe.
In einem Volksbegehren wollte die Hamburger Initiative „Schluss mit Gendersprache in Verwaltung und Bildung“ gegen Genderstern und Doppelpunkt vorgehen.
Tja, wir sind hier eben nicht in Bayern oder – Gottbewahre! — Sachsen.
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Warum genau kauft man sich Elektroautos aus dem Stellantis Konzern? Laut diesem YouTuber kommt der neue 308 mit gerade einmal 54 kWh und vor allem die Software ist der Brüller:
- Keine Ladeplanung
- Keine Ladelimits
Und das alles für 44.000€(!), für die man ein Model 3 bekommt, das alles aus dem Stegreif beherrscht. Für einen Weltkonzern wie Stellantis ist das ja lächerlich.