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Embarassing(?) confession
  • I consciously know it's not actually something to be scared of but for some fucking reason it just sounds like it's trying to tell me something bad is happening? Something to bring up with people who are trained in decoding this shit, probably.

  • Embarassing(?) confession

    I'm okay with appliance making cute little dings or buzzes but if they chime out a full song it creeps me right out. I'm gonna get the clothes out of the wash you don't have to scream "Mary had a Little Lamb" at me.

    My sister‘s little old man kitty

    Grungy zoomed-in quality because he only likes two people ever

    What happened to the smartest kid in your class?
  • I'm in this answer and I don't like it.

  • What happened to the smartest kid in your class?
  • I gradually, but absolutely fell the fuck apart after middle/high school. I'm working with a therapist and job coaches so I can get my shit reasonably back together. As it turns out, Gifted kids are most likely just neurodivergent kids who would really like someone to see them as something other than test scores and probably are smiling through a bunch of unaddressed problems. I hope the other TAG kids from my year are doing way better.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • Doesn‘t that defeat the entire purpose of Toslink cables ? The light can‘t go through gold?

  • A cool guide discover the secrets identification here
  • The post title doesn't really make any sense.

  • A cool guide for old world language family tree
  • I'm very sorry you had to find out this way

  • Are business cards still a thing?
  • Absolutely! I collected a bunch at a craft fair on Saturday.

  • A cool guide for old world language family tree
  • ETA: context lol

    Stand Still Stay Silent is bleak as fuck but I ended up loving it because of Lalli and Reynir

    Sadly, ended in 2022 because the author decided "Chick Tracts but cute" (it's called Lovely People if you're curious/crazy enough to check it out) was a better use of her time. 😔

  • Deserved
  • I thought it was going to turn out to be the accepted Swedish abbreviation for thousand (tusen) but I guess not. Weird.

  • Welded cymbal.
  • I can't accurately describe how pathetic the welded cymbal sounds: y'all are gonna have to see it for yourself.

  • Why are trannies so disgusting
  • Trying to throw hands with trans people on one of the most trans-friendly instances of Lemmy (which is also run by actual transwomen) is certainly a choice, bud.

  • What's the worst natural disaster you've been in?
  • The August 2020 derecho that tore up a lot of the US Midwest. I lost power for 4 days, there was extremely hot weather, and I had a menial labor job at that time. it was hell

  • 'Palworld's Fake Dating Sim Reveals an Outdated Video Game Stigma
  • This better itself be an April Fools joke.

    ETA: Not that VNs are dumb but I'm pretty sure what Palworld were going for was mocking the tendency for Beastiality fantasies in Mon fandoms

  • I love KAT Napoleonic
  • The Cherokee keyboard makes me very happy.

  • Risks of CPR
  • Training (and presumably the Emergency dispatch) tells you exactly where to put your hands to minimize the risk of anything catastrophic happening because of your effort. You probably don't need to worry about broken bones; in fact, the sound of bones cracking a bit is a sign that you're pushing deep enough to actually compress the heart and pump some blood.

  • Printer cat
  • "But... It's warm! Warm things are meant for sitting on!"

  • Hard-hitting journalism from Apple News +
  • OP, this isn't internet funeral material. IF is more about surreal art than bad journalism

  • Is Sugar really as addictive as Cocaine/drugs in general?
  • I think when people make those headlines they forget that sugar is essential to the human body. It's a nutrient. As far as I know you don't get a deficiency disorder if you don't use cocaine ever.

    The problem is with the way our society is structured now: it's hard to not rely on processed foods with tons of sugar and salt because most people don't feel like they'd ever have to the time to prepare a healthy meal.

  • Not New Pen day, but Favorite Pen Day?

    Notebook is a Maruman Mnemosyne A5. These items were purchased at a shop in St. Louis, Missouri.

    Hi, everyone!

    I’m Funbreaker (but you can also call me Nicole) I’m a lateđiagnosed autistic cis woman and am interested in primarily technology, conlanging, and cats but also whatever else my brain likes at any time. I’m been on the fediverse for about 6 years now and watching it continue to evolve is great .
