You must have been living under a rock for months now if you still think Biden is the one running against Trump.
Straw man
Further, I wonder what kind of Morals, Ethics and Principles a person must have to think others should stay mute about two-faced hypocrites actively helping the modern Nazis mass-murder children in, not one but TWO countries, lest the electoral chances of that person's party are weakened.
Low quality analysis and very biased take on what's going on.
One wonders just how many Nazi-support layers away from the actually Nazis does it take to stop being a Nazi? Is the Nazi-supporter still a Nazi? How about those who support and defend Nazi-supporters - are they Nazis?
Implying I'm a Nazi. Rude and not even original. Not interested in engaging.
They're trying to discourage progressives which could easily make them stay home and let Trump win.
The irony of you commenting this to a account
It's not "nuanced and complicated"... if you're a shill trying to get Trump elected
Yes exactly, everyone should stay home instead of voting so Trump wins.
Yeah, Ukrainian citizens and NATO partners don't vote. If she wants to help Ukraine, she needs to prevent the Kremlin's candidate from winning.
Some on the left "hate" him because of Kremlin propaganda on social media.
This isn't archiving.
Welcome to Lemmy, enjoy the propaganda.
Shame they couldn't broadcast their own content to break through some of the Kremlin's grip on Russian people's minds.
The Kremlin is so worried about losing their ability to brainwash tje Russian people that they won't even allow them to access YouTube.
"Since our glorious defenders destroyed all the Ukranian drones, we're having a massive bonfire to celebrate!"
Big assumption he was actually a combatant. The Kremlin sat on this for two years then had a closed trial. I wouldn't even believe them if they told me what they had for lunch, let alone this.
They've had a couple years to find an alternative and stop funding the terrorists in the Kremlin.
Current "AI" isn't really AI, more like autocorrect on steroids. "Real" AI will have the ability to program itself. Once we flip the switch on it'll move so fast in complex, inhuman ways that we'll never even be able to truly understand it.
Its probably not defeatism, just a billionaire tech sociopath trying to pump his investments in data centers.
Also abusive corporations, sociopath billionaires, and corrupt politician that enable both
Fair enough. I guess we'll be seeing it play out one way or another.
It's fascinating, but I'm not thrilled to see automated weapon systems proliferating like this. At least some soldiers have a good sense of morality and the ability to say no.