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What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • Yeah you can. Although it's hard on the computer, and depending on the type of plane, it might not be really playable in terms of controls (an airliner for instance)

    Games like Elite Dangerous or Star Wars Squadron are really fun in VR though

  • Europeans of Lemmy, what places in Europe should foreigners avoid at all cost?
  • Who talks to their neighbors in this day and age? They'll probably vote for the party who wants my death anyway so yeah...

    I mean yeah sure we could be surprised, but things aren't really going in the right direction

  • Europeans of Lemmy, what places in Europe should foreigners avoid at all cost?
  • Yeah, I'm not getting my hopes up unfortunately

  • Mommy, why is the Apple Pie so spicy?
  • Wait, isn't it very common? I always thought of the nutmeg+potatoes as a very common combination

  • Need suggestions for VPS
  • That's good, because otherwise your data might end in a blaze.

    (Totally not speaking from experience)

  • Need suggestions for VPS
  • Yeah I went back from Contabo tbh, as you said, I had several outages, the worst of which lasted several days with absolutely no information, nor response from the support. (My VPS had all the symptoms of a broken disk, which was extremely worrying)

    That, plus the subscription fees, it's not something I would advise today

  • Patrick Breyer and Pirate Party lose EU Parliament seats
  • Yeah, this is one of the seasons the Pirate party is pushing for a unique ballot, because the current format is really unfavorable towards small parties that don't have the means to print the ballots among other things

  • Patrick Breyer and Pirate Party lose EU Parliament seats
  • Concerning your edit, not sure about other countries, but I can speak about the process in France.

    We get (normally) ballots with the programs in the mail before the elections, so we can also bring ballots from there. Then the way it works when voting is

    • there's a table with ballots from all lists that provided them (so missing the ones we're talking about here) and you can take any number of them
    • then you go isolate in a cabin where you put the ballot you want, or nothing, inside an envelope
    • finally your identity is verified, your vote is counted and you put your envelope in a transparent box

    So there's not really a way to definitely know you're voting for an unlisted candidate here.

  • Samsung is sunsetting Tizen and fully ending support for the smartwatch OS
  • As far as I know, gadgetbridge does not support tizenOS smartwatches

  • Innovation makes useful things smaller - overconsumption makes them bigger and more meaningless
  • So it's useful and does not suffer from overconsumption, got it!

  • streaming or torrenting today vs. 5 years ago
  • Actually yeah I do. I followed this guide which is really nice. I did need to add a few more sources manually depending on how popular a given anime is, but it's really useful anyway

  • streaming or torrenting today vs. 5 years ago
  • Agreed. Combined with a jellyfin instance and you will never want to come back. As said before, it takes a while to setup at first (especially if you download animes which aren't exactly handled the same way), but when it's done you'll see you weekly episodes magically appear with nothing to do on your side, and that's just great

  • Pro-trans protests erupt across France as legislators consider ban on care
  • There's a bill proposal to ban HRT for minors. But we know that it's how that begins: you start with minors and you go as high as you can until you can ban it for everyone...

  • We text now, stop calling me.
  • I'm from France, there's actually a law to force telemarketers to use certain phone ranges, which I've blocked.

    During some periods, I have a call blocked per day, sometimes more, then nothing for a while.

    I sometimes have the odd phone call that passes through, but unless I know I'm expecting a call, or it is from a number I know, I never pick up. It's usually spam anyway

  • On visite la France dans une semaine. Donnez moi vos avis de voyage
  • Hello, personnellement j'ai l'habitude d'aller au Moulin Vert, c'est un petit restaurant de galettes dans le centre

  • Semaine olympique et paralympique : l'EPS est-elle vraiment responsable du dégoût de nombreux Français pour le sport ?
  • En supérieur c'était pareil, on avait soit quelques sports organisés par l'école (du bonus), soit on pouvait avoir les mêmes points en participant à un sport à l'extérieur. Du coup j'ai fait 1 an de tir à l'arc et c'était trop cool.

    Le sport au lycée par contre.. Yeah on en parlera pas

  • Oklahoma State Patrol says it is diverting traffic after a barge hit a bridge
  • Woops yeah, fixed it. I think some spacing between the parenthesis and the link would have also worked

  • Oklahoma State Patrol says it is diverting traffic after a barge hit a bridge
  • French here, yeah it kinda is. Or at least it's rare but not exceptional I guess, at least for fluvial transport (barges and other similar types of ships)

    It's usually not that bad, and at most requires some reinforcement of the bridge, or at least the removal of some parts of the ship that were embedded in the bridge example here in France.

  • Hanes Releases Men’s Pocketed Underwear, Seen as a Slap in the Face to Women Everywhere
  • Even as a trans woman after more than 2 years of hormone (so absolutely not looking like man), finding women clothing that fits me is really difficult. It's usually too narrow at the shoulders for instance, and too large at the hips

  • That's why we need two ssds for dual boot
  • Nah, you just need to develop a custom EFI app to boot on it. This app then calls a server on your network which will answer whether to boot on Linux or Windows (or any OS installed really).

    And voilà, you don't need to manually select the OS anymore (well, you still need to say to the server what to use, but you can do it beforehand, not during the boot)

  • faercol faercol
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