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She Rule
  • "Usually" definitely isn't accurate

  • Excuse me, wtrule
  • $5 according to their website. OP just doesn't know what Rupees are, this price is cheaper than the price in USD.

  • annoying police rule
  • If anything, they'll forward the complaints to the police and let them "handle it". You have too much faith in the government

  • Koko nipple fixiation rule
  • How is that even remotely the same thing? This is the dumbest fucking take coming from someone that didn't watch the video to see whether there were credible sources provided

  • Koko nipple fixiation rule
  • I mean if the homeless guy referenced credible research papers on dealing with a mortgage yeah I'd probably listen to his advice

  • Koko nipple fixiation rule
  • b-but a YouTuber said it so it can't possibly be credible!!

  • annoying police rule
  • What exactly do you think the local government will do about it?

  • Be honest
  • No

  • Early Access: Become a tester for Boost for Lemmy and share your feedback 🚀
  • Thanks for your hard work on this! Paid for premium immediately :)

    I'd love to see integration for custom emojis, for example accessing Lemmy on the web I am able to type : and then an emoji name and it will autofill emojis from my instance.

  • NSFW
    Fischl + Mona AU
  • What are those fingers

  • Beehaw on Lemmy: The long-term conundrum of staying here
  • Good luck with whatever you decide to do, but I won't be following to a new platform

  • rule suggestion
  • Yeah it's frustrating to see. I had to block one user who kept posting selfies asking if they passed or just saying "I don't feel like I pass" because it felt like they were just looking for attention.

  • Unity close offices due to death threats.
  • There was one threat and it was from a Unity employee

  • Rule
  • Ngl I don't see anything that bad over there

  • *Permanently Deleted*

    Tagging you in case you haven't seen this

  • Barrier, it just made my Linux life so much better!
  • The issue is that input leap has no releases and has to be built yourself. Which is fairly easy on Linux but a huge pain on Windows. I gave up once I realized an Apple Developer account was required to build it.

  • If Mircosoft were to fully collaborate with the Linux/open source community what would the resulting Linux distro chimera look like and how would it affect the Linux community in general?
  • Isn't Teams on Linux just a web app now? Last I saw there was no longer an actively supported native app for Linux

  • reposting insta shit part 4 rule
  • I'm American and I had no clue who this was

  • Wildy inconsistent upvote counts?

    Checking posts I've made, I see the upvote counts change rapidly. When I checked my most recent post, it showed over 170 upvotes, then 7, then 20 something etc. I have no way to actually confirm how many upvotes I have on a post.

    ezri ezri
    Posts 5
    Comments 95