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People doing the 30 days linux Challenge are having several problems because of Mint's old packages and technology. Why people still recommend it when there is Fedora and Opensuse with KDE and Gnome?
  • I always suggest Mint Edge edition, that has a newer kernel, not the default Mint. But I still suggest Mint, because simply, it's more user friendly than any of the other ones. It has gui panels for almost everything.

  • Usb keyboard unavailable during boot until all usb devices are initialised (solutions?) [solved]
  • You never know how the kernel would behave compared to how the BIOS is setup. There might be some bios settings that force the kernel to behave a specific way.

  • Is pixel 4a too old for a new phone?
  • You can install LineageOS or e/OS on it (instead of Graphene, if that's too controversial), and then the 4a is a good phone to use.

  • Usb keyboard unavailable during boot until all usb devices are initialised (solutions?) [solved]
  • Was there no option about it on the BIOS/UEFI about something like that?

  • Why do some Americans get angry at other people for not speaking English?
  • To each other, of course not. But to others, yes.

  • Why do some Americans get angry at other people for not speaking English?
  • We're talking about people living there, not tourists.

  • Why do some Americans get angry at other people for not speaking English?
  • Sorry, as a Greek-American (currently in Greece), I disagree with most of the people here. When you're part of a new country, you need to be able to do your business with the authorities in the official language. For that, some level of understanding the native language is required. In fact, to get any passport from any country, you need to have a B1-level understanding of that country's language. So yes, being in a country, you need to know the basics. And if you don't, then make sure you learn the basics within 6 months, in order to be able to live there without issues. I don't see that as xenophobia, I see it as common sense.

    I moved to Greece from the US this year with my French husband. He doesn't speak Greek. I can tell you, it has been a nightmare for him doing paperwork, and I need to go with him EVERYWHERE in any government office in order to get setup. It wasn't pretty in the first few months, he was full of anxiety and he wouldn't leave the house without me.

    Also, I worked in Germany in my youth, for a few months. I couldn't understand most of what was said (although I could pick up a few words, but certainly couldn't speak back). It was a nightmare. There were no free programs back then to learn the language, and so I went there without any preparation. Today, I wouldn't have done it that way. I would first learn the language in some basic form (today there are apps to do that), and then move there.

  • Linux in the military
  • Greek military uses Linux Mint, so yeah, it's used in some places. I believe the Indian one does too.

  • Watercolor / Watercolour / Aquarelle Painting Eugenia
    Forest Witch Dance
    Watercolor / Watercolour / Aquarelle Painting Eugenia
    Woman with Cat (Schmincke watercolors)
    Here's what's happening to ad blockers in Google Chrome (and other browsers)
  • Look, I'm a Linux user, and I prefer to use Free apps. However, the truth must be told: Firefox is not as optimized as Chrome. On older devices, Chrome is twice as fast in youtube playback, and it uses way less RAM overall. Chrome is the better browser in terms of architecture, at least for older PCs (and I have a whole bunch of them). On my main PC, running Debian-Testing, which is a newer PC, I do use Firefox, because it can handle stuff ok with enough CPU power. But for all my older PCs (anywhere from 5 to 15 years old), I have to use Chrome.

    Now, if you find me a de-googled, Free, WELL-MAINTANED Chromium browser, I rather use that than Chrome. No, Brave, etc don't cut it. I want a community-driven, well maintained Chromium browser. Currently, all de-googled versions are not well maintained, or not available as native packages on Debian.

    EDIT: So, downvoted, huh? By fellow open source users who don't want to hear the truth?

  • what linux OS should I install on a backup notebook if my main one is debian?
  • Edge is Cinnamon with a newer kernel. So, since you like XFce, try install the XFce version of Mint, and see if it works with your system. If it mostly works and boots, but not completely, you can always install the newer kernel found on Edge using the Update app (there's a menu option to install newer kernels after installation). But if it doesn't install/boot, but you're confident that Linux should support your laptop, then consider the Edge version with Cinnamon.

  • [Solved] Hidamari is not loading on Linux Mint
  • It's not false information. There are a lot of system-oriented things that don't work through appimages or snaps or flatpaks, exactly because they're sandboxed.

  • [Solved] Hidamari is not loading on Linux Mint
  • Do you mean a flatpak? Flatpaks are notorious for not integrating. Try to see if hidamari is available first as a .deb file in the official repos (uninstall the flatpak first). If that's not it, then it seems that it doesn't work with the Cinnamon desktop, which has control over the wallpaper functions.

  • what linux OS should I install on a backup notebook if my main one is debian?
  • I'd go with Linux Mint Edge Edition (not the default Mint). Better support for hardware than either plain Mint, or Debian, and more optimizations for laptops and battery (ubuntu might be hated, but they have lots of kernel patches). Also, for some weird reason, Mint with Cinnamon uses less RAM than Debian with Cinnamon. Also, easier support for third party non-free drivers.

    I love BSD, but I wouldn't want it on a laptop. They're just not optimized for such usage with batteries etc.

  • what foss phone OS do you use and why?
  • Ι use Murena's e/OS, I like the iphone-likeness of it. It works.

  • Which are your preferred laptops?
  • When it comes to expensive laptops, there are plenty of good options for Linux. But for cheaper stuff, your best bet might be a second hand DELL, a model that specifically says that it supports Linux (newer models use some new Intel webcams etc that don't have support on linux yet).

  • The anti-AI sentiment in the free software communities is concerning.
  • Testing AI (knowledge system) was the first job out of college for me in the '90s (I used to be a programmer). I'm not against it, but I don't like it in my feet either. I like using the operating system all by myself, or generating things on my own. Especially now that I'm an artist, I like painting on paper. I even dislike digital art (I find it flat), let alone generative art.

  • Simple question: Are you a nice person?
  • Depends what you mean by "nice". Nice as in "genuinely good" person, or nice as a "nice behavior towards others"? There's a difference, because in the latter one, it can involve not being honest, just so you can appear "nice". So I'm not "nicely socially behaving" most of the time, I'm instead hammering with facts (without being aggressive). My underlying reason for being like that is because: 1. I'm not diplomatic at all, I wasn't born with that gene it seems, 2. I don't believe I help the situation if I just be nice for the sake of being nice. I feel more useful when I'm straight up, clear as water, without being combative or aggressive. If that makes me not nice because I'm not sugarcoating with socially expected bullshit, then I'm not nice. If that makes me nice because I try to help and my intent is pure, then sure, I'm nice.

  • What was your first operating system or Linux Distribution?
  • DOS - Win3.1 - Win95/98 - BeOS - Red Hat Linux - WinXP - Mac OS X - WinVista/7/8 - MacOS X - Win10 - Debian Linux (and staying with it).

  • Would it be possible to install Linux on this HP Chromebook Plus?
  • Use a distro with the latest kernel, like ubuntu, to have higher chances for this to be supported.

  • Watercolor / Watercolour / Aquarelle Painting Eugenia
    The princess and the pea

    Watercolors and colored pencils

    Summer is the worst season of the year, isn't?
  • As someone who lives in Greece, 10 minutes from the beach, I actually agree with you. I never liked the Greek heat. I like the sea when there's not many people in it though.

  • Watercolor / Watercolour / Aquarelle Painting Eugenia
    The Greenhouse

    Daler Rowney watercolor

    The Kitty Rider

    Using watercolors and gouache

    Watercolor / Watercolour / Aquarelle Painting Eugenia
    The Tarot Reader

    Using Daler Rowney watercolors, on a small sketchbook.

    Watercolor / Watercolour / Aquarelle Painting Eugenia
    Watercolor folk art bird
    Watercolor / Watercolour / Aquarelle Painting Eugenia
    Fresh eggs from the backyard chickens

    Painted with Daler Rowney watercolors.

    Snow in the yard

    Painted with LeFranc Bourgeois gouache paints.

    0 meta Eugenia
    Posting takes too long?

    Starting today, I noticed that posting a comment takes upwards of 2-3 minutes until it's committed (the "reply" button is turning round and round for a long time). Is there something wrong with the servers or some sort of moderation? Not sure what's going on or why.

    Lemmy Support Eugenia
    Weird loading screen username

    Hi! Thank you for Lemmy! So, when I load the page with Chrome, I'm always shown as logged out. I have to refresh the page, and then suddenly I'm logged in. I found that this bug exists only on Chrome, on all OSes (Linux, Windows, and Mac), and it exists both on, and on

    But that's not the weird part.

    The weird part is that when I reload the page, half of the times, the username becomes something like "killingcore" or something like that (it doesn't stay On for very long, so I can't read it well) before it changes to "Eugenia". I don't understand what that username is. Is it some kind of security problem? Or some cache, part of the normal code? It's really weird.

    I noticed that that weird username happens only on, not on .world.

    Edit: I reloaded the page a bunch of times to retest, and what I'm reading is something killthrillrope or something like that. And it changes back to Eugenia almost instantaneously. It happens now once every 4-5 reloads of the page.

    Edit 2: A few hours later, and it now loads this user for half a second before it loads mine: Not only that, but it loads his dark theme for that half second (my default is light theme).

    Watercolor / Watercolour / Aquarelle Painting Eugenia
    With Primatek watercolors
    Watercolor / Watercolour / Aquarelle Painting Eugenia
    Happy Halloween everyone!! (my watercolor painting)
    Halloween witch ritual (my gouache painting)

    For more of my paintings, follow me on PixelFed:

    Watercolor / Watercolour / Aquarelle Painting Eugenia
    Sled down the hill with little brother
    Watercolor / Watercolour / Aquarelle Painting Eugenia
    Christmas Choir, with watercolors tonight
    Watercolor / Watercolour / Aquarelle Painting Eugenia
    While preparing a love potion

    Anyone likes my style, feel free to follow me on the fediverse, I do daily paintings:

    Watercolor / Watercolour / Aquarelle Painting Eugenia
    Sharing a laundry line between good neighbors
    eugenia Eugenia

    Ex-technologist, now an artist. My art: I'm also on PixelFed:

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    Comments 259