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What movies are worth rewatching?
  • Aliens: Special Edition

  • How often do you have to resolve merge conflicts?
  • Occasionally I'll get hit with a few unwieldy conflicts. Usually it's one or two lines, and always a whitespace issue because someone's code style just has to be different.

  • Issues with emails not verified
  • Have you configured OpenDKIM correctly? This tutorial might give you an idea or two. Gmail won't relay mail unless its signed by your domain.

  • Issues with emails not verified
  • Yes. You can use an existing SMTP server (gmail [legacy app mode], yahoo, microsoft, etc). One thing to keep in mind -- if you decide to go that route don't use your personal account because the address might be exposed in the mail headers. Create a dedicated account and use that instead.


    email: {
        smtp_server: "smtp.example.tld:[port]" # port 25, port 587, etc
        smtp_login: "username"
        smtp_password: "password"
        smtp_from_address: "noreply@example.tld" # or account_just_created@example.tld
        tls_type: "tls" # or starttls