I would train my staff that unless I say otherwise, when I give you an order I mean get the fuck on with it, not do everything and then sit there waiting for a second order.
not sure I could stick to just one thing, I would be the captain that sometimes says something cool and the rest of the time embarrasses/annoys the bridge crew with the worst dad jokes
When Adam Savage was doing flight training for the mythbusters U2 episode, the Blue Angels pilot would say, "aaaand HIT IT" when he pulled the high G maneuvers.
I already quote Mario’s “Let’s a go!” whenever I’m trying to get my family into the car. It’d be a hoot to break that out each time and watch my bridge crew try to contain the groans and eye rolls.
one that might play better in northern england for me - an ironic "let's 'av it". not the full on "LET'S 'AV ITTTTTTTTTTT woo" just a dead pan 'right, let's 'av it, eh?'