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awesome-linuxaudio Β· A list of software and resources for professional audio/video/live events production on Linux.
  • You can dip in with the essentials package for €80 though (perhaps even this is the type of thing they bundle with stuff so you might find a free licence key for it somewhere). They might also offer a crossgrade price if you contact them. I got a great crossgrade offer from Presonus when I decided to start using Studio One. I just had to prove my ownership of another DAW (I sent them a Reason 10 receipt I think).

  • What's your setup?
  • It seems like snap is a bit of a disaster. I have a VM running Ubuntu for testing some things and ended up completely removing snap it was taking up so much space.

  • Synth Treehouse // Weekly Discussion - July 14, 2023
  • This week I've been focused on mixing my next EP. Will probably spend next week doing the same 😁

  • Getting MPC
  • I print and bind the manual for any hardware I buy. Whilst undoubtedly I can discover a lot of the functionality just from experience, there's usually some stuff that you discover from the manual that just isn't the sort of thing you find out by chance 😊

    Never tried the MPC stuff though (beyond a day with the Force before it had disk streaming), so can't give any specific recommendations..

  • What's your gear?
  • Ah cool, yeah the wireless thing probably wouldn't be so important as it would probably sit in the same spot all the time 😁

  • What's your gear?
  • I can definitely see the appeal. Perhaps when I have some cash to spare I'll look at it again πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

  • What's your gear?
  • Elektron Analog Four/Digitone/Digitakt Soma Pulsar 23 Nord Drum 3p 1010music Lemondrop ASM Hydrasynth Desktop Squarp Pyramid Fx: Bastl Thyme / Hologram Microcosm / Mooer Ocean Machine

  • Self-hosted photoblog options
  • Oh cool. I had heard about Ghost years back. Completely forgot about it 😁

    I'll check it out thanks πŸ™

  • Self-hosted photoblog options

    Hey folks,

    I used to be semi active as a photoblogger and am tempted to get back into the habit. I ran an old self-hosted WordPress for years but I've been hunting around for any more modern alternatives (perhaps more specifically focused on photoblogging) and am not coming up with anything concrete.

    Any recommendations?

    I could be tempted into a third-party service option if it gave me a way to offer print sales on each photoblog post - but that would really just be a 'nice to have'


    ebauche Ebauche

    Electronic music producer under monikers Ebauche, Exan, and Dronal.

    Posts 2
    Comments 10