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Oklahoma schools head Ryan Walters: Teachers who won't teach Bible could lose license
  • And this is the same cunt that was blaming "the radical left" for "politicizing" the death of a child under his care.

  • The fast-food industry claims the California minimum wage law is costing jobs. Its numbers are fake
  • Exploitation is baked in, without it capitalists have nothing

  • Seattle Officer Who Struck and Killed Pedestrian Cited for Two Collisions Before He Was Fired by Tucson Police - PubliCola

    By Andrew Engelson Kevin Dave—the Seattle police officer who killed 23-year-old pedestrian Jaahnavi Kandula last year while driving 74 miles…

    Seattle Officer Who Struck and Killed Pedestrian Cited for Two Collisions Before He Was Fired by Tucson Police - PubliCola
    1 US state department report absolving Israel on Gaza aid is false, says ex-official

    Stacy Gilbert, who quit post as senior adviser on Tuesday, says report went against consensus of experts

    US state department report absolving Israel on Gaza aid is false, says ex-official
    Video Game Execs Are Ruining Video Games
  • Same as it ever was

  • Really? 😍
  • Hey dad, #killyourlawn

  • How Counterprotesters at U.C.L.A. Provoked Violence, Unchecked for Hours
  • ‘Counterprotesters’ implies they were protesting, how bout you try ‘Zionist thugs’ next time, nyt? And maybe instead of ‘provoked violence’, try out ‘terrorized’ or ‘violently attacked’. Take that out for a spin, give it a whirl

  • Union plans strike vote over crackdown on University of California Gaza protests

    UAW Local 4811, largest union of academic workers, also says it will file unfair labor charges over university use of LAPD on protesters

    Union plans strike vote over crackdown on University of California Gaza protests
    2 First case of walrus dying from bird flu recorded in Arctic

    Virus has already killed other mammals including sea lions and seals, while also taking toll on farm animals

    First case of walrus dying from bird flu recorded in Arctic
    6 Sanders hits back at Netanyahu: ‘It is not antisemitic to hold you accountable’

    US senator says Israeli prime minister using antisemitism to distract attention from ‘extremist and racist government’ policies

    Sanders hits back at Netanyahu: ‘It is not antisemitic to hold you accountable’
    Police In Berlin, Germany, Arrest Pro-Palestinian Demonstrators Camped Outside German Parliament
  • Maybe hang out in a different sub if you’re tried of seeing — oh I don’t know — world news

  • War Isn’t Murder - Jesse Welles
  • Damn this is so good

  • 1 Supreme court appears to side with Starbucks in fight over fired employees

    Coffee chain brings challenge after being told to rehire seven workers at Tennessee store who pursued effort to unionize

    Supreme court appears to side with Starbucks in fight over fired employees
    U.S., Not Israel, Shot Down Most Iran Drones and Missiles
  • So what’s preventing them from intercepting missiles targeting innocent Palestinians?

  • Has anyone here gone through the process of getting a third party petition to involuntarily treat a loved one with a mental illness?
  • I thoroughly appreciate everyone's responses. In hindsight, I probably could have put the question in clearer context to avoid sounding like I was just trying to cherry-pick justifications for involuntarily committing someone without the legitimate grounds to do so (and it's become ever more clear that this is a deeper philosophical question about how much control we should have over a person's autonomy when they display signs of extreme mental distress). Ultimately, I share the same concerns that many of you have about how this could be misused to hold someone against their will when a third party deems their life isn't "normal". There are of course people in our society that would like to use such allowances to involuntarily treat people who are NOT suffering from a mental illness but fit some categorization they deem as "abnormal" -or- treat people who are suffering from a mental illness but are content with their lives (sorry, I'm sure there's a clearer way to phrase this but I'm struggling how to elucidate it; hopefully this is clear enough).

    I was mainly curious to hear of other peoples experiences, what the outcomes have been, how things could be improved, i.e. get a better understanding of how it works, NOT try and use it as a justification. And I hope anyone that reads through this thread takes extreme care and consideration with this stuff, since it is such an extreme course of action to take.

    I'm admittedly a bit worried that this post might make people feel targeted themselves or feel unsafe in someway, which was definitely not my intention.

  • Has anyone here gone through the process of getting a third party petition to involuntarily treat a loved one with a mental illness?
  • Thanks for that. That clears up a lot of what I wasn't sure about. I'm curious, from your experience in that job, did you ever feel like certain steps in that process could've been different to better help people? Genuinely curious

  • Has anyone here gone through the process of getting a third party petition to involuntarily treat a loved one with a mental illness?
  • Appreciate you sharing your experience. Unfortunately, the person in my life is so staunchly opposed to getting any kind of care, partially out of stubbornness but mainly because of semi-delusional thoughts (I say "semi-delusional" because it's no delusion that mental health care in our state is incredibly lacking -- but also there's actual delusional "I'm being targeted" type stuff too). It sucks bc it just feels like we have to wait around for something really bad to happen before they can get the care they very clearly need.

  • Suicide is on the rise for young Americans, with no clear answers
  • Our society benefits those who manipulate and cheat, and punishes those who choose not to. Pretty simple

  • Unconventional kitchen utensil you can't live without?

    What are your unconventional kitchen tools/utensils you were skeptical of at first but feel you can’t live without?

    166 What sets me apart in the US? I’m car-free by choice | Arwa Mahdawi

    I get tons of incidental exercise, save money and don’t have to worry about parking. But other people look at me aghast, writes Arwa Mahdawi

    What sets me apart in the US? I’m car-free by choice | Arwa Mahdawi
    Biden calls for ‘immediate ceasefire’ in Gaza Joe Biden calls for ‘immediate ceasefire’ in Gaza and says Israel must protect civilians to keep US support

    US president also said Israel must implement a series of specific steps to address civilian harm, humanitarian suffering and the safety of aid workers

    Joe Biden calls for ‘immediate ceasefire’ in Gaza and says Israel must protect civilians to keep US support
    27 Officer acquitted in death of Manuel Ellis hired by neighboring sheriff’s office

    Ellis, a Black man, was shocked, beaten and restrained face down as he pleaded for breath in Tacoma, Washington, in 2020

    Officer acquitted in death of Manuel Ellis hired by neighboring sheriff’s office
    1 Video shows California police fatally shooting teenager who was reported kidnapped

    Revealed: Savannah Graziano, 15, shot by sheriff’s deputies in 2022 while unarmed and following instructions to move toward them

    Video shows California police fatally shooting teenager who was reported kidnapped
    14 US reportedly approves transfer to Israel of bombs and jets worth billions

    Sources say weapons package authorized even as Washington expresses public concern over anticipated offensive in Rafah

    US reportedly approves transfer to Israel of bombs and jets worth billions
    dhcmrlchtdj__ dhcmrlchtdj__
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