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Warner Bros. and Legendary Set Denis Villeneuve Event Film for 2026, Next MonsterVerse Movie for 2027
  • Is Sicario an adaptation? I can't find any reference that it is.

    Also, Prisoners is technically an adaptation of a short-story, but it's a not very well known short-story (I don't even see a name for the story on Wikipedia) from the writer of the screen play, so you could make an argument that the short story is essentially just a first draft of the script.

    I do agree that we should just let him continue doing whatever he wants, he's done excellent work.

  • The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax
  • What is this garbage? If I own a house/gold/collectable/toilet paper during covid/... and the value goes up, am I supposed to pay taxes?

    Yes, you are supposed to pay taxes on that (or on the house specifically). It's called property taxes.

    If the value goes up, you pay more taxes the next year, if the value goes down you pay less.

  • Elon hasn't successfully activated a satellite since March. Over 1200 inactive satellites according to and Yahoo now reports SpaceX willing to sell shares.
  • After a few years the orbit will degrade enough that it'll start to fall back to earth. At that point, the satellite will either burn up completely on re-entry, or partially and the rest will fall to earth.

    Either way, each of these satellites will be completely gone from orbit after a few years.

  • NHL Draft Lottery 2024 discussion thread
  • Good luck! I actually did the math on how "lucky/unlucky" each team had been relative to the actual draft odds, and as I recall San Jose had been one of the least lucky so they are due! (Arizona/Utah had been even less lucky though)

  • Hi I'm Will Ropp! Ask me anything!
  • Hi Will!

    Now that you've tried out directing as well as acting, which side of the camera do you prefer?

    Are there any things you've learned from the experience of directing that you think will help in future acting roles? Additionally, is there anything you would do differently about directing Kodar if you got to start over from scratch today?

  • What plot holes could be adequately explained away with a single shot or line of dialogue?
  • I believe that is correct.

    In the book, they also took pains to point out the steps he took to try to avoid it happening to the other airlocks after that point too - by actually balancing out their usage a bit more, instead of just always using the same one.

  • An Engineer Says He’s Found a Way to Overcome Earth’s Gravity
  • Gravity and vacuum are not mutually exclusive - you always have to deal with gravity forces, although they become negligible pretty quickly when you get into and then leave orbits.

    As to the specific claim, I suspect that the experiments they are currently doing (in vacuum chambers on earth) have gotten to the point that they are measuring the propulsion system producing more thrust than it's own weight (T/W >1), which would technically be enough thrust to overcome gravity. Even if it wasn't practically useful for actually getting to orbit, that amount of thrust on a reactionless motor would be incredible, and would totally unlock the solar system for us.

  • How to reach out to university staff for consultation
  • When you say "university staff", do you mean professors, or some other technical support staff?

    If professors, then reaching out by email is probably a good way to start. They may get a lot of emails though, so your best chance to get a response might be timing the email right at the start of summer when they hopefully don't have any ongoing classes.

    In terms of payment - most professors would happily talk about their areas of study with interested people for a short time (for free). If you needed a significant time investment from them though, then you might start having issues.

  • military industrial publishing complex
  • In my time looking for published papers, I have only very rarely seen papers which are also hosted by the university of the author. I suspect in your case it was hosted because of something specific to the school or the author, rather than a general thing.

    What I am seeing more often in my field is people posting a version of the paper on "arxiv". This is a similar open-access approach, but you do have to be careful with arxiv papers as you can post anything on it, including work that never was or will be peer-reviewed.

  • Why is brawl allowed in NHL?
  • As the other user commented, instigator is hardly ever actually used.

    NHL reffing is... not great most of the time. Despite being a fan of the sport, I would like to see changes that would reduce the future rates of TBI among players. Refs actually enforcing the rules would probably help a bit there.

  • Why is brawl allowed in NHL?
  • You seem to misunderstand how the penalties work out. 95% of the time after a fight happens, both teams get offsetting penalties, and so neither team is at a disadvantage because of the fight alone. There are instances where one team ends up with more penalties after a fight, but it's usually because of something that happened before the fight and prompted the fight (and should've been a penalty anyway)

  • Is chatgpt proof that standard tests are bad measures of intelligence
  • But intelligence is the capacity to solve problems. If you can solve problems quickly, you are by definition intelligent

    To solve any problems? Because when I run a computer simulation from a random initial state, that's technically the computer solving a problem it's never seen before, and it is trillions of times faster than me. Does that mean the computer is trillions of times more intelligent than me?

    the ability to apply knowledge to manipulate one's environment or to think abstractly as measured by objective criteria (such as tests)

    If we built a true super-genius AI but never let it leave a small container, is it not intelligent because WE never let it manipulate its environment? And regarding the tests in the Merriam Webster definition, I suspect it's talking about "IQ tests", which in practice are known to be at least partially not objective. Just as an example, it's known that you can study for and improve your score on an IQ test. How does studying for a test increase your "ability to apply knowledge"? I can think of some potential pathways, but we're basically back to it not being clearly defined.

    In essence, what I'm trying to say is that even though we can write down some definition for "intelligence", it's still not a concept that even humans have a fantastic understanding of, even for other humans. When we try to think of types of non-human intelligence, our current models for intelligence fall apart even more. Not that I think current LLMs are actually "intelligent" by however you would define the term.

  • That gourmet luxury blend...
  • If you're mixing things up in the kitchen, typically you try to be somewhat precise with ratios.

    The difference in this case being that because the actual ratio of the blend is unknown, you don't actually know how it would crystallize. Technically they could even change up the ratio week to week based on the price of high-fructose corn syrup so you wouldn't even get consistency from it.

  • Matrix multiplication breakthrough could lead to faster, more efficient AI models
  • If this actually did lead to faster matrix multiplication, then essentially anything that can be done on a GPU would benefit. That definitely could include games, and physics models, along with a bunch of other applications (and yes, also AI stuff).

    I'm sure the papers authors know all of that, but somehow along the line the article just became"faster and better AI"

  • Time to solve the housing crisis...
  • But then what's to stop one bad owner from just making 15 different accounts for their 15 different properties?

    And from the users perspective, there's reasons to prefer that all the properties under the same owner are tied to the same account. If bad reviews are happening it's easier to see the pattern if all the properties on the account have bad reviews.

    Not that I don't generally agree with you, I just think that it's a complicated enough issue that just limiting the number of listings per person won't totally solve.

  • United Airlines CEO says the airline will consider alternatives to Boeing's next airplane
  • Believe it or not, but companies outside of Boeing and Airbus are capable of designing airplanes.

    It's not just "good" regulation holding them back either - in 2017 Boeing accused Bombardier of "dumping" some CSeries planes because they sold them to Delta at below the retail cost (about a 30% discount). The CSeries was/is a good plane, but took an incredibly long time to get through certification so Bombardier had been losing money and was desperate to sell them. Boeing complained about this discount to the US International Trade Commission who imposed a massive fine on Bombardier. Because of the delays, Bombardier couldn't afford to fight the fine so they ended up having to give up a 50% stake in the design to Airbus for only $1. The year after, the fines were appealed and overturned, but the damage was already done. Bombardier has since completely sold their stake in the CSeries (one less competitor), and Airbus gets the renamed A220 series for a massive discount.

    As an aside, I can't argue that the FAA doesn't do more good than harm in this space generally, but I'm the last ~5 years it's becoming clear to me that they have a massive blindspot for Boeing in particular.

  • Biden emails 800k student loan borrowers about forgiven debt
  • On top of that, IIRC the student loan aid was executive action alone (i.e. Biden specifically enacted it) while the pandemic checks were passed by congress so at best Trump might be able to say he pushed for it but it was still congress that made it happen.

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