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What series did you rewatch most often?
  • Mr Robot

    I like my occasional dose of depression.

  • Every time you click on this link, it will send you to a random Web 1.0 website
  • Feels weirdly nostalgic even though I wasn't there during web 1.0.

  • Lemmy Support darknesslieshere
    Some posts and comments doesn't sync to other instances.

    I noticed that some of my posts and comments in the community I created (! doesn't seem to sync to other instances.

    For example, if you go to the community through and you won't find the welcome post through But the post I put just after that one do appear. The same issue also seem to occur with the sidebar.

    Can anyone help fixing it?

    A community to share pictures of the sky.


    In this community (or sublemmy?) you can share your favourite pictures of the sky. OC submissions are appreciated and they don't have to look good. Just share them and enjoy. Hope to see you there!

    If the community doesn't appear in your instance do the following:

    1. Go to Communites search page and select "All".
    2. Search for ! It should fetch the community to your instance even if it says 'No Results'.
    3. Now just search skypictures and the community will appear.
    I can't seem to find my community from other instances.
  • It seems like a hit or miss. Also, some instances take a while to sync all the posts and comments.

    I really hope devs fix this.

  • Lemmy Support darknesslieshere
    I can't seem to find my community from other instances.

    I created a community few hours ago ! on It currently has two post and two subscribers. I wanted to check if it is discoverable through search. While you can find the community through this home instance, but it doesn't show up through others like or

    Do I need to do something manually? Or it would do the indexing(?) on its own? If so, it would be great if someone tells me how much time it generally takes. Thanks.

    is it possible to open a link in a new tab by default ?
  • Let me know if you find anything. Maybe an addon will work.

  • is it possible to open a link in a new tab by default ?
  • I was also looking for something like this. Especially something that works in Firefox mobile.

  • How does The Last Kingdom compare to GoT?
  • Thanks for the detailed comment! I started watching the show just after I made the post and I'm finding it pretty decent. Though the difference in the budget of both shows is noticeable, which isn't really a bad thing in my book.

    Lastly, while the story itself is fiction, the overall trajectory and setting aligns with actual history. This made me interested in learning the related history which I knew nothing about.

    Vinland Saga did this for me and it's also the reason I'm curious about this show.

  • India rail crash probe is focusing on manual bypass of track signal
  • While you aren't completely wrong but the photos of overcrowded railways that pop up regularly on reddit's front page definitely don't represent the whole system and are mostly from the past. Those trains run mostly in cities and are slow.

  • How does The Last Kingdom compare to GoT?
  • Kinda embarrassed to say that I haven't watched them lol. I thought I would watch them after reading the books, which I guess will take a while.

  • I just bought the only physical encyclopedia still in print, and I regret nothing
  • Who doesn't want a 22 volume chonky encyclopaedia?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Thanks! Will be checking out Sikkim's folktales because it's a fellow Northeastern state :P

  • How does The Last Kingdom compare to GoT?

    So, I was looking for shows similar to GoT and found out about The Last Kingdom and Vikings. I saved Vikings for later because I heard that it becomes soap opera-ish in the last few seasons. I don't really like shallow characters even if the visuals or action scenes of a movie/show is great.

    Edit: Also, if you have recommendations for other similar shows, do mention them!

    Is there a community like r/findareddit here on Lemmy?
  • Thanks! Already found a funny community ! from that thread.

  • Is there a community like r/findareddit here on Lemmy?

    It would be great for discovering new communities as lemmy gets popular.

    Any poetry fans in these parts who might recommend some poets or poetry anthologies?
  • Not really someone who reads poetry, but I loved most of Robert Frost's works that I read. You probably have read 'The Road Not Taken'.

  • darknesslieshere darknesslieshere

    everything is just a coping mechanism

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    Comments 12