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French centrists must decide: support the left – or hand the keys of power to the far right?
  • So everything now hinges on centrists and "moderate" conservatives not supporting fascists?

    Terrific! It's not like that has ever happened before

  • Sheep in the style of Paul Klee by me
  • Kleep!

    … I'll get me coat

  • Moderate conservatives be like
  • That's certainly a way to read this I suppose

  • Moderate conservatives be like
  • I actually don't know much about him except that he's now the Führleader of the SD and supposedly a "moderate."

    The problem I have with conservatives claiming to be moderates is that even the ones who believe murdering minorities and leftists is a legitimate political platform think that they're "moderates". Must be something to do with conservatives being spineless fucks.

  • Interested in rules
  • I saw a gAmEr complaining about all the woke things in Starfield, and he listed things like "unattractive females" and "accents".

    So yeah, if feeeeeeemale in my vidya no make pp hard = WOKE POLITICS. Also if foreign people in my vidya = WOKE IDEOLOGICAL PANDERING

  • Moderate conservatives be like
  • And it's not like I'm Jewish or a leftist; surely the brownshirt leopards won't eat my face

  • Political Memes dactylotheca
    Moderate conservatives be like

    cross-posted from: >From the Finnish comic strip Fingerpori by Pertti Jarla, translated by me. Original: > > !

    Interested in rules
  • According to conservatives "politics" is apparently only something the nasty evil Others™ do, just like everything everybody else does that they don't like is "ideology".

  • Moderate conservatives be like

    From the Finnish comic strip Fingerpori by Pertti Jarla, translated by me. Original:


    Highlander reboot, starring Henry Cavill in the lead role, the movie is set to start filming in early 2025.
  • Because studio executives – just like the executive of most other companies out there – have realized that they don't need to actually innovate or risk putting money into uncertain new projects, when they can just take something that's already been done, try to pretty it up a little, and then sell it to people who'll go see it based on name recognition.

    Why take a risk with new IP, when the old IP that sort of worked is already there? Just give it a new coat of paint and sell more of it instead, fire some workers (I'm sorry, "rightsize" the company), buy another yacht. Problem solved.

  • The BBC edited out sections from the Transformers: Earthspark show to censor references to queer people in the show
  • "No but but but when Russia oppresses LGBT+ folks they do it for the wrong reasons. We do it for the right reasons"

  • Protestation
  • Hammer and firing pin
  • Mom, they're taking NCD shit seriously again! Tell them to stop!

  • CAM ON
  • Every time somebody says something like "I could have done that" (especially if they're being dismissive of somebody's achievement), it brings me great pleasure to say "but you didn't."

  • How to know you'll turn out trans?
  • I'm in my 40's and trans, and ever since I was a child I knew I didn't fit my assigned gender and it just felt… wrong. Took me a long time to understand this was me being trans and not me being "broken" somehow, thanks to a conservative upbringing, but basically I've known all my life.

  • Bamboo plant growing too tall?
  • What, you don't have a poop roller?

  • More posts than pixels on this meme
  • "It ain't honest work, but it's much"

  • how to post YouTube videos anonymously?
  • If you want to protect your privacy against viewers of your videos, how you upload them to YouTube makes more or less no difference. With this scenario the question is how much information are you leaking in your content, and that'd cover everything from writing style idiosyncracies to anything that can be used to potentially identify eg. where you live and so on.

    If you're worried about "malicious hackers", then the question is who are these potential hackers you're protecting against? Would they be attacking Google or you? If it's you, then how you upload things to YT is again completely meaningless. If they're attacking Google and get far enough to actually exfil data, what they'd actually be able to get out of it is anybody's guess. Using a VPN and a throwaway email is probably good enough in any case.

  • how to post YouTube videos anonymously?
  • Who are you protecting your privacy against here?

    Because if it's Google, then why on earth would you want to upload content to YouTube in the first place?

    OK, let's say you didn't give them your phone number and masked your voice. If you're not connecting over a VPN or something like Tor, they still have your IP address.

    OK, you now use a VPN, but your browser can still be very effectively fingerprinted and that fingerprint could be nearly unique.

    And so on and so on. And this isn't even going into metadata in & about your video files that could be used to fingerprint the system they were done on.

  • These AI generated pics are becoming impossible to spot
  • Ah, good idea putting the fire in the tent, that way the fire will stay warm

  • Scrabble
  • From the Oxford English Dictionary:

  • You know what?

    cross-posted from: >Shamelessly stolen from

    me_irl dactylotheca
    Dic "quid?" iterum!

    cross-posted from:

    LGBTQ+ dactylotheca
    "And make Star Trek woke"

    And yes that title is sarcasm, in case it's not immediately obvious.

    Political Memes dactylotheca
    For some it's their entire ideology
    dactylotheca dactylotheca
    Posts 24
    Comments 147