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The United Nations just voted 145-7 in favor of a resolution condemning illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine & Syria.
  • I gave you a perfectly reasonable explanation of what the same map means. You refuse to accept it and write like this. Disengage.

  • The United Nations just voted 145-7 in favor of a resolution condemning illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine & Syria.
  • citations-needed

    Whotf talks like this anyway?

    is an accusation and not an opinion besides also being wrong.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • How USians Attempt To Solve Every Problem They Encounter Forever

  • The United Nations just voted 145-7 in favor of a resolution condemning illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine & Syria.
  • No each map is explained on that comm. You assigning it 'imperial core' and asking for an explanation is some JAQing off sealioning imo. Theses maps correlate how interests of countries align around various issues, and the 'same map' comes up a lot because of how these same countries often agree on things in contrast to the the rest of the world. It's not some socio-political theory, it's just the reality of how these countries align into blocs that correlate with maintaining the current US hegemonic status quo.

    The two maps that really 'explained' this concept for me were the map of countries that 'condemn China's treatment of Uyghur Muslims' contrasted with the map of 'countries that recognize Palestine'. It shows how this bloc of countries want to demonize China while supporting the ongoing genocide of Palestine's indigenous peoples. The principles they espouse are unmasked in the light of the truth of this comparison.

  • Valve confirms Steam Deck sales amount to “multiple millions” following announcement of OLED version | Game World Observer
  • It's beautiful to see the culmination of so much work that Valve has done over the years with the Steam Machines and the Steam Controllers, etc. Gives me hope for an open VR future running on linux.

  • Birding is Voyeurism.
  • birdwatchers: voyeuristic super fans

    sport hunters: homicidal stalkers

  • The United Nations just voted 145-7 in favor of a resolution condemning illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine & Syria.

    lots of examples of what this map emoji means here

    I particularly like this one of the countries that recognize Palestine, which is the inverse of the 'same map'.

  • The United Nations just voted 145-7 in favor of a resolution condemning illegal Israeli settlements in Palestine & Syria.
  • wow it's actually not the exact same map international-community-1international-community-2

    this seems like a modicum of progress

  • I wish I knew how to assimilate you.
  • when it's just the two of you in the empty cube, and you end up sharing the same alcove

  • Jeremy Allen White: ‘I Am Confused at How the Pinnacle of an Actor’s Career Has Ended Up’ at Superhero Movies
  • “I had a meeting for a kind of Marvel-y movie, and I had an attitude,” White said. “I think I played it all wrong.” He said he told the Marvel executives, “‘Tell me about why should I do your movie,'” which did not come off well. “They were like, ‘Fuck you,'” White recalled, “and I was like, ‘Right on.'”

    having self respect vs MCU execs is a legit super power though

  • federation provides

    the dunks just offer themselves up to you before you realize you need them


    been on lemmy for 4 months and only 2 comments, and this is the 2nd one lmao

    Spain ‘neo Nazi’ mercenary among others helping Israel in Gaza
  • mentions they've been recruiting mercs from Ukraine too


  • Starfleet Academy of Delinquents and Troublemakers
  • a bit more Mariner than Tendi, but it's close and varies according to material conditions

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • due to high inflation you only get the complementary 1-hour back, the remainder was applied to the overdraft fees

  • When the natural gas industry used the playbook from Big Tobacco
  • ClimateTown has a good video on the astroturf campaigns that have been used in the last few years.

  • cool comm on for non-US-centric media and culture NoYank. Remove All American Media And Culture From Your Life - Hexbear

    Remove All American Media And Culture From Your Life This sub is for people making personal efforts to overcome cultural imperialism. Discuss alternatives. Share your personal journal of de-americanisation.

    NoYank. Remove All American Media And Culture From Your Life - Hexbear

    thought I'd spotlight it for the hexbears

    build some international perspectives and solidarity in our media and culture consumption

    Kamala's sage advice

    this was part of a slide show, the onion still got it

    TIL about 'Growing the beard'

    "Growing the beard" refers to the opposite of jumping the shark; i.e. when a show dramatically improves in quality. In the series Star Trek: The Next Generation the second season is considered to be better in terms of storytelling over the first season. This shift coincided with character William Riker, who was clean-shaven for the first season, growing a mustache and beard that he retained for the second season and most Star Trek media afterwards.

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Distilling value down into a single metric causes lots of problems. I think some people have been talking about that for a while now.

  • No doubts
  • I think the correct answer is sharks.

  • 'Blue Lives Matter'

    was looking for info about Israeli police trainers and deadly choke holds and came across this

    isn't the internet just beautiful sometimes?

    no idea where this came from, but in light of recent events it's just !chefs-kiss

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • wonder-who-thats-for

    During the campaign, conventional weapons such as explosives, incendiary bombs, and napalm destroyed nearly all of the country's cities and towns, including an estimated 85% of its buildings.

    A total of 635,000 tons of bombs, including 32,557 tons of napalm, were dropped on Korea. By comparison, the U.S. dropped 1.6 million tons in the European theater and 500,000 tons in the Pacific theater during all of World War II (including 160,000 on Japan). North Korea ranks alongside Cambodia (500,000 tons), Laos (2 million tons), and South Vietnam (4 million tons) as among the most heavily-bombed countries in history.

    In an interview with U.S. Air Force historians in 1988, USAF General Curtis LeMay, who was also head of the U.S. Strategic Air Command, commented on efforts to win the war as a whole, including the strategic bombing campaign, saying “Right at the start of the war, unofficially, I slipped a message in "under the carpet" in the Pentagon that we ought to turn SAC lose with some incendiaries on some North Korean towns. The answer came back, under the carpet again, that there would be too many civilian casualties; we couldn't do anything like that. We went over there and fought the war and eventually burned down every town in North Korea anyway, some way or another, and some in South Korea, too......Over a period of three years or so we killed off, what, 20 percent of the population of Korea, as direct casualties of war or from starvation and exposure? Over a period of three years, this seemed to be acceptable to everybody, but to kill a few people at the start right away, no, we can't seem to stomach that.”

    Sahr-Conway Lanz, who holds a Ph.D. in the history of American foreign relations, has written extensively about the legacy and impact on American discourse on the international norm of noncombatant immunity. He states:

    "During the war, American military and civilian officials stretched the term "military target" to include virtually all human-made structures, capitalizing on the vague distinction between the military and civilian segments of an enemy society. They came to apply the logic of total war to the destruction of the civil infrastructure in North Korea. Because almost any building could serve a military purpose, even if a minor one, nearly the entire physical infrastructure behind enemy lines was deemed a military target and open to attack. This expansive definition, along with the optimism about sparing civilians that is reinforced, worked to obscure in American awareness the suffering of Korean civilians in which U.S. firebombing was contributing."

    The song was inspired by Korean war veteran that John McCrea met in a bar.

  • Testimony of Paul Robeson before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, June 12, 1956
  • It's pretty wild to think about how many people have heard his singing voice without knowing really anything about him.

  • E V 'Shaggy' Debs
  • It's an example of how the socialist history of the US was completely memory-holed. The labor movement makes a modicum of progress, and it is very quickly filtered out of cultural memory via lazy jokes.

  • E V 'Shaggy' Debs

    E V Debs : OG American Socialist


    Maynard G Krebs : parody sitcom character on 'The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis'


    Norville 'Shaggy' Rogers : based on the sitcom character

    Testimony of Paul Robeson before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, June 12, 1956


    audio version (Robeson As interpreted by James Earl Jones):

    short about Paul Robeson:

    >After returning to the United States in 1939, Robeson supported the American and Allied war efforts during World War II. However, his history of supporting civil rights causes and Soviet policies brought scrutiny from the FBI. After the war ended, the CAA was placed on the Attorney General's List of Subversive Organizations. Robeson was investigated during the McCarthy era. When he refused to recant his public advocacy of left-wing beliefs, the U.S. State Department denied his passport and his income plummeted. He moved to Harlem and published a periodical called Freedom,[4] which was critical of United States policies, from 1950 to 1955. Robeson's right to travel was eventually restored as a result of the 1958 United States Supreme Court decision Kent v. Dulles.

    we all fall prey to 'hasty hubris' from time to time

    took me a minute to figure out how to post to our memes comm properly

    there's 3 "memes" listed that are identical, but going to the comm is a decent workaround for now

    Trying to trace the 'terror famine' origin 1930s journalist Gareth Jones to have story retold

    Correspondent who exposed Soviet Ukraine's manmade famine to be focus of new documentary

    1930s journalist Gareth Jones to have story retold

    This Guardian piece has some clues if you read it critically.

    >Gareth Jones's accounts of what was happening in Soviet Ukraine in 1932-33 were different from other western accounts. Not only did he reveal the true extent of starvation, he reported on the Stalin regime's failure to deliver aid while exporting grain to the west. The tragedy is now known as the Holodomar and regarded by Ukrainians as genocide.

    >The story of Jones, a devout, non-comformist teetotaller from Barry, often has elements of Indiana Jones and Zelig.

    >Rory Finnan, a lecturer in Ukrainian studies at Cambridge, called him "a true hero"."He is a remarkable historical figure and it is also remarkable that he is not well known. Jones was the only journalist who risked his name and reputation to expose the Holodomor to the world."

    >But there is more to Jones's story and a Zelig-like quality to his life. For example, he was once on a 16-seat aircraft with the new German chancellor, Adolph Hitler, and Joseph Goebbels, on their way to a rally in Frankfurt. Jones wrote for the Western Mail that if the plane had crashed the history of western Europe history would have changed forever.

    >Another time, outside the gates of the White House, he saw the one-time American president Herbert Hoover preparing to have his photograph taken with schoolchildren. Soon enough, somehow, Jones is in the photograph.

    >After his Ukraine articles Jones was banned from the USSR and, in many eyes, discredited. The only work he could get was in Cardiff on the Western Mail covering "arts, crafts and coracles", according to his great-nephew Nigel Linsan Colley. But again his life changed. He managed to get an interview with a local castle owner: William Randolph Hearst who owned St Donat's Castle near Cardiff. The newspaper magnate was obviously taken by Jones's accounts of what had happened in Ukraine and invited the reporter to the US.

    >Jones dutifully arrived at Hearst's private station – as Chico Marx was leaving the estate – and wrote three articles for Hearst and used, for the first time, the phrase "manmade famine".


    a few bits about Hearst:

    >After 1918 and the end of World War I, Hearst gradually began adopting more conservative views and started promoting an isolationist foreign policy to avoid any more entanglement in what he regarded as corrupt European affairs. He was at once a militant nationalist, a staunch anti-communist after the Russian Revolution, and deeply suspicious of the League of Nations and of the British, French, Japanese, and Russians.[2] Following Hitler's rise to power, Hearst became a supporter of the Nazi Party, ordering his journalists to publish favourable coverage of Nazi Germany, and allowing leading Nazis to publish articles in his newspapers.[3] He was a leading supporter of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932–1934, but then broke with FDR and became his most prominent enemy on the right.

    >With “AMERICA FIRST” emblazoned on his newspaper masthead, Hearst celebrated the “great achievement” of the new Nazi regime in Germany—a lesson to all “liberty-loving people”—the defeat of communism. In 1934, after checking with Jewish leaders to ensure a visit would be to their benefit,[57] Hearst visited Berlin to interview Adolf Hitler. When Hitler asked why he was so misunderstood by the American press, Hearst retorted: "Because Americans believe in democracy, and are averse to dictatorship."[58] William Randolph Hearst instructed his reporters in Germany to give positive coverage of the Nazis, and fired journalists who refused to write stories favourable of German fascism.[3] Hearst's papers ran columns without rebuttal by Nazi leader Hermann Göring, Alfred Rosenberg,[3] and Hitler himself, as well as Mussolini and other dictators in Europe and Latin America.[59] During that same year 1934, Japan / U.S. relations were unstable. In an attempt to remedy this, Prince Tokugawa Iesato travelled throughout the United States on a goodwill visit. During his visit, Prince Iesato and his delegation met with William Randolph Hearst with the hope of improving mutual understanding between the two nations.

    A long and very comprehensive read about how the anti-communist Hearst propaganda was ultimately put into history books as 'fact':

    This is also related to a CIA-funded publishing corp that help establish fascist-sympathizing literature to support the 'terror famine' propaganda:

    >The CIA facilitated Lebed’s move to the US, getting asylum for him and his family in 1949 and helping him obtain citizenship in 1957. As head of a CIA operation called Project AERODYNAMIC, Lebed spent the next few decades in control of a Agency-funded non-profit publishing company, the Prolog Research and Publishing Association.

    Prolog Research and Publishing went on to promote lots of anti-Soviet propaganda, including popularizing the 'terror famine' rhetoric.

    >Thanks to his collaboration with the CIA and their active shielding of him, Lebed was never tried for the war crimes he and his men had committed against Poles and Jews during WWII.

    waiting for the super-cut of SNW Gorn scenes and the Alien(s) scenes they reference

    Anyone working on that yet? There's so many of these in the finale, but there's also many from the other Gorn episodes. If you see this anywhere please post it here!

    The occupation of Japan [International Socialist Review]

    >The U.S. assigned General Douglas MacArthur to oversee occupied Japan and designated him the Supreme Commander of Allies in the Pacific (SCAP). From his General Headquarters (GHQ) in Tokyo, MacArthur controlled SCAP, a massive bureaucracy of 6,000 people that dictated policy to the Japanese government. He commanded the occupying army of 430,000 soldiers to enforce his orders. MacArthur has gone down in mainstream history as an erratic but nevertheless heroic figure. He was nothing of the sort. MacArthur was a reactionary Republican who believed that the white man’s burden was needed to bring civilization, commerce and Christianity to Asia. He held his Japanese subjects in contempt, and he only spoke to a total of 16 Japanese people during his six-year rule. At the end of his reign, MacArthur summed up his attitude toward the Japanese: "If the Anglo-Saxon was say 45 years of age in his development, in the sciences, the arts, divinity, culture, the Germans were quite as mature. The Japanese, however, in spite of their antiquity measured by time, were in a very tuitionary [sic] condition. Measured by the standards of modern civilization, they would be like a boy of 12 as compared with our development of 45 years."

    >For the first several years of the occupation, the Japanese were devastated and starving. A memo from General MacArthur’s command stated that Japan "can only be considered a vast concentration camp under the control of the allies and foreclosed from all avenues to commerce and trade."

    >Not only did the U.S. impose Jim Crow segregation, it also collaborated with the Japanese regime in oppressing the women of Japan. The Japanese regime set up the Recreation and Amusement Association (RAA) which hired 70,000 poor women to work as prostitutes to serve the U.S. troops. The RAA ran government brothels around the U.S. military bases for the first two years of the occupation. In 1947, SCAP ordered the RAA privatized, but the brothels still operated in government approved red light districts surrounding the U.S. bases through 1949.

    >The Pentagon ordered General Charles A. Willoughby, who oversaw the intelligence section of the SCAP, to develop a plan for eventually rebuilding a Japanese army. Willoughby opposed the New Deal reforms and befriended and protected a set of militarists at the core of the old order. He considered these reactionaries the real allies of the occupation and denounced all the attacks on them as plots by leftist infiltrators inside GHQ.

    > [General Charles A.] Willoughby actually had fascist sympathies; he had served as the U.S. liaison to Mussolini, praised the dictator for "reestablishing the traditional supremacy of the white race" in Ethiopia and went on to work as an adviser to the fascist dictator Francisco Franco in Spain after he retired from the U.S. military.

    >Willoughby took pride in his nickname "Little Hitler" and [General Douglas] MacArthur’s reference to him as "my lovable fascist."

    >Confronted with this democratic uprising, the U.S. abandoned most of the reforms they had granted. The U.S. initiated what John Dower calls a soft Cold War policy from 1947 to 1949.53 They cancelled all the punitive attacks on the Japanese ruling class, whipped up anti-communism, repressed the labor movement and scapegoated the Koreans. Their goal was primarily defensive–to quell internal revolt.

    >Many historians have wrongly described this new phase of the occupation as a "reverse course." This argument fails to understand the overall strategy of the U.S. and the different tactics it deployed to accomplish its goals. The U.S. strategy before, during and after the war was to establish its imperial domination over Asia and reform a subordinate Japanese capitalism firmly under conservative control. The American rulers that committed genocide in Hiroshima and Nagasaki did not somehow discover democratic values in 1945 and then lose them again in 1947. A changing situation compelled them to adopt different measures to accomplish the same goal, and those measure after 1947 were the rollback of the democratic movement from below and strengthening of the old order to save Japan from Russia’s sphere of influence and from revolt.

    the real Tiananmen Square massacre was done by a Uighur terrorist - can't make this shit up Islamist group claims responsibility for attack on China's Tiananmen Square

    Group releases eight-minute audio clip which warns of future attacks in Beijing

    Islamist group claims responsibility for attack on China's Tiananmen Square

    >Islamist group claims responsibility for attack on China's Tiananmen Square

    >A radical Islamist group has claimed responsibility for an attack on Tiananmen Square last month and warned of future attacks in the Chinese capital, according to an eight-minute audio clip obtained by a US-based internet monitoring organisation.

    >The Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP) is the first group to claim responsibility for the attack on 28 October, when a four-wheel drive vehicle ploughed through a group of pedestrians near the iconic square in central Beijing, crashed into a stone bridge and caught fire, killing five people and injuring dozens. Chinese authorities quickly identified the driver as Uighur, a Muslim ethnic minority hailing from Xinjiang, a sparsely populated, restive region in the country's far north-west.

    >"O Chinese unbelievers, know that you have been fooling East Turkistan for the last sixty years, but now they have awakened," the organisation's leader Abdullah Mansour said in the clip, which was posted online this weekend by the Search for International Terrorist Entities Institute (SITE), a Bethesda, Maryland-based website which monitors jihadist forums. Uighur separatists call the region East Turkistan.

    The Uighur terrorist orgs have had close ties to Al Qaeda and ISIS in Syria just to name a few (and if you know the history of Afghanistan, it's kinda easy to see how US support for anti-communist terrorism is a go-to strategy).

    more info on attacks, how the US held Uighurs at Gitmo for over 5 years, etc:

    new gravity dropped Smoking-gun evidence for modified gravity at low acceleration from Gaia observations of wide binary stars

    A new study reports conclusive evidence for the breakdown of standard gravity in the low acceleration limit from a verifiable analysis of the orbital motions of long-period, widely separated, binary stars, usually referred to as wide binaries in astronomy and astrophysics.

    Smoking-gun evidence for modified gravity at low acceleration from Gaia observations of wide binary stars

    > Xavier Hernandez, professor at UNAM in Mexico who first suggested wide binary tests of gravity a decade ago, says, "It is exciting that the departure from Newtonian gravity that my group has claimed for some time has now been independently confirmed, and impressive that this departure has for the first time been correctly identified as accurately corresponding to a detailed MOND model. The unprecedented accuracy of the Gaia satellite, the large and meticulously selected sample Chae uses and his detailed analysis, make his results sufficiently robust to qualify as a discovery."

    > Pavel Kroupa, professor at Bonn University and at Charles University in Prague, has come to the same conclusions concerning the law of gravitation. He says, "With this test on wide binaries as well as our tests on open star clusters nearby the sun, the data now compellingly imply that gravitation is Milgromian rather than Newtonian. The implications for all of astrophysics are immense."

    culpritus culpritus [any]
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