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  • Creating the starry night was a high price for cutting off an ear, and spending two days dying of a self inflicted gun shot.

    He had a troubled life. Some times averaging a painting a day! It must not have been fun being him

  • Do you have advice for hosting public or maybe even federated blogging?
  • Thanks! There must be some plugin that filters most spam users out. Ill have a closer look at it again. Thanks!

  • Do you have advice for hosting public or maybe even federated blogging?
  • Do you know if they can sign up as authors instead of me having to change their permission manually?

  • Do you have advice for hosting public or maybe even federated blogging?
  • Do you know if i can let people sign up as authors instead of me having to upgrade them to it?

  • Do you have advice for hosting public or maybe even federated blogging?
  • I have that for my personal blog and it works nicely!

    Its the part of opening up the door for external users to start posting on it too that seems tricky. But it may be the best option to use wordpress and somehow automatically let them post there

  • Do you have advice for hosting public or maybe even federated blogging?

    I would like to set up an online platform for users, within my niche hobby of interest, to blog about their activities. (notice the hosting company only has FTP access and databases - no SSH)

    So it is basically an online blogging platform (could it be wordpress?) where people simply sign up and start blogging about their hobby. I would want sign up to be more or less automatic. As far as I could tell, Wordpress offers this, but an admin would be needed to set up and approve the new blog.

    I was hopping for a joined feed on the front page, showing all post as the are posted, but also allow for each user to have their own "front page" or feed, with their own posts.

    Categories, tags etc should be shared (but not uploaded media).

    I have been looking at federated option, but the ones that I have found require SSH or me to be able to execute commands (?). I have only tried installing systems using the PHP files and I am not offered SSH or cPanel at my host

    JK Rowling in ‘arrest me’ challenge over Scottish hate crime law
  • I am only trying to understand this better, so excuse me stepping any toes here, but why is transgender not a noun too? Is this because it describes the type of man or woman one is? I would assume that if used neutrally, it could as well be a noun.

  • Legal status of cannabis possession for recreational use
  • I think there is a lot of fine print, like

    From that link, I find that each club is permitted a mix of 500 members (although some had 1000 sign up just last weekend). So existing larger clubs are splitting into smaller subclubs. It also states that they may only sell a maximum of 50grams per month to each user. They may not seek profit. Resale of cannabis from other manufacturers is prohibited, so the clubs need to grow their own canabis! They are also not allowed to hire people to grow, harvest, plant, or even sell in the clubs. It needs to be the members who do this

    It's all going to be very interesting to follow, but it looks like there will be a lot of space needed to grow them, and paybe even a lot of energy going to waste on this (instead of growing it places where the weather or even the landscape allows)! Its hard to grow enough cannabis in the center of Berlin I assume

  • Unprecedented GPS jamming attack affects 1600 aircraft over Europe
  • I don't know really.. carving up Africa, did not really work too well. Although it does make sense to divide it into smaller independent regions, I don't see this happening to other mega countries like China, USA, India etc.

  • JK Rowling in ‘arrest me’ challenge over Scottish hate crime law
  • Thank you. I must admit that I don't always get this right, but this is entirely due to English not being my main language. That said, I did think about using it in the same way as people with disabilities, but thought that sexuality(gender?) is more defining than what disability one may have and would not be perceived negatively. Actually, thinking about it, why is it any different than calling someone a man or a woman? I will note this for the future though, because although it does not necessarily make sense to me, it doesn't hurt me to use it the way it is prefered. Thank you again.

  • Unprecedented GPS jamming attack affects 1600 aircraft over Europe
  • Russia will be paying back for these years, for decades to come.

  • Unprecedented GPS jamming attack affects 1600 aircraft over Europe
  • I dont think they are doing it to impess.

  • JK Rowling in ‘arrest me’ challenge over Scottish hate crime law
  • -Hello Police? I want to report a crime!

  • 🎵 Lemmyvision Song Playlists
  • I wouldn't mind an annual community song contest. That could be fun! But this is not it (or imo it should not be)

  • JK Rowling in ‘arrest me’ challenge over Scottish hate crime law
  • I am not sure she entirelly referes to you. It refers to people abusing transexuality to achieve other dreams or more dreams than just being themselves. At least this is how I understand her argumentations.

  • JK Rowling in ‘arrest me’ challenge over Scottish hate crime law
  • you can have my neutrality upvote for all its worth

  • JK Rowling in ‘arrest me’ challenge over Scottish hate crime law
  • The same law that prohibits hatred towards transgenders transgender people also prohibits it towards age discriination. (“stirring up hatred” relating to age, disability etc).

    Does this mean you can't call me a boomer any longer?

  • 🎵 Lemmyvision Song Playlists
  • I agree. Although I am not the organiser, i believed this to be a song contest among national communities not a song competition among communities. It may be a fun idea to work on but IMO this is the wrong place or time to do this

  • Legal status of cannabis possession for recreational use
  • Ok. The news did mention clubs but not in details

    So people can sell their cannabis to other members of the club? Whould this allow people to grow their 3 permitted plants for selling to others even though its only allowed to grow them for personal use?

  • Legal status of cannabis possession for recreational use
  • Welcome to Germany in blue since yesterday! Interestingly buying and selling it is still not allowed. You can grow up to three plants for own use

    I would expect or at least hope Denmark will follow suit.

  • Trash from the International Space Station may have hit a house in Florida
  • Quite invasive forced cookies this site uses! Had to pass this one

  • Dronning af månen - Pil (Danish submission for Lemmyvission 2024)

    The finalist that was picked by the Danish community over at

    The song is called: Dronning af Månen (by Pil) (YT, Spotify)

    We had 12 nominations, and you can listen to them all on our playlist ((Spotify, Youtube))


    #Top 3 was:

    -Dronning af månen - Pil (15,7%) (YT, Spotify)

    -Mandariner - Ganger (11,8%) ((YT, Spotify)

    -Dansevisen - Svea S (9,8 %) ((YT, Spotify)

    2 cosmicrookie
    Vinderen af Årest danske Lemmyvission blev:

    Lemmyvission er en international sang konkurrence blandt nationale communities på Lemmy hvor hver land indsender én sang der skal representere deres land.

    Blandt kravene er at sangen skal være udgivet i det forgangne år, være sunget på (et af) landets officielle sprog, og ikke være et international hit.

    Mange af jer har meldt ind med gode bud og selv om nogle af dem ikke var egnet (primært pga udgivelses datoen) så blev det til 12 rigtige gode sange der kan høres på denne playliste (Spotify, Youtube)

    Efter en kort afstemning, som forhåbenlig bliver lidt længere næste gang, så blev Den endelige vindere fundet, som går videre til at kæmpe mod de andre landes bud.

    Top 3 blandt de 12 danske nominerede sange blev

    -Dronning af månen - Pil (15,7% af stemmerne)

    -Mandariner - Ganger (11,8% af stemmerne)

    -Dansevisen - Svea S (9,8 % af stemmerne)

    Man kan følge resten af Lemmyvission her:

    5 cosmicrookie
    Lemmyvision 2024 DK **Afstemning**

    Det er tid til at stemme på din yndlings dansk sang til Lemmyvision 2024


    _____________________________________ Dette er den endlige liste af sange der kvalificerede sig (jeg måtte desværre fjerne en del gode bud, som ikke var udgivet i 2023)

    Du kan stemme på 3 sange. Deadline er 31/marts til midnat. Vinderen der går videre til den international konkurrence, bliver offentligjort her hos i et sepperat indlæg. Lemmyvision bliver afholdt her: _____________________________________ Sangene kan høres her:



    Would you think of words that you don't know, ending with "phile" as something sexual (or negative)?

    I am looking for a name for an idea that I have for a website. It is a niche hobby, but there is a greek word for it that most people don't know. Lets say its a book club and the word was Bibliophile or a music club called Melophile.

    Would you, if you did not know the meaning, think of it as something sexual, or maybe even something bad? I am nervous that users might relate it to pedophile even though that is just one of, (but maybe best known) philias there are

    Multi-blog set up - what are your suggestions?

    I want to run a Wordpress site, where users can sign up and publish their own blog/journals. Its for a niche hobby, where each user can sign up, and start sharing their experiences and updates they do with their hobby.

    My initial plan is to have a main front page feed with updates from all uses, but also a page for each user to group their posts. Also options to follow each user and intergration to ActivityPub.

    How would you suggest I did this? Do I need any plug in, or would a vanilla installation work fine for it?

    what can I host on a webserver?

    I have a few domains and some space available on a we server that I have had for ages but never really used. Its mainly meant for website hosting and it works pretty well for WordPress and similar services.

    Could I host any self posted programs on such a server and what should I search for when researching options?

    I can set up a database and upload files to the ftp server but i dont believe that i have a C panel or can run ssh.

    11 Leading adviser quits over Instagram’s failure to remove self-harm content

    Exclusive: Psychologist accuses Meta of ‘turning a blind eye’ to posts she believes represent further danger to vulnerable women

    Leading adviser quits over Instagram’s failure to remove self-harm content

    A leading psychologist who advises Meta on suicide prevention and self-harm has quit her role, accusing the tech giant of “turning a blind eye” to harmful content on Instagram, repeatedly ignoring expert advice and prioritising profit over lives.

    Have you tried making your own fish food?

    Last month I tried making some food for my goldfish. It turned out quite well so I thought id share it with you guys

    I'm not on other social media b t if you sill are you are more than welcome to share it with others

    150gr mixed shellfish or shrimp 100gr cod fish 150gr peas 1 garlic clove ½ squash ½ carrot 1 teaspoon Kelp 1 teaspoon Spirulina (You can replace the algae powders with crushed multivitamins but it is not reccomended) 1½ teaspoon Agar (ideally more)

    EDIT: I have since experimented some more with this, and found out that agar works best when it is boiled. Simply boil it in some water, before adding to the blend. Also use more Agar than described here

    0 cosmicrookie
    Er det fedt at være taxachauffør?

    Jeg har ret meget fritid og overvejer om jeg ikke kunne suplere mine imdtægt med et extra job som deltids taxachauffør

    Jeg har undersøgt mulighederne med kursus men jeg er ikke sikker på om det er så fedt et job som jeg forestiller mig

    Jeg er god til at omgås mennesker selv om jeg egentligt er introvert. Altså jeg ville sagtens kunne agere sympatisk over for kunder, meget nemmere end jeg kan være det over for kollegaer i mit job!

    Jeg nyder at køre bil. Bor i Nordjylland. Har ikke noget imod at arbejde om natten selv om jeg foretrækker ikke at gøre det.

    Jeg ville nok allerhelst finde noget courier kørsel mellem land delene eller nabolande men har ikke lastbils kørekort

    Ville i mene det ville være et godt bud med taxachauffør eller har i nogle andre bud?

    US embassy warns of imminent attack in Moscow by 'extremists'

    MOSCOW, March 8 (Reuters) - The U.S. embassy in Russia warned that "extremists" had imminent plans for an attack in Moscow, hours after Russian security services said they had foiled a planned shooting at a synagogue by a cell from the Afghan arm of Islamic State

    4 cosmicrookie
    Hvorfor har vi ikke en statsejet bank?

    Når banker nu tjener så mange penge, skal reddes af staten når det går galt og det er et krav at man har en konto, hvorfor driver staten ikke en bank service?

    31 cosmicrookie
    Skal være med på Lemmyvision? (EDIT: tilføjet Spotify playliste)

    Som jeg forstår det, er det en Lemmy basseret national konkurrence om bedste sang, alla Eurovision. Hver land kan diskuttere og udvælge en sang som de vil sende ind til konkurrencen, men den skal være sunget på det sprog det kommer fra.

    Jeg forrestiller os at vi kunne lave en spotify/youtube playliste med de froskellige danske forslag og tag den derfra lidt inden fisten fristen i slutningen af måneden?

    EDIT: Jeg har tilføjet kravene til sangene her: -Each Lemmy community is responsible for their own organization. -Only one (1) song is to be sent to represent your country. -If the song contains vocals then it must be in (one of) the official language(s) of your country, or a regional language in your country. -Songs must have been released within the last year (after January 1st, 2023). -Songs must not be international hits (I’ll update on how this is evaluated). -Verification will probably require a link to the discussion thread created within your community, to ensure it’s a community (not a single person’s) decision.

    Skriv gerne foslag, som kommentar til denne tråd!

    PS: af alle de Danske foslag til året meldoy grand prix, er der ingen der kan indsendes, da de alle er på Engelsk!

    Her er en foreløbig playliste. Forslag bliver løbende tilføjet! Jeg har taget mig frigheden og tilføjet en håndful 2023 ørehængere så den ikke var så tom


    Youtube (opdateres periodisk)

    _____________________________________________________ -From right now and until April 1st, discuss with your country’s community on Lemmy about which song to send and share to the Fediverse. -On April 1st, voting will begin, where you will rank your favourite songs. Any song not submitted by this date will not be featured. -On April 8th, results of everyone’s favourite songs will be published. -Join us at ! for any question, this will be the community for updates and results, make sure to subscribe if you’d like to stay in the loop. _____________________________________________________

    Der er mere info her

    Failing to install Mint on Boot. Not Found

    I have created an USB key with Mint, but when I boot from it I get a few lines of errors

    • Failed to open \EFI\BOOT\mmx64.efi - Not Found
    • Failed to load image ??: Not Found
    • Failed to start MokManager: Not Found
    • Something has gone seriously wrong: import_mok_state () failed: Not Found

    I have tried disabling safe boot, and fast boot. I have confirmed that my system has UEFI.

    I believe that I once managed to run Mint off the USB but have not managed to do so since

    Failing to run Mint on boot ("Not Found")

    I have created an USB key with Mint, but when I boot from it I get a few lines of errors

    • Failed to open \EFI\BOOT\mmx64.efi - Not Found
    • Failed to load image ??: Not Found
    • Failed to start MokManager: Not Found
    • Something has gone seriously wrong: import_mok_state () failed: Not Found

    I have tried disabling safe boot, and fast boot. I have confirmed that my system has UEFI.

    I believe that I once managed to run Mint off the USB but have not managed to do so since

    Political Memes cosmicrookie
    They can't all be fake pics right?

    Donald Trump supporters are targeting black voters with disinformation, including AI-generated fake images of the former president, campaigners have warned.

    They can't all be AI and fake right?

    Donald Trump supporters are targeting black voters with disinformation, including AI-generated fake images of the former president, campaigners have warned.

    ChromeOS cosmicrookie
    Danish schools seem to drop Chromebooks unless they change regulations Uden ny lovgivning vil kommuner droppe Chromebooks til sommer | Nyheder | DR

    Hvis der ikke bliver lavet ny lovgivning, så vil de 53 kommuner, der har fået et påbud i forbindelse med brugen af Googles Chromebook-computere, ikke have andet valg end at droppe dem fra 1. august.

    Uden ny lovgivning vil kommuner droppe Chromebooks til sommer | Nyheder | DR

    There might be many cheap Chromebooks for sale in Denmark this summer (article in Danish)

    Facebook let's EU users without a Facebook account

    I haven't deletes my Facebook account yet because I need the messenger functionality. But I haven't used or accepted Facebook terms from November about targeted ads or paid subscription.

    Now though, I don't need the Facebook account any more. Here are some long screen dumpsnof further information

    I was also verybpleased to find an option in Facebook thatbleta you transference pictures fr your accounts to drop box (or other cloud storage services)


    Suggestion: highlight new content in comments

    I see a small + sign followed by the number of new comments to a post since i last saw it.

    Could you maybe add and option to have those comments highlighted with maybe a different background son that they are easier to see/find?

    cosmicrookie cosmicrookie
    Posts 79
    Comments 1.2K