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PlayStation 5 Pro Blog Post
  • Or 800€...

    This whole thing is shaping up to be the PS3's "five hundred and ninety nine us dollars" version 2.

  • Rust for Linux revisited (by Drew DeVault)
  • It depends on if you can feasibly implement compatibility layers for large parts of the "required" but very work-intensive drivers. FreeBSD has the same driver struggles and ended up with LinuxKPI to support AMD/Intel GPUs. I know there's a whole bunch of toy kernels that implemented compatibility layers for parts of Linux in some fashion too.

    It's a ton of work overall but there's room to lift enough already existing stuff from Linux to get the ball rolling.

  • Tried to install Nixos for the first time..
  • In my experience, most hangs with a message about amdgpu loading on screen are caused by an amdgpu issue of some kind. I'd check to see if amdgpu ends up being loaded correctly via lsmod | grep amdgpu and just a general journalctl -b 0 | grep amdgpu to see if there's any obvious failures there. Chances are that even if it's not amdgpu, the real failure is in the journal somewhere.

    Could be a wrong setting of hardware.enableRedistributableFirmware (should be true) or the new-ish hardware.amdgpu.initrd.enable (can be either really but either true or false might be more or less reliable on your system).

  • CEO of Telegram messaging app arrested in France, say French media
  • The main reason many sub-communities are stuck on Telegram (and Discord) are the public group chat/broadcast channel related features. Signal still has a 1000 member group size limit, which is more than enough for a "group DM" but mostly useless for groups with publicly posted invite links. Those same groups would also much rather have functional scrollback/search on join instead of encryption.

  • Are selfhosted Piped instances still working?
  • Gonna add a dissenting "maybe but not really". YT is really aggressive on this kinda stuff lately and the situation is changing month by month. YT has multiple ways of flagging your IP as potentially problematic and as soon as you get flagged you're going to end up having to run quite an annoying mess of scripts that may or may not last in the long term. There's some instructions in a stickied issue on the Invidious repo.

  • How could simulating the ports as open be useful?
  • You can't pretend an open port is closed, because an open port is really just a service that's listening. You can't pretend-close it and still have that service work. The only thing you can do is firewalling off the entire service, but presumably, any competent distro will firewall off all services by default and any service listening publicly is doing so for a good reason.

    I guess it comes down to whether they feel like it's worth obfuscating port scan data. If you deploy that across all of your network then you make things just a little bit more annoying for attackers. It's a tiny bit of obfuscation that doesn't really matter, but I guess plenty of security teams need every win they can get, as management is always demanding that you do more even after you've done everything that's actually useful.

  • Nintendo had its own internal “social media” to streamline the massive workload during Tears of the Kingdom’s development
  • Looking at the slides in the original Japanese source, this tooling also has a whole lot of analysis options and can pull/push game data/positioning both to and from a real Switch or something along those lines. Integrating that much custom features into an off-the-shelf tool would probably take just as long.

  • What is the most duct-tape thing you've done to Linux?
  • Did a physical-to-virtual-to-physical conversion to upgrade and unbreak a webserver that had been messed up by simultaneously installing packages from Debian and Ubuntu.

  • “Something has gone seriously wrong,” dual-boot systems warn after Microsoft update
  • It's a problem in the Secure Boot chain, every system is affected by any vulnerability in any past, present or future bootloader that that system currently trusts. Even if it's an OS you aren't using, an attacker could "just" install that vulnerable bootloader.

    That said, MS had also been patching their own CVE-2023-24932 / CVE-2024-38058, and disabled the fix for that in this update due to widespread issues with it. I don't think anyone knows what they're doing anymore.

  • Password length requirement
  • bcrypt has a maximum password length of 56 to 72 bytes and while it's not today's preferred algo for new stuff, it's still completely fine and widely used.

  • How have you automated configuring your machines in terms of packages and dotfiles so it works cross-distro?
  • My dotfiles aren't distro-specific because they're symlinks into a git repo (or tarball) + a homegrown shell script to make them, and that's about the end of it.

    My NixOS configuration is split between must-have CLI tools/nice-to-have CLI tools/hardware-related CLI tools/GUI tools and functions as a suitable reference for non-Nix distros, even having a few comments on what the package names are elsewhere, but installation is ultimately still manual.

  • Opinion | Don’t Get Fooled Again by Crypto
  • It's absolutely not the case that nobody was thinking about computer power use. The Energy Star program had been around for around 15 years at that point and even had an EU-US agreement, and that was sitting alongside the EU's own energy program. Getting an 80Plus-certified power supply was already common advice to anyone custom-building a PC which was by far the primary group of users doing Bitcoin mining before it had any kind of mainstream attention. And the original Bitcoin PDF includes the phrase "In our case, it is CPU time and electricity that is expended.", despite not going in-depth (it doesn't go in-depth on anything).

    The late 00s weren't the late 90s where the most common OS in use did not support CPU idle without third party tooling hacking it in.

  • Real examples here?
  • has the email collection.

  • #StopKillingGames update: Finland just passed the threshold.
  • Eh, no. "I'm going to make things annoying for you until you give up" is literally something already happening, Titanfall and the like suffered from it hugely. "I'm going to steal your stuff and sell it" is a tale old as time, warez CDs used to be commonplace; it's generally avoided by giving people a way to buy your thing and giving people that bought the thing a way to access it. The situation where a third party profits off your game is more likely to happen if you don't release server binaries! For example, the WoW private/emulator server scene had a huge problem with people hoarding scripts, backend systems and bugfixes, which is one of the reasons hosted servers could get away with fairly extreme P2W.

    And he seems to completely misunderstand what happens to IP when a studio shuts down. Whether it's bankruptcy or a planned closure, it will get sold off just like a laptop owned by the company would and the new owner of the rights can enforce on it if they think it's useful. Orphan works/"abandonware" can happen, just like they can to non-GaaS games and movies, but that's a horrible failing on part of the company.

  • Disappearing files on NTFS volume 😵‍💫
  • There's been an exFAT driver in the kernel for a couple of years now (merged after Microsoft's patent pact added ExFAT), it works fine. Same driver gets used on Android for SD card support.

  • What type of scam is this?
  • Pretty much every form of these scams is some kind of advance fee fraud. Two more possible avenues:

    • "Upgrade to a business account". They send you an email purporting to be from the payment provider you used saying you need to upgrade to business to receive a payment that large, and the upgrade page is a fake website run by the scammer that asks for a "refundable deposit" or the like (with a little helping of credit card fraud and of course a business account will require all kinds of personal info useful for identity theft too).
    • "But I want it as an NFT" was popular for a bit, they want you to "pre-pay the minting fee but it's ok I'll add it to your payment" and then they disappear. But they want it on a website ran by them and the moment you put the crypto in they disappear. Not sure this scam is popular nowadays because NFT screams scam to just about everyone for a lot of different reasons. But "rich guy spends $5000 on dumbass NFT" was a legitimate genre of news for a little moment.

    It's all preying on someone that thinks they got an easy paycheck for work that they've already done, on a populace of artists that could really use said paycheck to pay for food and are thus willing to overlook weirdness or principles. They also tend to pick on newer and younger artists that haven't quite figured out how to run a business yet, hoping that they haven't heard of scams specifically targeted to their sector.

  • The "Stop Killing Games" EU Petition is Live
  • Releasing server binaries (nobody in the context of this petition is asking for source code) is one option. Single player mode is another. Everything you'd wanna know is on . Exact wording of laws and the like comes in a later phase, as with every initiative ever it will be up to the lawmaking body to make that.

  • DF Weekly: Some original Xbox One units failing to update, disabling most console functions. Mandatory online features again raise concerns about the future of game and console preservation.
  • Probably an anti-piracy thing. It's pretty common in the console hacking scene for only specific versions to be vulnerable, or only have exploits released for a specific set of versions. People can get around it by looking for games released with specific updates on the disc/cart but it's a pain.

  • backups for SD card disk image? that don't take up tonnes of space and can be rolled back?
  • Easiest way would be to use borg create --read-special --chunker-params fixed,4194304 '/home/user/sdcardbackup::{now}' /dev/sdX (which I copied from the examples in the documentation). I'm not sure if Vorta has a way to activate --read-special but I suspect not; you can most likely still use it to make the repo and manage archives inside of it though.

    Backing up from a command/stdin might also be relevant as an alternative, since that lets you back up more or less anything.

  • Activision secretly experimented on 50% of Call of Duty players by 'decreasing' skill-based matchmaking, and determined players like SBMM even if they don't know it
  • Browsing through the PDF, I'm getting the vibe that their way of measuring "skill" is weird. They claim to use multiple methods of measuring, they list a few obvious ones that they've found to be bad, but they don't say which ones they are using because "we are constantly iterating on our performance metrics to optimize the player experience per game-mode".

    Elo-like systems tend to adjust skill based on the chance of winning current match X win/loss, but they're not (just) doing that. I wonder if they have a few weird metrics that look good on paper/in the lab but don't feel good in play.

  • chameleon chameleon

    i'm lizard

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