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28 June 2024
  • Home, home on the range🎶

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • It was just…. ugh. 😞

  • That's just what happens. It's life.
  • Did Russell Crowe gain weight for a movie role, bc of health issues or because he discovered the all you can eat buffet on Carnival Cruises?

  • New reading spots

    I live alone and read books. I mostly read them at home but I'd like to go out and read. The thing is I have really bad adhd so it involves not just my Kindle but I also listen to the audiobook at the same time or I can't stay focused on the book. I just listen to it on my phone with earbuds so it's hopefully not a huge deal but it can’t be too loud or chaotic.

    Where can I go out and "read" besides a coffee shop or the library. The library isn't convenient and it's a little weird going to coffee shops over and over again. I live in a big city so I'm sure there are other places I just don't know what they are.

    Any suggestions?

    Proton is transitioning towards a non-profit structure
  • Just renewed at $200 for a 2 year subscription. Wonder if I can make it tax deductible.

  • What movies & tv shows use Dolby Atmos really well?
  • Same. That’s why I asked the question here lol. Gonna try out some of these recommendations over the weekend.

  • Any recommendations for an alternative to Squeezebox/LMS?
  • Have you looked at snapcast? It's one of the tools I'm going to evaluate for a similar use case. I'm not sure if it works with Plex OOTB but it the docs say it supports UPnP. Snapcast is actively maintained so you can just create an issue on github and see how they reply.

  • What movies & tv shows use Dolby Atmos really well?

    Most shows that have Dolby Atmos don’t really do a great job of leveraging its capabilities but some do an amazing job.

    Which movies/shows do you think have scenes where Dolby Atmos really adds to your viewing experience?

    Uber Loses Bid to Topple California’s Gig Worker Status Law Uber Loses Bid to Topple California’s Gig Worker Status Law (2)

    Uber Technologies Inc., Postmates Inc., and other gig employers failed to convince a federal appeals court that California unconstitutionally targeted ride-hail and other app-based companies through a law that treats most workers by default as employees with broader rights than independent contracto...

    Uber Loses Bid to Topple California’s Gig Worker Status Law (2)
    What do you think of my lemmy filtered keywords?
  • I’m American and “spelled” is correct here. I concede that in other parts of the world, spelt is acceptable.

    It’s true; the American English past tense form is spelled. In other varieties of English, both spelled and spelt are common.

    Regarding incorrect versus wrong, it’s the adverb. “Spell” is a verb, and you need an adverb to modify the verb.

  • What do you think of my lemmy filtered keywords?
  • I’m American and “spelled” is correct here. I concede that in other parts of the world, spelt is acceptable.

    It’s true; the American English past tense form is spelled. In other varieties of English, both spelled and spelt are common.

  • What do you think of my lemmy filtered keywords?
  • *spelled. Spelt is a type of wheat.

    And if we’re being picky, he spelled it incorrectly, not wrong.

  • Are there mobile apps for RedLib?

    I’m thinking something similar to Yattee / Invidious.

    iOS is preferable.

    It's been around a year since a lot of us quit Reddit, myself included. I'm happy with Lemmy, but I still feel a bit lost online since leaving the old site. Discussion?
  • I used to go to Lebanon all the time. Now that I’m back in America, it’s hard to get back. I loved it there despite the political and economic realities.

    Would happily settle there if it ever became stable.

  • Just got texted a job offer. You guys think it's legit?
  • Love job offers that begin with, “I apologize”

  • For those who selfhost their music services, what are your must have plugins for beets and/or Musicbrainz
  • Same. I just know there is a lot more out there and hope those ppl chime in. 🤞

  • For those who selfhost their music services, what are your must have plugins for beets and/or Musicbrainz
  • I use JF and tag my music with the MB ID too. Not what I’m asking.

    I want to know if ppl use the playlist auto-generator plugins, lyrics plugin or others to enhance their experience.

  • An Opensubsonic server in Rust
  • Mildly racist

  • [SVT-AV1 git] Introduce the variance boost feature (proper psy based variance spatio-temporal adaptive quantization)
  • That’s it? I don’t need any arguments or options when I do the transcode?

  • [SVT-AV1 git] Introduce the variance boost feature (proper psy based variance spatio-temporal adaptive quantization)
  • I know everyone is really excited about this. If I’m using ffmpeg, how do I use it (once ffmpeg merges this update)?

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Not the dev but afaik it is read-only. You login in order to create custom feeds of the subs that you want to look at. But you wouldn’t login with your Reddit username and password, you would create new credentials for this separate service.

  • To those who got the Reddit/MorganStanley email... Are you gonna do it?

    Asking because I got it and I'm not really sure what to do. So, I wanted to see what strangers on the internet are going to do.

    I don't have an existing e-trade account and I'm not super excited about creating one for the singular purpose of this IPO. But, if I can quickly make a couple of bucks and then cash out, that might be worth it.

    Are there rules to when you cash out if you get in at the IPO price? Could I buy-in at the $30-ish/share price and couple that with a trailing stop-loss order? Maybe this isn't the right Lemmy community to ask this, but I figured I'd give it a shot.

    What linux program do you use to rip CDs (just audio)

    I tried fre:ac but got an error from cddb when trying to connect to the database. Looking to rip to both FLAC and to Opus. Ideally with the latest codec updates.

    Any recommendations?

    Is Reddit's updated API literally changing the structure of the data payload at random?

    It's not on every instance, so Libreddit still functions, but this seems to happen more and more on different instances. Then will get fixed and then fail again later the next day or week.

    Is Reddit's API literally changing the structure of the data payload randomly? Does anyone know why this is happening?

    Netflix 4K Documentaries

    I currently pay for Netflix 4K. But I want to watch the content in 4K on my laptop and Netflix won't let me do that since I'm using Linux/Firefox.

    I also have a Jellyfin server and rip my BluRays, so I'm used to ripping my own media to stream on my local network. I'd like to rip some of the newer "planet earth" style documentaries from Netflix which is presented in really beautiful 4k video. Is there a guide somewhere which will walk me though how to do this? I imagine I'll have to buy some additional gear to do this, but I'm not averse to that.

    If anyone can point me the right direction, I'd be grateful.

    qBit using .62Gigs of memory per torrent. Is this normal?

    Running Docker-ized qBittorrent v4.6.0. 64-bit on Ubuntu 23.10. Seeding 29 torrents, Leeching 0 torrents.

    According to Glances, it's using 18 Gigs of memory which seems high. I just wonder if maybe I have a setting somewhere that is problematic? Or is this typical behavior?

    Converting opus files to mp3

    I downloaded a "Linux ISO" which came as a series of *.opus files. My iPhone doesn't recognize them, so I was wondering if you guys might recommend a program to convert them to *.mp3 files.

    Ideally a mac or linux based program with a gui. Any suggestions?

    Giving my Roku box a 2nd life

    Does anyone know if it is possible to take a Roku box, wipe it and install something else on it? I was thinking LibreElec, something else Kodi-ish or even just stock android.

    Don't feel bad for the Moderators of Reddit

    I should begin by mentioning that I am (was) a moderator of three subreddits: one large subreddit, one NSFW subreddit and a medical-related subreddit. After u/spez's calamitous AMA, I joined Lemmy and haven't looked back. I am really enjoying the Lemmy/KBin vibe. It is very much an alpha (almost beta) product and the ad free, corporate free, decentralized nature of the fediverse has a thrill of its own.

    Over the past couple of months, Reddit has done everything it can to show its moderators that they are low-value and easily replaceable. They've done this by removing technical tools, killing off third party applications, crippling API changes and jaw-droppingly bad public relations. Heavily used products like /r/toolbox are no longer being actively developed. When Reddit API implements a breaking, non-backwards compatible change, that tool will also die.

    Yet the moderators of Reddit continue to moderate. They stay and help Reddit build Reddit. They continue to work for free; to allow Reddit to make money off of their work despite being abused. When I see things like the comment section on this post, I no longer feel sorry for the Reddit moderators still on the site. I see them as a sad, sorry group who cling to the false hope of a corporate turnaround. They could leave Reddit. They should leave Reddit.

    These moderators are in an abusive relationship with Reddit, Inc. I might understand the argument, "we built this community, we can't just abandon it". But would you give the same advice to someone else in an abusive relationship? I get that the analogy between the mods and the corp is an imperfect one, yet it is similar enough to be valid, in my opinion.

    Moderating is really hard. It is hard and thankless and never-ending. Finding good moderators who can handle the marathon nature of the gig is incredibly difficult. If Reddit moderators were to delete their moderating bots, downgrade their automod "code" and dial back their modding efforts to 5 min/week or less, it would materially hurt Reddit as a product.

    The sunk-cost fallacy is a real thing. If the Reddit mods understood this, they'd take their talents elsewhere. But as long as they continue to help Reddit build Reddit, one shouldn't feel sorry for them.

    They could leave. I did and I've never been happier.

    1Password: Rolling out telemetry this summer Rolling out our privacy-preserving telemetry system | 1Password

    We’ll soon be rolling out a privacy-preserving telemetry system to customer accounts. Learn how the rollout is going to work, and the steps we’ve taken to protect your privacy.

    Rolling out our privacy-preserving telemetry system | 1Password
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