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Awesome Grindcore Show at Sam Bond's Garage Tomorrow!

Awesome Grindcore Show at Sam Bond's Garage Tomorrow! ==========

Heyy it's been a while since I posted to the @eugene community!

I just wanted to let you all know about a show I'm excited for! It's at Sam Bond's Garage tomorrow (Tuesday, March 26th) at 6 PM, with $10 admission. For more info, check out their calendar.

*Permanently Deleted*
  • @AncientFutureNow awesome! It's great to see local music on here!

  • What is your opinion on left unity?
  • @punkisundead absolutely opposed to it. From my experiences in the local activist scene which tends to emphasize left unity, it's especially shitty as an anarchist to be talked down because of my issues with tons of hierarchy and abuse in those orgs because "we've gotta have left unity". The only solution I can think of is to split off and commit to anarchist principles, knowing that it will alienate many.

  • Cyclist's wrong-way ride leads to meth seizure, California warrant arrest
  • @kescusay @AncientFutureNow I'm personally more annoyed about people (including on occasion the cops themselves) who drive and park right in the middle of the bike lane. Seems to mostly be a problem around Dave's Hot Chicken, likely because they have curbside pickup even though the building is surrounded by bike lanes so there's no real curb to speak of.

    Either way, I'm not so sure that arresting people would be particularly helpful for either problem. There's got to be another way, somehow.

  • What the fuck is going on with the Eugene sub
  • @kescusay perhaps then, a larger effort must be made to encourage people on the Eugene sub to migrate, either to Emerald Social (from where they can join) or to Lemmy

  • Power out in SE Eugene (Edit: It's back)
  • @kescusay aw man that really sucks. Let us know if there's anything we as a community can do to help :)

  • New Post on my Personal Website: Scoping out the Eugene-Springfield Fediverse

    New Post on my Personal Website: Scoping out the Eugene-Springfield Fediverse ==========

    I recently wrote up a new post for my personal website about the Fediverse in relation to the Eugene-Springfield area, and figured I'd share it. Let me know what you think!


    \#Eugene #EugeneOR #EugeneOregon #Springfield #SpringfieldOregon #Oregon

    Stop The Presses, Literally — The Eugene Weekly Falls Victim to Financial Crime

    Stop The Presses, Literally — The Eugene Weekly Falls Victim to Financial Crime ==========

    A new article from @doublesidedmedia provides a pretty good summary of the embezzling of funds at @eugeneweekly



    Tabletop Gaming Event here in Eugene!

    Tabletop Gaming Event here in Eugene! ==========

    So tomorrow (as of when I'm posting this) there's going to be a tabletop gaming and fantasy focused holiday market over at Funagain Games. Figured I'd bring it up here since I only found out about it when I saw a poster around town.

    EDIT: It's from noon to 6 PM EDIT 2: It already happened, so don't get your hopes up


    \#ttrpgs #eugene #miniatures

    Anyone know when the High Street Protected Bikeway might open?
  • @magnetmagician @eugene hmm that would make sense. I haven't taken a look up there recently so idk what it's like up there

  • Anyone know when the High Street Protected Bikeway might open?
  • @magnetmagician @eugene hmm that would make sense. I haven't taken a look up there recently so idk what it's like up there

  • Anyone know when the High Street Protected Bikeway might open?

    Anyone know when the High Street Protected Bikeway might open? ==========

    I've been highly anticipating it ever since construction began, and it looks nearly finished to me. This would make so many trips much easier!

    @eugene \#Eugene #Bikes #BikeTooter

    Free Voice Training Workshop in Eugene!
  • @AncientFutureNow I have no idea. It seems like it was a one-off event

  • Free Voice Training Workshop in Eugene!

    Free Voice Training Workshop in Eugene!

    Seems like it might be a good idea for any fellow trans people in #Eugene who are interested in voice training to attend.


    [META] Should we have a separate sister community for discussing the University of Oregon?

    [META] Should we have a separate sister community for discussing the University of Oregon?

    I kinda feel like the university is a bit different, and it would be a great way to get more people who might be involved in campus life onto the fediverse as well as being a good place to discuss campus-specific topics without clogging the Eugene community. I'd be down to make one myself for that if that would be of interest.


    ONA is conducting a letter writing campaign to draw attention to the hospital closure.
  • @bamfic I would argue instead that it really doesn't matter what people do. The decision to close the hospital has already been made and probably won't be reversed. Starting from the assumption that no action will do anything for this, why should it matter what people do regarding this, as long as it's not hurting anyone?

    (Okay I'll get off my soapbox now lol)

  • City of Eugene considers ban on construction of new gas stations
  • @kescusay that seems like a great idea. Maybe also converting all the ugly parking lots into new affordable and/or free housing would be good too, as unrealistic as that would be

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • @kescusay I imagine it would be better to have a separate community just for reposting from the subreddit. That way those who actually are fine with the noisiness can follow it, and those who aren't can choose not to do so.

  • Loving these recall results. 90% "no" vote so far.
  • @kescusay What actual proposed legislation was this anyways?

  • Loving these recall results. 90% "no" vote so far.
  • @letsmakeafriendship I just abstained because I didn't feel like I got the full picture. Still don't have it

  • How would you like to see City Council spend their yearly $1.5 billion budget?
  • @letsmakeafriendship I would love to see even more spending on cycling infrastructure. We're already a pretty good city for cycling (we're no Amsterdam, but pretty amazing by US standards) but why not throw more money at it?

  • Hit and run havoc: Reckless driver apprehended after leading Eugene police on city-wide pursuit
  • @kescusay
    Yet another reason to get these death machines off the streets. There's no reason people should have to have metal boxes that can very easily injure or even kill people.

  • Oregon rent allowed to increase up to 10% in 2024
  • @NotBadAndYou They should require a rent DECREASE instead. It's already hella expensive

  • Received my Paul Holvey recall ballot
  • @kescusay I'm not going to vote because I'm not personally affected by him from what I can tell, so it doesn't feel right to decide on behalf of those who are.

  • Sad to hear that [@doublesidedmedia]( is ending.

    Sad to hear that @doublesidedmedia is ending.

    They were my favorite source of local news, especially since most local news outlets are just pushing copaganda all the time.


    Is this your cat? Missing cat found at The Vintage Café

    Is this your cat? Missing cat found at The Vintage Café ==========

    A five month old kitten was found at The Vintage Café, by 8th and Lincoln street. If you have any information about the cat's owner or are yourself the cat's owner, please contact Stefaney at (206) 960-3844. Figured it would be a good idea to post it here since getting the word out would likely make the search for the owner go faster ❤️


    [Now Released] Here have a little preview of The Sun Gem

    [Now Released] Here have a little preview of The Sun Gem

    an upcoming choose your own adventure game I'm working on for the #Commodore64 as part of a game jam

    Some things I learned when making this:

    1. It's better to make smaller games, as my last game was a more complex one that I couldn't finish
    2. Developing for a retro computer is easier when you don't use a game engine (luckily I don't really like working with game engines anyways)

    Edit: I released the game! Check it out here!

    \#GameDev #RetroGames #Commodore

    [Help make transit better in Lane County!](

    Help make transit better in Lane County! ==========

    Lane Transit District is asking for your help in reimagining our transit system for the future. Personally I'm really excited because I've had some ideas for ways in which we could improve transit, and now there's an opportunity to communicate them!

    Applications are available online and can be submitted until the 1st of August.


    Any good place to get kebabs in Eugene?

    Any good place to get kebabs in Eugene?

    I miss Caspian a lot.


    I made a horrible mistake with my first game

    I made a horrible mistake with my first game

    So for context: I'm a programmer and I like the idea of not using a game engine, but I have no real prior experience with game development specifically.

    I thought it was a good idea to make a text adventure game (think Zork) in C, since the language offers great portability, including the ability to run code on the 6502. Also a text adventure game made sense because I can't make art and idk anyone else who wanted to work on a game with me.

    This was a terrible idea for a few reasons:

    1. A text adventure game is impossible to make with a small scope
    2. My from-scratch engine wasn't really designed with modifying the game data mid-development in mind
    3. I have no clue what I'm doing.

    I just don't know what to do now. Any ideas? @gamedev

    This Community Says Enough to Eviction!

    This Community Says Enough to Eviction! ==========

    Just letting you know about this event since fighting evictions is well, important!

    If you're in @eugene you should definitely consider coming to this event if you can.

    It's on Wednesday, June 21st at 8 AM at the Lane County Courthouse. Wear red!

    For more information, go to

    What a beautiful part of the Fox Hollow Trail!

    What a beautiful part of the Fox Hollow Trail!

    Feels like something out of a Studio Ghibli film! \#photography #nature #Eugene @eugene

    Season 6 Episode 3 *Attack of the Killer App* is *Still* Amazing!

    Season 6 Episode 3 Attack of the Killer App is Still Amazing! ----------

    This episode aged soo well! Especially all the commentary about Apple, privacy, and internet culture. It's surprising how well all the jokes aged in spite of all the changes to technology and society since the episode released.


    Ok I have a strange request for you (Tor hidden services)

    Ok I have a strange request for you (Tor hidden services) ----------

    @fediverse @fediversenews

    Can you recommend me some Tor Hidden Service fediverse instances? Preferably this would include federation over Tor as well.

    ch0ccyra1n ch0ccyra1n :she_her:

    I'm ch0ccyra1n, thanks for stopping by!

    Nerdy (secular) jewish individualist anarchist trans catgirl

    Former technomancer and writer for @uo\_studentinsurgent

    איך הײַס טשאַקירײן, דאַנק פור טשעק מײן פּראָפיל

    נערדי יידיש אַנאַרכיסטישע טראַנסמיניק קאַצמײדל

    געװעזענע טעקנאָמאַנסערין און שרײַבערין פור דער סטודענט אויפשטאַנד

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