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NBC to use AI-generated version of Al Michaels' voice during Summer Olympics
  • Michaels uttered perhaps the most famous six words in the history of sports broadcasting at the 1980 Lake Placid Winter Olympics after the U.S. hockey team triumphed over the Soviet Union in a stunning upset: "Do you believe in miracles? Yes!"

    It's tragic that the humanity of these types of things that are understood by humans will be lost in AI.

  • Open source Git repo owners with open licenses, how do you know your code is being used by a big corpo?
  • For MIT/Apache it doesn't matter. That's always a problem with those free to use licenses you have a "good idea" who's using it, but you never really can tell. It also creates a shit load of wasted improvements every time a company uses it, moth balls the project, but never pushes code upstream because why do that? \s So you sit back and hope that someone in the company feels a big enough moral drive or obligation to contribute their improvements up stream. But, how can you tell definitively? You can sometimes see it in the job descriptions they are hiring for, also I have had companies reach out out me personally for help. Many open source projects also will reach out and ask, and if they get the ok, will put it in the project description in order to encourage others companies to do the same. So why to companies bother? The funny thing about open source is that it lets people who like solving tough problems (the best type of engineers) know where the tough problems are being definitively solved, because here's the code, and here's the author from xyz company contributing and showing the rest of the world how it's done. Often this will bring in engineers who are at the top of their game to these companies.

  • Spectrum Call Center in Charlotte, NC Reportedly Provided Fried Chicken and Watermelon to Employees for Juneteenth
  • Racism has very little to do with being offended. It goes much deeper than that. If all racism entailed were a few people being offended then we wouldn't have a holiday based around the freeing of a enslaved people. If people continue to tell people to get over it, nothing will ever change because the healing can never begin.

  • ‘Will I ever retire?’: millennials wonder what’s on the other side of middle age
  • Early Gen X, late millennial here. This, wondering how we are going to pay for the skyrocketing health care, day to to living, and send our kids to school. We are told to invest in 401k's which after living through the dot com bust and housing crash, is a total fucking gamble. How are we going to live? To be blunt, this country just doesn't give a fuck, I expect to be working until I die.

  • YouTube's next move might make it virtually impossible to block ads
  • People will find a way to get around it, I could see buffering a video for 5 mins or even downloading the entire video ala locally playing podcasts, then using AI or some type of frame analyzation technique t to skip ads. Or just skip them like good old fashion Tivo from your player.

  • Move over, Ford and Chevy: Kei trucks are pulling up as customers opt for smaller, cheaper vehicles
  • I call bs, a motorcycle provides way less protection. And which states are they illegal in? Lobbying and another money grab from corporations in our "free market" society. I would love one of these BTW.

  • Weekly “What are you playing” Thread || Week of June 9th
  • Jumped back into Octopath traveler. After a bit of a hiatus.

  • Anyone here on a 2nd hand EV? What has the buying/ ownership experience been like so far?
  • Same here, it soured me on evs. I'll never buy a leaf again. I had problem after problem with that pos. "But they require no maintenance". Yeah right...

  • Microsoft Releases Azure Linux 3.0 Preview
  • Why would do people even bother with this? If you want something by m$ just use windows.

  • Anyone else have this happen after grabbing a coffee?
  • I don't wear it myself, but I think a lot of people apply it by putting it on their hands then "dabbing" it on their neck, face...ect.. Then they touch the cups. At first I thought it was just at one shop, then it kept happening at different places. I wonder if has something to do with the cup being warm, maybe it's more likely to have the scent stick to it or something.

  • Anyone else have this happen after grabbing a coffee?

    I grab a cup coffee from a shop and it's ruined because the barista is wearing cologne or perfume that inevitably has gotten on the cup and it's all I can smell when I take a sip. I guess 2 things, this means 1 they haven't thoroughly washed their hands, and 2 I can't drink the coffee because it smells so bad and I have to throw it out. Not sure why, but I haven't had this happen with any other type of food/drink, just coffee.

    The difference that proper air/fuel mixture makes.
  • I have found this to be the case with all Samsung products. I'm not sure why or when they became so popular.

  • How easy is it to switch back to windows?
  • this 👆 dual boot doesn't always work because windows can be finicky with boot partitions as well as boot partition security issues. Save yourself a headache if you want to go back, just pop your current drive out, and put it in a external case so you can access the files. Hard drives are cheap.

  • How a fed up carpenter found his stolen power tools — and 15,000 others
  • This has happened to myself as well as other friends in the trades where you are expected to buy and maintain your own tools. Not only do you to loose thousands of dollars in tools, it also effects ongoing and new work as well as a shit load of time spent rebuying and finding the right tools again. The police just don't care, the last time it happened I didn't even bother filing a report. I consider this one of the lowest forms of petty theft. It kills people's lively hoods and takes food out of their family's mouths.

  • Biden: what would Trump have done if the Capitol riots had been led by Black Americans?
  • According to Biden if you are black and you voted for Trump, nothing, because - “You got more questions, but I tell you what, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

  • OpenAI loses its voice

    The company hasn’t been the same since Sam Altman’s return — and its treatment of Scarlett Johansson should worry everyone

    OpenAI loses its voice

    The company hasn’t been the same since Sam Altman’s return — and its treatment of Scarlett Johansson should worry everyone

    224 Injured After Glitchy Diabetes App Drains Insulin Pump Batteries
  • The problem with this logic is the manufactures have no control over the iPhone update. The article didn't go into exactly what happened, but it could have been that the device worked fine at launch, but then Apple released an update which caused an issue in the app. Even if it didn't happen this way I could definitely see it happening. Using an app for critical life sustaining medical devices is like playing Russian Roulette, an update from Google or Apple can put you in the hospital, or worse.

  • EPA earmarks $3 billion to replace lead pipes nationwide

    From the article:

    How much would it cost to get lead out of the U.S.’s drinking water? A back-of-the-envelope calculation based on EPA’s estimate of average replacement cost per line ($4,700) and assumption of 6 to 10 million lead service lines across the country suggests the cost could range from $28 billion to $47 billion, putting Biden’s originally-proposed $45 billion near the top of that range—but the $15 billion legislated well below it.

    Seems like just a drop in the bucket! HAHAHA, ha... ehh...

  • Businesses Are Getting People Killed

    The number one local obstruction to curbing traffic violence is local commerce and merchant groups.

    Businesses Are Getting People Killed
    Apex Legends streamers surprised to find aimbot and other hacks added to their PCs in the middle of major competition via anti-cheat software

    Wow it finally happened. So glad I switched to steam running on linux mint last week. I refused to install helldivers because it wanted to install some no holds barred god level permissions anti-cheat software. Windows 11 was the last straw for me. Good times..

    >The volunteers at the Anti-Cheat Police Department have since issued a PSA announcing, "There is currently an RCE exploit being abused in [Apex Legends]" and that it could be delivered via from the game itself, or its anti-cheat protection. "I would advise against playing any games protected by EAC or any EA titles", they went on to say.

    >As for players of the tournament, they strongly recommended taking protective measures. "It is advisable that you change your Discord passwords and ensure that your emails are secure. also enable MFA for all your accounts if you have not done it yet", they said, "perform a clean OS reinstall as soon as possible. Do not take any chances with your personal information, your PC may have been exposed to a rootkit or other malicious software that could cause further damage."

    TikTok Ban, good or bad? Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is assembling an investor group to buy TikTok

    Mnuchin, a Republican who was Treasury secretary under former President Trump, said he is assembling an investor group to try to purchase the China-based company.

    Former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is assembling an investor group to buy TikTok

    As someone in the US who has had their private data leaked multiple times (ive lost count) and is extremely careful when browsing you tube as to not be drawn into a conspiracy ridden rabbit hole, I'm not sure what the point of this tik tok ban is. To me tik tok is social media business as usual. If congress is going to go this hard on a social media company and privacy concerns they should be doing this with all the other companies that pry into our private lives and try their best to manipulate us as well (car makers, appliance manufactures, phone makers, wearbales, ect...) otherwise to me this comes across as the US congress extorting a single company to make billionaires richer. It has been shown time and time again that even US based social media companies are vulnerable to influencing conspiracy theorists and swaying the votes of thousands of people.I feel like we are at the pinnacle of technological ignorance here. Thoughts?

    I'm a US citizen, people in other countries, what do you think when you read stories like these about the US health care system?

    I'd like to know other non-US citizen's opinions on your health care system are when you read a story like this. I know there are worse places in the world to receive health care, and better. What runs through your heads when you have a medical emergency?

    A little background on my question:

    My son was having trouble breathing after having a cold for a couple of days and we needed to stop and take the time to see if our insurance would be accepted at the closest emergency room so we didn't end up with a huge bill (like 2000$-5000$). This was a pretty involved ~10 minute process of logging into our insurance carrier, and unsuccessfully finding the answer there. Then calling the hospital and having them tell us to look it up by scrolling through some links using the local search tool on their website. This gave me some serious pause, what if it was a real emergency, like the kind where you have no time to call and see if the closest hospital takes your insurance.

    217 Opinions?

    Codeberg is a non-profit, community-led organization that aims to help free and open source projects prosper by giving them a safe and friendly home.

    Hello, I was thinking of moving all my open source projects here. Anyone have any opinions? Excuse the post if this has been discussed previously, I was unable to find anything directly relating to peoples opinions on using it.

    Edit: Lots of great discussion going on here! Thanks to everyone who contributed! I wasn't sure before but now I am set on moving all my projects over. The fact that it will be federated makes it even more appealing given that github is now requiring phone numbers and other personal information in order to create an account on their site.

    NVidia Shield For Streaming Steam Games Opinions?

    I really get fatigued sitting in my chair playing steam games, I almost pulled the trigger on one of these the other day with the intent of installing moonlight, and sunshine to stream to my TV. Anyone have any opinions? I saw there's 2 versions, does it make sense to get the pro version? Can I use my PS5 controller on it?

    Edit: Thanks for all the input everyone!You all have given me a lot to mull over, much appreciated.

    Spam calls and texts are driving me fing crazy anyone have suggestions?

    After repeated data breaches that no company really seems to give a s--- about my phone is blowing up with literally hundreds of spam calls and texts month. I get and make MAAAAYBE 2 or 3 important calls per month, 180-200 of the rest are literally all spam. Anyone have any suggestions, apps ect that they have found refuge with? I really don't use SMS that much either, mostly it's via signal, discord whats app, ect...

    Just to put it out there I run CalyxOS on a Pixel 5a.

    Aptera Motors Solar Powered EV

    This car seems pretty amazing if it comes to fruition.

    Rocket Milano Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing

    I love my new Rocket Milano, but it buzzes like craaaAAzy when making a shot. I understand the pump buzzes, but it also sounds like there is bare metal hitting metal inside, like a metal tube is rattling against the metal case. Is this normal?

    How do people find good information on the internet these days?

    It used to be that you would do a search on a relevant subject and get blog posts, forums posts, and maybe a couple of relevant companies offering the product or service. (And if you wanted more information on said company you could give them a call and actually talk to a real person about said service) You could even trust amazon and yelp reviews. Now searches have been completely taken over by Forbes top 10 lists, random affiliate link click through aggregators that copy and paste each others work, review factories that will kill your competitors and boost your product stars, ect.... It seems like the internet has gotten soooo much harder to use, just because you have to wade through all the bullshit. It's no wonder people switch to reddit and lemmy style sites, in a way it mirrors a little what kind of information you used to be able to garner from the internet in it's early days. What do people do these days to find genuine information about products or services?

    Favorite Linux Prompts?

    I was curious as to what prompts people find are the best for development? I'm looking for a change from the generic debian:

    PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[00m\]\$ '

    Which yields:


    Training using AMD GPUs?

    Everything seems to be very Cuda centric, has anyone tried training or other ml projects using AMD GPUs? How was it?

    Open EVSE vs Grizzly Charger

    Which one should I get? I'm mostly concerned about support. I like them both because I don't have to worry about using them with an app.

    Pam cooking spray substitutes?

    I bought a refillable spray bottle designed for cooking oils. Unfortunately the oils I have tried don't compare to the ones in the cans (PAM cooking spray with lecithin) Can anyone suggest a good refillable substitute for PAM? Anyone tried mixing up their own lecithin laced cooking oils?

    11 Eureka Mignon Libra Espresso Grinder

    What is it? The Libra is an espresso-focused home grinder that can grind your dose based on a set weight directly into your portafilter. The grinder has an adjustable portafilter rest designed to fit any size portafilter with ease for hands-free grinding. The 55mm flat hardened stainless steel burrs...

    Anyone tried this new grind by weight grinder from Eureka? Thoughts?

    Web Site for Reporting Cars in Bike Lanes Seattle Cars In Bike Lanes

    Pictures of cars in bike lanes. Accepting submissions through website, Twitter/Mastodon mention, or DM.

    My friend made a website to track cars in bike lanes. Enjoy!

    catch22 catch22
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