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Any news on Sublinks?
  • Developing a platform like this is a lot of work and very technical. Communicating every step of the way to a non-technical audience would double the workload.

    There's basically two types of projects: Those that are dead, and those that are not. The fact that it is still getting commits means it's in the latter category, and it'll be done when it's done.

    It can be frustrating waiting for open source projects to progress, but part of what makes open source great is that you don't need to rush half-baked features in order to meet some corporate roadmap. :)

  • Fork it! It's time for a Mastodon hard fork
  • Yeah, the irony is not lost on me!

    Early on in the life of software I think a faster pace of development makes sense, when the software is less complex and there are fewer affected users. I think most Piefed users accept that they are very much using software that is still in active development.

    Mastodon, on the other hand, is used by people who consider it to already be mature. A large number of people and organizations depend on it. Personally I trust it with the only actively maintained social media account I have in my real name. Moving too fast and making mistakes could have pretty fatal consequences there.

    There are features I would like to see implemented as well - I think proper quote posts will be nothing but a huge improvement - but I appreciate that the developers are taking their sweet time making sure to get it right. And if Piefed reaches a million active users I expect its developer(s) to do the same.

  • Fork it! It's time for a Mastodon hard fork
  • I've been using Linux half my life, I have my own Email server, I avoid centralized social media and I hate Outlook with a passion.

    I have two active accounts there.

  • Fork it! It's time for a Mastodon hard fork
  • If I recall correctly it just doesn't scale well, and starts performing poorly as the user count goes up.

    Personally I prefer Mastodon. In the end there's only three dimensions: Security, performance, and personal preference.

    I'm happy with how Mastodon is being run. Move fast and break things kan kiss my ass. Move slowly and don't suck.

  • How do you connect with people and make friends without social media?
  • It takes time to build friendships. If you meet people for an activity that's a start, but if you don't feel like any of them are friend material (or they're too busy) you need to branch out. Try finding a larger/different group that does that activity, or better yet, try out something else.

    Volunteering tends to be a great starting point.

    Friendships often start with a leap of faith of sorts - you hang out in a given context, and at some point somebody takes the next step (wanna grab a beer/grab lunch/come for dinner/go to the game/whatever)

    You kind of do things that are a bit ahead of your current level of friendship, and then if it works out you've managed to upgrade.

  • Labour deselecting left-wing candidates and women of colour in first week of campaign
  • Much more informative than my post - thank you for the write-up, sorry for jumping the line!

  • Labour deselecting left-wing candidates and women of colour in first week of campaign Pauline von Hellermann (

    Attached: 1 image #GE2024 What have Labour done in their first campaign week? Deselected left-wing (not Israel supporting) candidates!! Diane Abbott (not sure but looks like it), now Doctor Faiza Shaheen, in Chingford, and more. This is appalling. Really angry. #UKPolitics EDIT: it’s become a bit...

    Pauline von Hellermann (

    Labour has decided to start their campaign with a bang, pruning women of colour and left wingers from the ballot due to reasons such as liking tweets sharing Jon Stewart videos. At the end of the day it boils down to support for Palestine.

    Looks like Labour is doing what they can to make sure UK politics remains completely fucked even after the end of the Tory rule.

    I deleted my Google account…
  • It's a bit of a dog whistle, I just don't entirely understand for what yet. Basically you're better off not asking and going on with your life.

    A charitable answer is, however, that a central source of income for Mozilla is Google paying them to remain their default search engine. Mozilla is hesitant to truly attack Google, as it would be biting the hand that feeds it.

    More importantly though, Mozilla has a female chairwoman. A lot of tech savvy people would rather stick with Brave, whose CEO they can relate to.

  • ‘A deranged fringe movement’: what is Maga communism, the online ideology platformed by Tucker Carlson?
  • We all know Trump is Putin's man in America. We all witnessed his presidency, we all saw their cozy little press conference with their secret little meeting.

    It boggles my mind how dishonest or plain stupid one has to be, as a serious journalist, to frame MAGA Putin supporters as something intellectually surprising or out of the ordinary. Trumpism has been Putin's project since day one, and there's no way the journalist is not aware of that.

    Journalists are so fucking hungry for a spin they obscure reality in the process.

  • Germany: We will execute ICC warrant against Netanyahu
  • I hate that I'm surprised by the clarity of this answer. Hopefully Netanyahu is too.

  • American wanting to move abroad, what's the best bet for an registered nurse?
  • I'd consider Bolzano. You'd get by with German, and you get to live in a beautiful part of the arguably most beautiful country of Europe.

  • American wanting to move abroad, what's the best bet for an registered nurse?
  • In Germany? You'll be fine, they're very aware of the threat of antisemitism but it's not any worse than elsewhere.

    Now, whether German culture is enjoyable is another question.

  • American wanting to move abroad, what's the best bet for an registered nurse?
  • Israeli politics have been fucked for a long time. Netanyahu has always been a dangerous extremist, and the fact that people repeatedly voted for him speaks volumes for the political culture.

  • American wanting to move abroad, what's the best bet for an registered nurse?
  • If by Eastern Europe you mean Belarus and Hungary, maybe.

  • Why is RFK Jr. polling steadily around 10%? Does anyone know anyone who is voting for him? What are their reasons / brainworms?
  • I think, like so many other realities of American politics, it needs to be understood as a sad reflection of America itself.

    RFK Jr. caters to a specific branch of the mentally ill, but in a country with severe social problems and unavailable mental health care services this is not such a tiny niche. COVID sent a lot of people over the edge, and an anti-vaccine candidate in it's wake is bound to do well.

    Combine this with the fact that conspiratorially minded Americans are obsessed with the Kennedys, and you have yourself a candidate who appeals strongly to a non-negligible part of the population.

  • Will I ever be seen as truly British?
  • You'll never be anything less than what you are, but that's a strength. Just speaking two languages well already puts you at an advantage. The experiences you have of seeing the cultures in relation to each other also gives you an edge.

    Sometimes it's nice to be able to just blend in, but life is all about learning and gathering experiences and impressions, and you have a head start. It might not always be easy, but you'll learn to appreciate it.

    And as long as Poland is in the EU I'd much rather have a Polish passport than an English one.

  • Interview with brilliant University of Chicago protester Raph (

    Attached: 1 video Student protestors are portrayed as anywhere between naive and brainwashed. Now listen to this. Nothing naive here. #Israel #Gaza #Chicago #Palestine #StudentProtests

    Raph (

    The police stormed the protest camp at the University of Chicago in the middle of the night, leading to a great interview with a student talking about, among other things, the cowardness of following orders.

    If you could guarantee that one action you undertake would be successful, what would it be?
  • Progressive tax is normal in most functional countries, it's not rocket science.

    Basically you define X as a base sum that needs to be controlled for inflation. Minimum wage can be 2X, whereas 100% taxation might be reached at an income of 300X. In this scenario, nobody could earn more than 150 times minimum wage, and manipulating the calculation of X to make the rich richer would also benefit everyone else.

    A bigger challenge is that billionaire scum tend not to have income, only loans, so they don't pay tax at all. But that's also easily fixed if there's political will.

  • What are the most mindblowingly creative, inventive, or otherwise otherworldly albums you know of?
  • When you play it louder the silences hit so much harder. What an experience.

  • What are the most mindblowingly creative, inventive, or otherwise otherworldly albums you know of?
  • King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King.

    It's just exploding with creativity and craftsmanship throughout the album. The opening tune (21st Century Schizoid Man) was unlike anything anyone had ever heard at the time it was released, and there's honestly still not much like it out there. And the transition to Moonchild after it is equally mind-blowing just for the contrast alone. The title track remains one of the most incredible things I've heard.

    Zappa also has a lot of good candidates for this list. I'm soft for Freak Out, where the madness started, but some might argue something like Joe's Garage is a better example.

  • What's something you'll never get the store brand/generic of?
  • Shoes. You don't end up saving money and it's not worth the pain. I tried for years back when I couldn't afford a thing and concluded that there's simply no such thing as cheap good shoes.

  • 108 arrested including Rep. Ilhan Omar's daughter at pro-Palestinian protest at Columbia University
  • The most (only?) surprising thing about this is that Omar has an adult daughter - I thought she was famous for being so incredibly young herself.

    Almost as if "young" doesn't really mean anything, and is just used to silence and discredit people (women) one disagrees with.


  • On the posting warning

    I noticed responding to posts in communities hosted at gives the following warning:

    > > > This post is hosted on which will ban you for saying anything negative about China, Russia or Putin. Tread carefully. > >

    While I see where this is coming from and I agree with the general sentiment, I'm not sure it's a great idea to include such a message. I basically read it as an invitation to be off-topic and to derail conversations in order to annoy the admins. While it comes from a point of good intentions, it can be disheartening for the people running communities on to receive comments about Russia from users basically trying to get banned, in communities that has nothing to do with this issue.

    It's unfortunate, but a lot of valuable older communities are still hosted on, and I think PieFed users should be encouraged to be constructive and on-topic users there as they should be everywhere else.

    An alternative suggestion: Maybe it could be useful to remind people which community they are posting in? Like, "This community is dedicated to renewable energy. Please keep this in mind when contributing to the discussion". Then again, that would be a mess to implement in a good way.

    User-sourced content moderation


    The CSAM scandal the other day got me thinking about the (often lacking) capability of the Threadiverse to deal with quickly with content moderation, and since PieFed has already been a bit experimental in this regard, I figured maybe this is a place where I could ask if an idea is feasible. Sorry if it's a bad match!

    The idea is to identify trusted users, in the same way that PieFed currently identifies potentially problematic users. Long term users with significantly more upvotes than downvotes. These trusted users could get an additional option to report a post, beyond "Report to moderator": Something like "Mark as abuse".

    The user would be informed that this is meant for content that clearly goes against the rules of the server, that any other type of issue should be reported to moderators, and that abuse of the function leads to revoke of privilege to use it and, if intentional, potentially a ban.

    If the user accepts this and marks a post as abuse, every post by the OP of the marked post would be temporarily hidden on the instance and marked for review by a moderator. The moderator can then choose to either 1) ban the user posting abusive material, or 2) make the posts visible again, and remove the "trusted" flag of the reporting user and hence avoiding similar false positives in the future.

    A problem I keep seeing on the threadiverse is that bad content tends to remain available too long, as many smaller instances means that the moderating team might simply all be asleep. So this seems like one possible way of mitigating that. Maybe it's not technically feasible, and maybe it's just not a particularly good idea; it might also not be a particularly original idea, I don't know. But I figured it might be worth discussing.

    Integration with the broader Fediverse

    Congratulations on having made such a great tool, even in its early phase! It seems very solid.

    I'm curious about the long-term plans for the project: Is the idea to work strictly with the Threadiverse (similar to Lemmy), or are there plans to integrate more with the microblog platforms (similar to Kbin)? Any particular difference in approach to Fediverse integration vis-a-vis the two main platforms?

    cabbage cabbage

    Not ideologically pure.

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